Essay Example: Is Happiness Attainable

Published: 2023-05-02
Essay Example: Is Happiness Attainable
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Philosophy Happiness Philosophers
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 508 words
5 min read

On the subject, of whether happiness is attainable different philosophers have provided diverse ideas on the same issue. Amidst all the philosophical explanations being stated on whether or not happiness is attainable, the fact is that all people desire it (Sherwin 36). Majority of contemporary proponents of the quest for happiness too, and equating happiness to pleasure that brings satisfaction to the state of mind. For example, John Locke argues that "happiness in its full scope is the innermost pleasure we are capable of, and further stated that happiness and misery contribute to pleasure and pain of the mind" (Sherwin 36). The essay will examine different reasons on whether happiness is attainable or not.

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Aristotle reckons that every day of our lives, we utter the word "happiness" in a sense that means "feeling good", "having fun" or in some way experiencing a lively pleasure of joy (Adler 1). The majority of people find themselves telling their friends that "I hope you will feel happier soon, once the situation has been resolved." Conversely, people feel appreciated when they are recognized during their greatest days- Happy Birthday, or Happy Anniversary (Adler 2). The feelings that one develops after hearing those words can also explain that happiness is attainable. Therefore, the above explanation states that happiness is more attainable than intrinsic.

Aristotle states that what is needed for happiness is "a wholesome life" that is ideally no young person has while he is still young. To illustrate that happiness is attainable, John Locke contended that men take "diverse and contrary ways" to realize happiness., although all aim to become happy (Kesebir, Pelin and Ed Diener 121). Turner also reckons that happiness is attainable at every season while suggesting that an underlying cause of unhappiness is not being contented with what you have (Turner 111). Another argument emerges from the perspective of happiness being viewed as a gift of God. Just like Aristotle, Augustine describes happiness as the supreme good (Kenny 22). He contends that happiness is genuinely possible in an afterlife or the vision of God. He states that anybody who wants to be happy must want to be immortal. It clearly shows that happiness attainable (Kenny 23).

In conclusion, happiness has been explained as attainable after examining the thoughts of great philosophers like Aristotle, John Locke, and Augustine. However, Augustine defines happiness in the context of immortality. On the other hand, Aristotle describes happiness as acquiring "feeling good", "having fun" or in some way experiencing a lively pleasure of joy

Works Cited

Adler, Mortimer J. "Aristotle's Ethics: The Theory Of Happiness-I." The Mortimer (2003).

Kenny, Charles. "The Philosophy of Happiness." 1-31.

Kesebir, Pelin, and Ed Diener. "In pursuit of happiness: Empirical answers to philosophical questions." The science of well-being. Springer, Dordrecht, 2009. 59-74.

Sherwin, Michael S. "Happiness and its Discontents." Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 13.4 (2010): 35-59. file:///C:/Users/User/Downloads/Happinessanditsdiscontents_Logos2010.pdf

Turner, Sharon. "Happiness Attainable At Every Season." The Saturday magazine 10.303 (1837): 111-111.

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