Free Essay. Integrating Theory into Practice

Published: 2023-08-20
Free Essay. Integrating Theory into Practice
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Counseling Consciousness Behavior Cognitive development
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1376 words
12 min read

As a therapist's tine is expected to transfer the theories, they accumulated during their study into practice using various methods. Many models can be applied during a session in the profession to help the patient on their journey to recovery from a mental illness. For this paper, we have chosen the cognitive and behavioral therapy model, in which we discuss the critical and distinctive elements associated with its application. Additionally, reasons, why a practicing professional needs to apply the model for their potential clients and what it means to them, are discussed. Subsequently, an analysis of the self-as-instrument concept is conducted to gain an understanding of how the counselor acts as an agent of change for the client. The paper will also include how one as a counselor intends to integrate the technique and philosophy of the theory while showing the selective nature of the theories they choose to apply to their clients. Concurrently, a description of the steps one follows to handle challenges such as resistance, countertransference, transference, and other related issues is given. Finally, concerning recent trends, an explanation of how a counselor intends to integrate multicultural issues and concerns with the cognitive-behavioral theory is covered in the paper.

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Cognitive-behavioural therapy model refers to a method used by psychologist to help improve their client's mental health. Within the theory, there are vital aspects that hold value to the client's self-evaluation of progress (Corey, 2016). For example, the model works on an ever-evolving formula which is based on the patient's issues and her ability to capture the process. Therefore, the therapy works with the patient's pace and the number of sessions is determined by how long it takes the patient to comprehend their mental issue and, which, steps they are required to follow to overcome the problem. Another aspect of the model that is important to the patient is a good relationship with their therapist because it is a crucial contribution to building trust, which is essential for the client to be able to open up to their counsellor. The emphasis placed on active participation a part of the application of the model in therapy is essential to the client because it allows them to feel in control of their treatment. Having goals and sharing them with one's client is a necessary and distinctive element, which has meaning to the patient such as providing a realistic expectation and time structure to help avoid dragging out the process by avoiding their issues.

Cognitive-behavioural therapy model uses self as an instrument for the counsellor to act as the agent of change for the client's recovery purpose. The counsellor orients the client by allowing them to express themselves before they break down their mental issue in a simplified mode for them to understand. After the breakdown, the counsellor is supposed to strategize a plan of action and communicate it to the client, so they can have a mental picture of when they are expected to have the required skills to complete the recovery process on their own (Hall, G. C. N., & Ibaraki, A. Y, 2016). During therapy since the model is client-centred the counsellor's work is to act as a tool that the client can use to help solve their mental issue, which means the therapist only aids and suggests solutions for challenges the client faces during therapy. For example, after the therapist coaches the patient on how to tackle their issue, they have to guide the patient through processes of the suggested method that they find it difficult to apply to their daily life.

Depending on what type of mental illness, the patient is suffering from the integration of some techniques in applying the philosophy of cognitive behavioural therapy will be chosen in favour of others. The reason why a counsellor might prefer one technique over another is reliant on the character of the patient and the symptoms they exhibit. By setting up a series of steps to follow during therapy sessions, one will be able to apply the theories acquired from studying cognitive-behavioural therapy. An application of the best-suited theories for each stage will be incorporated to ensure efficiency in the recovery of patients. First, one will embark on analyzing the patient's cognitive basis to gauge their negative thought pattern as well as their own.

Consequently, evaluation of cognitive patterns is done to ensure the preparedness of both parties using the theory of active participation to facilitate this step. Other steps include the therapist aquatint themselves with the view of the patient on their condition. Once the counselor understands the client, a form of exposure therapy is applied to help the patient face their fears. Following a schedule is part of the procedure to ensure both the client and the counselor allocate each step the necessary time needed for the therapy to be effective. Techniques for relaxation are necessary to relieve any pressure that accumulated due to therapy. For involving recovery processes, the counselor divides it into manageable sections so it does not become overwhelming to the patient, a situation which could lead to regression.

In rare cases, the patient begins to develop a negative attitude towards therapy, which is when they begin to showcase signs of resistance to the process, countertransference, and transference. As a therapist, one should be able to handle such issues as they arise to help the patient get back on track. There are various approaches one can use to handle such issues, one of which is seeking the underlying issue which has prompted the negativity towards the process. Once the underlying cause is established, the counselor has to find means to motivate the client to reestablish commitment to the therapy. Many causes can cause the patient to react negatively towards the model of therapy, and each object warrants a different tactic of approach to help the patient regain faith in the process. Most of the models' disadvantages are to blame for such occurrences, but they are well known, and the counselor should be prepared for their eventualities. Notably, since all the steps included in the theory of cognitive-behavioral therapy have a foundation of strength which is key in helping the client overcome any challenges they encounter during their recovery. Since the client uses their strong characteristics to combat their shortcomings, it is easier to convince them to regain faith in the process by showing them how much progress they have made by relying on their strengths.

Most standard therapy models accommodate American cultures without struggle, however the face limitations in handling issues of individuals from other cultures. Therefore, it is crucial as a counselor to identify such constraints and find solutions for them to accommodate clients that originate from non-American cultures (Hope, 2019). Using literature of the cultural adaptation of cognitive-behavioral theory, one can analyze the cultural expectations of the patient and apply treatment theories according to the guideline. In this case, it is recommended for the therapist to handle traditional cultures that they can comprehend so that they can increase the level of aid they can provide to that patient.

Therapy is a process that should be treated with care, despite which model a counselor chooses to apply. Each model has guidelines one has to follow as per their discretion; for instance, the paper document an example of how one might decide to apply cognitive-behavioral therapy. A counselor's method of approaching the use of the model is reliant on their experiences which they use to adjust the theories they apply to their patients. Therefore, a professional is expected to begin their practice with the recommended template, gradually changing it to suit the type of patient they treat. Additionally, the client-therapist relationship is a key feature in the patient’s recovery because they need to trust the person they share their insecurities with, which in most cases is the root cause of their mental illness.


Corey, G. (2016). Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy+ Student Manual. Brooks Cole.

Hall, G. C. N., & Ibaraki, A. Y. (2016). Multicultural issues in cognitive-behavioral therapy: Cultural adaptations and goodness of fit. The Oxford handbook of cognitive and behavioral therapies, 465-481.

Hope, D. A., Heimberg, R. G., & Turk, C. L. (2019). Managing social anxiety, therapist guide: A cognitive-behavioral therapy approach. Oxford University Press.

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