Essay Sample on Improving Access to Education

Published: 2023-11-14
Essay Sample on Improving Access to Education
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Learning Education Data analysis
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1784 words
15 min read

Education can be said to be a discipline that involves teaching and learning in any given environment. The environment for education may include any environment, but the most common situation is that learning takes place in a school setting (Chandra-Mouli & Akwara, 2020). Various scholars have given meaning to learning in different ways. The most common definition that was given by Burch et al. (2016) is that education is the transmission of values and other knowledge that gets accumulated about society. It is also referred to as enculturation by scientists.

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There are three common forms of education, namely, formal, non-formal, and informal education (Burch et al., 2016). Formal education is also called formal learning. It is the education that takes place on the premises of a given school. In this form of learning, students are taught academic, essential, and trading skills. Informal education can be said to be learning where a parent teaches a child about various important issues, such as cooking. In addition to that, this kind of education is acquired in secondary sources such as reading books. Lastly, there is the non-formal education that includes adult education and adult literacy

With various forms of education, it is critical to understand that education is vital. It is noted that training is necessary for everyone so that the individual can improve his knowledge, his way of life, and his economic and social status (Burch et al., 2016). With education, a person is said to gain knowledge and improve his confidence level to face life with a strong belief. An individual develops his career that is associated with his personal growth. With all this vast importance of education, it is essential to improve access to education and ensure that everyone has access to it together with the resources that are needed.

Literature Review

Various scholars have shown the importance of education, the effects of poor education, and how to improve knowledge so that everyone has access to education.

Case Study 1: Importance of Education

Education has been given an upper hand as the greatest equalizer between individuals. The world can only get observed as fair and just where everyone gave an equal opportunity. This can only get achieved when everyone has an education (Chandra-Mouli & Akwara, 2020). Education is the only factor that can eliminate the differences between social classes and gender and ensure that there is equity in the society. It gets said that education gives an individual opportunity to seek jobs all over the world without any limitation of either gender or social class.

Secondly, education is the only key that can turn the dreams of an individual into reality. Education is the key to all that individual aims to do, whether he or she wants to be rich or popular in society. This is exceptional as education will ensure that an individual seeks a job opportunity that will act as a gate to what the person feels like being in society. Almost every great person in the world in well-educated except for a few individuals that have used the shortcut to their reality (Balde et al., 2017).

Thirdly, education is the most significant factor that leads to a happy and stable life. A comfortable and durable experience is associated with a great job and has an excellent social reputation that is all caused by education. Education has ensured that those that have graduated with a higher grade have been employed and have a stable life (Marchisio et al., 2019). Finance is all that ensure an individual has a better experience that is associated with acquiring a better job. According to Chandra-Mouli & Akwara (2020), education is a must for a promising and the most secure future that has a stable life and all the resources that an individual need.

Lastly, education leads to money. As earlier indicated, education enables an individual to land a better job that is said to have better pay. Money is very vital for survival and ensures since it allows for an individual to get all the resources that one needs. The more educated an individual is, the better career options that the individual is granted (Marchisio et al., 2019).

Case Study 2: Effects of Poor Education

Poor education is associated with poverty. Individuals not well educated are likely to become poor since they will not have access to money, and all the other essential resources required for a better life. Most of the poor individuals were not educated, or they did not have a quality education that could have ensured that they get better opportunities like other individuals (Burch et al., 2016).

Secondly, poor quality education leads to unemployment (Balde et al., 2017). If an individual that has poor education results apply for a job, the chances that the individual will acquire the job are very minimal. Most of the companies compared qualifications during recruitment and employee those that have higher performance since it gets believed that they will be competitive and improve the company. Poor performers are only neglected since they are assumed to be failures, and they will not perform when incorporated in the company.

Lastly, poor education is associated with increased illegal activities (Chandra-Mouli & Akwara, 2020). Most of the individuals are not able to secure jobs since they performed lowly, or they did not receive the quality education as others. Since these individuals are not able to acquire employment, they are likely to engage in illegal activities so that they can earn a living. Criminal actions are the only action that does not a certificate and hence remains the only option for these individuals (Marchisio et al., 2019).

Case Study 3: Improving Access to Education

The only way to ensure that everyone gets education is to improve access to education and improve its quality. Firstly, to improve access to education is to solve the school and to support a family dilemma. It gets noted that most students do not go to schools so that they can support their families (Burch et al., 2016). To reduce this problem, it is essential to come up with a program to help low-income families both in commercial purposes for the children at school and family needs. For example, it gets indicated that Mexico developed a Progresa. This is a conditional cash transfer initiative that provides a fixed monetary transfer to families if their children attend 85% of their school days (Chandra-Mouli & Akwara, 2020). This has helped to keep children at school.

In some parts of the world, children do miss school because they want to eat. It gets noted that hunger keeps millions of children out of school, and hence the only way to help these children is to provide nutrition or food. Due to lack of food, families opt to take their children with them to the field to look for food and hence missing out going to school (Giaquinto et al., 2020). Thirdly, access to education only improved by reducing absenteeism in teachers. Some parts of the world, such as Asia, have recorded a poor attendance of teachers. These have negatively affected access to education. Students attend schools, but there are no educators that will help those students.

Lastly, access to improved education is only achieved through empowering students. Some of the teachers do not have the required content that they can converge to students, and hence they end up administering poor knowledge that will not be useful to students at the end of the day (Chandra-Mouli & Akwara, 2020). Also, the country may have many schools that do not have teachers that are necessary for providing the required knowledge.

Methodology: Collecting Data

Data collection involved the collection of qualitative data from secondary sources. Qualitative data collection included the collection of characteristics and approximation (Burch et al., 2016). Qualitative data was collected using observations, interviews, and focus groups, as these were the best method to gather relevant data that gets needed for the study. As the research focuses on improving access to education, it is required to understand the factors that have caused increased poor-quality knowledge in the world.

Qualitative data collection is considered since it provides depth and details of the factors that have led to reduced access to education and understand the attitude that different individuals have on learning. This was necessary so that the best solution to the problem can be derived. Secondly, the qualitative method was applied as it creates openness between the researcher and the respondent (Marchisio et al., 2019). The technique encourages the respondent to expand their response, and it was applied to open up new topics that may be affecting the education sector. The data was collected using the following procedure:


Individuals located in small groups asked questions on why there is poor access to education and how to improve the education sector. This was also accompanied by recording the response of the groups and even the individual that was the interview. The interview used was structured so that the answers that were acquired were uniform and could be analyzed to provide insight into the data collected.

Reading Past Journals

This was also the method that was applied to collect relevant information on the topic. Journals and articles are rich in content that both give a verdict to why there is poor access to education and give ways in which this only improved to have access to education and 100% school turnout (Burch et al., 2016). The information collected from these contents was recorded for future analysis and giving a conclusion on how to improve access to education.

During the collection of data, formative data collected. This because it provides timely data and critical evidence only used for coming up with a solution affecting the education sector. In addition to that, formative data provides the skill level, the concept in mastery, and the progress of the children at school and hence is a useful method to come up with solutions to a given company problem (Balde et al., 2017).

During the collection of data, the team cooperated to ensure that the exercise runs smoothly and within the time scheduled. The team was divided into groups of two members to as to increase the coverage area and interview as much respondent as possible. The grouping was the best strategy that was shared by the stakeholders that made the activities to be more accessible and deliver the results with the time scheduled (Giaquinto et al., 2020). Collaboratory, the team suggested using structured interview questions so that the response can easily be analyzed and the best outcome achievable. Lastly, the timeline helped not to spend too much time within one region carrying out the interview, and it ensures that all regions covered within the period. When carrying out research, it is essential to consider time and deliver results within the scheduled time (Chandra-Mouli & Akwara, 2020).

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