John Vassallo MD EMR System Development: 5 Steps Explained - Paper Example

Published: 2023-11-14
John Vassallo MD EMR System Development: 5 Steps Explained - Paper Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Management Business
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1005 words
9 min read


The system development life cycle used in the development of the John Vassallo MD EMR entailed five steps that were followed in developing the system. The steps include:-

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The first step is system planning, where the developer plans how the system will be developed, the resources to be spent, how the system will be used, and the problem or need that the system is supposed to offer. The planning helps the organization to be prepared to incorporate the system into the organization. Stage two entails analysis and design, where user requirements are determined through a feasibility study (Raharjana & Cahyono, 2018). Analysis entails determining all the users and how they will use the system in delivering the objectives of the organization. System design entails developing the system according to user needs and ensuring that the system has all the components and the security measures that maintain the security of the system (Michigan State Medical Society, 2020). Stage three is the implementation and deployment of the system, and the users begin to use it. The fourth stage is system integration and implementation to enable users to start using the system. The last stage is system maintenance to ensure the system is working properly.

The Requirements for a Successful EHR Implementation

The requirements for a successful EMR implementation includes having appropriate hardware that is required to run the system. The EMR also requires a good and secure network to ensure the system is secure from attacks (Michigan State Medical Society, 2020). All the stakeholders that will be using the EHR need to be properly trained on how to use the system effectively. The health facility also needs to be properly planned by creating workflows that are aligned with the system. The support staff will be required to offer guidance that might be required when the users have challenges while using the system.

Migration Plan for an EHR Implementation

A migration plan for the EHR implementation is undertaken in different steps. The first step is planning, which involves activities such as preparing the data (Hartley & Jones, 2005). The second step involves vendor selection, where the user assesses different EMRs and selects one which best suits his/her needs. Vassallo’s office went online and looked at different EMRs, including NextGen, but chose Misys to best suit his needs (Michigan State Medical Society, 2020). The third step of the EHR migration plan involves implementation and Go-Live. This step is very vital and involves activities such as testing data extract. The final step involves post-Go-Live support, which involves activities of workflow changes.

EHR Implementation

The Misys Tiger practice management software EMR implementation was successful because the system was able to serve the objectives it was designed to serve in facilitating the billing and scheduling as planned (Raharjana & Cahyono, 2018). The system has facilitated the tracking of patient information, which a key challenge was affecting the organization that brought difficulties in providing quality services to the patients. Dr. Vassallo noted that users experienced challenges in learning how to use the EMR system; hence training the users after the system was implemented would have helped solve the challenges experienced.

Migration Path Used In the Implementation of EMR System

The EMR system was implemented simultaneously in all organizations, and the users where asked to implement the system in collecting and retrieving patient information (Michigan State Medical Society, 2020). The implementation of the system was implemented at a go because it offers critical service in the delivery of healthcare services (Raharjana & Cahyono, 2018). The implementation of the system was done to ensure data began to be collected and saved for future reference. The system also facilitates the sharing of information between different stakeholders that provide healthcare services. The migration replaced the hardcopy files with softcopy files.

Workflow and Needs Assessment

EMR system helps in improving the quality of care and patient outcomes through the improved management of data. Dr. Vassallo decided to use the EMR as he was a disorganized person and therefore lost things frequently (Michigan State Medical Society, 2020). The need for the system was to improve the record-keeping and accessibility to patient records. The system has eased the operations in Vassallo’s practice by helping check for any potential drug interactions, promoted offsite accessibility of patient records, and reduced the dispensing errors through the adoption of E-prescribing. The system as eased patent education regarding diagnoses and treatment decisions.

Needs assessment process

The needs assessment was effective as the system helped achieve the majority of the objectives. However, there was a challenge of incompatibility of the EMR with other software such as voice recognition software (Michigan State Medical Society, 2020). This is one aspect that should have been considered when selecting an EMR to avoid costs incurred in transcription services. The issue of the system's flexibility was another issue not addressed during the need assessment, thus making it challenging to add new patient data.

Areas for Improvement in the Workflow Process

The EMR needs improvement to eliminate the challenge experienced in voice recognition. Dr. Vassallo reports that more time is spent trying to retrieve information when the system fails to retrieve the health records that are used in treating the patients (Michigan State Medical Society, 2020). The improvement will streamline the workflow because less time will be spent trying to retrieve the health records. The system also requires periodic review and improvement to correct any errors that might make the users unable to perform the work effectively. The review allows the developers to implement updates that improve the system.


Hartley, C. P., & Jones, E. D. (2005). EHR implementation: A step-by-step guide for medical practice. Amer Medical Assn.

Michigan State Medical Society. (2020). Electronic Medical Records in Physician Practices: A Summary of 14 Case Studies to Guide Michigan Physicians.

Raharjana, I. K., & Cahyono, R. (2018). Development of Electronic Medical Record for Individual Physician Practices. Jurnal Sistem Informasi Indonesia, 3(2).

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John Vassallo MD EMR System Development: 5 Steps Explained - Paper Example. (2023, Nov 14). Retrieved from

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