Essay Sample on Jefferson, Hamilton, and the American Economy

Published: 2023-12-30
Essay Sample on Jefferson, Hamilton, and the American Economy
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  United States Economics Thomas Jefferson
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 876 words
8 min read


Jefferson supports an agricultural economy as he argues that 90 percent of the Americans generated their income from agriculture and not the industries. According to Jefferson, the agricultural economy and life had made the country powerful. Venturing in agriculture will mean that the workshops remain in the country. Conversely, investing in industrialization would require repairing institutions, principles, churches, schools, and neighborhoods that the country was founded on. The agricultural economy would ensure that the community solves community problems. To emphasize his point, Jefferson responds to the Frenchman’s question of whether democracy or agrarian life maters. He maintains that the individual who labors in the earth are the people of God (Lindsay & Glenn, 2013). According to Jefferson, industrialization, commercialization, and centralization would result in many challenges in the future. The industries would lead to increased cities' growth that would result in complications (Lindsay & Glenn, 2013). The complication would require more regulation, which would later take away the rights of citizens. Furthermore, the industrial economy will do away with morals leading to crimes, prostitution, corruption, pollution, and sanitation, among other problems.

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With the manufacturing economy's adoption, Hamilton claims that American citizens would become more ambitious, talented, and competitive. While farming can be profitable to the family since the farmer gets support from family members in labor and profit, some people are naturally idle and depend on others' sweat. Manufacturing establishment would render every citizen useful, including children and women. Americans will be able to change from one occupation to another if they are not talented or satisfied with a particular job. People who choose to go to other countries would not be tempted to change the occupation but focus on the one they studied (Lindsay & Glenn, 2013). The specific talent would be acknowledged, and each individual would be incorporated by the element and activities of their vigor

Ronald Reagan’s “State of the Union Address” (1982)

American progressive leaders such as Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, and Lyndon Johnson focused on vast changes brought about by modernization, including pollution, large companies' growth, and corruption in American politics. For instance, Theodore Roosevelt was the first president to reduce the power of congress and executive while making the president more powerful. He reduced the power of the large corporation owners. The government desired to make society more fair and equitable. He revolutionized foreign affairs and applied charisma in his leadership. Similarly, Lyndon Johnson championed progressive reforms focused on developing a great society. The programs championed included the voting rights acts and civil rights act, Medicare, and head start. Just but to mention a few progressive reforms by American founders. Ronald Regan attended the meeting to talk about the declining economy, among other issues. The failing economy that originated from the recession period and the recovery process had just begun. The idea of Ronald Regan aligns with that of other progressive leaders through fighting for equitability and fairness of all citizens. The plan to evade unemployment, insecurity, among other issues. The approach was also collective and was to come from bipartisan and be fair (Lindsay & Glenn, 2013). Secondly, the president looks for the means to remedy the failing economy to benefit the entire country. For instance, he freezes the federal budget, and uncountable programs managed to benefit the whole country.

Tocqueville on Individualism

Individualism prevents self-governance because every person represents their own needs and opinions; as s a result, democracy is not practiced. Individuals will only seek the opinion within themselves, forgetting the views of others. Individualism allows a person to be selfish due to the ego (Lindsay & Glenn, 2013). Also, individualism is a mature feeling which allows every member of the society to serve themselves from the masses and draw a cycle of their friends, family, and relative. After creating a cycle, a person leaves society to be on its own. Individualism does not encourage the spirit of sacrifice during self-governance. When a person is self-reliant, he/she tend to be less bothered with what others do; therefore, he cannot act in the interest of many people but only his/her relatives. For instance, a ruling family may be favored in terms of employment and healthcare. Some families may spring up through self-governance while others fall since they can no longer access the favors anymore.

Democracy is being protected from individualism through the municipal institution and having representatives in the government. The representative oversees the need and interests of people (Lindsay & Glenn, 2013). The representatives from township or municipality leadership lead to the spirit of liberty. The people at the grassroots meet and share interests and agendas. In the process, the interest of each member is prioritized. Municipality institutions also combat individualism since it constitutes the strength of a free nation. Equality makes people become selfish and cease thinking about the good of the whole society. The American government allows leadership at the local level, including municipality. The people freely participate in the nation's politics, leading to political freedom, prevent citizens from individualism. The government also creates political opportunities and participation for people at the local level. As a result, they access their freedom following their interests and wishes.


Lindsay, T. K., & Glenn, G. D. (2013). Investigating American Democracy: Readings Core Questions. Oxford University Press.

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