Essay Example: Leadership Theory and Self-Awareness (5 Marks)

Published: 2023-09-12
Essay Example: Leadership Theory and Self-Awareness (5 Marks)
Essay type:  Personal statement
Categories:  Learning Motivation Personal leadership Leadership development
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 871 words
8 min read

In weeks 1 & 2, we discussed different leadership theories and completed a personality test that provided some strengths and weaknesses.

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Of the different leadership definitions, which aligns to your own philosophy the best, and provide a brief explanation. (2 marks)

Leadership is termed as a relationship. It is because it refers to the collaboration and working together of the leaders and employees. Leaders tend to motivate and inspire the employees by giving one proper direction on how to conduct the business.

Based on your personality type profile, discuss a strength you would want to build and discuss how building this strength would make you a better leader. (3 marks)

When the leader is an extroverted individual, one should strengthen teamwork and communication at the business place. It is because one can easily intermingle and communicate freely with the rest of the employees.

Part 2: Decision Making (10 marks)

In week 3, you learned about decision-making and the steps that can help you make a decision.

For each of the 5 steps of decision-making, name the step and discuss what made it easy or hard to do

Reasons for the step being easy or hard for you could be but not limited to:

Discuss how your personality may be more comfortable with a certain step

Discuss your motivation to make the decision

Discuss your level of understanding of the topic

Focus on any topics from the class

Answer in full sentences (Minimum 100 words)

Step 1: Define the problem

For one to solve a problem, one must determine what the actual problem entails, check out the possible solutions and how to approach it effectively. The first step involves identifying the problem to make the right decision. For one to make the right decision, it should be concise, specific, and tend to have a positive outcome to ensure that the person does not develop any regrets (Qin et al., 2017). The questions one may ask oneself include; What one has observed, What one was doing while the problem occurred, the information one needs, and how one can fully manage the problem at hand without affecting others.

Step 2: Generate alternatives

It refers to how one can identify alternatives to address a problem, and by doing so, one needs to be creative. When one is creative, one can quickly think of more than two options to solve the problem. One also employs the brainstorming tool, which one does with a group to identify potential options. The group may include family, friends, and others. When one is thinking about the alternatives, one needs to weight the possible impacts that tend to come by with selecting options (Sengupta, 2018). One needs to consider the values of the option and if it brings a positive impact on someone.

Step 3: Gather information and evaluate

For one to make an important decision, one needs to gather essential and relevant information. It includes the identification of various parties who will take part in the decision making processes. It also includes creating questions to ask persons, such as questionnaires that will aid one in decision making. One can also freely question experts to get vital information (Qin et al., 2017). One tends to use different criteria and tools to gather the raw information and later on evaluate it and also weigh the advantages and disadvantages of the problem. The essential skills in decision making include one having a positive mindset and also approach the fear with no doubts.

Step 4: Selection

It refers to the step that comes after one identifying one's goal and gathered all the essential information, and that one has weighed its consequences (Sengupta, 2018). It always refers to the step where one needs to choose to finish the final decision. For one not to use not relevant information, one needs to be informed (Qin et al., 2017). One also needs to adopt a positive and growth mindset, and through this, one can use decision thinking skills and avoid the rise of disappointments. One should not also use the assumption tools and techniques since through that, and one gets wrong information.

Step 5: Making the decision evaluating and adjust

After someone has made one's final decision, one needs to evaluate the decision made and the steps taken to ensure that the decision did works. One also needs to identify metrics of success that include; job satisfaction, peer feedback. Also, one needs to evaluate and determine ways to adjust and adapt to the new decision one has made (Qin et al., 2017). One needs to take a long time to evaluate the decision thoroughly, and also one can determine if the decision made is right to one's self or even it is essential in ensuring productivity at the business place, such as a period of 90 days, or even possibly a year.


Qin, Q., Liang, F., Li, L., & Wei, Y. (2017). Selection of energy performance contracting business models: A behavioral decision-making approach. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 72, 422-433.

Rathore, S., & Pandey, R. (2018). Reviewing emotional intelligence with leadership theory. Advances in Human Resources Management and Organizational Development, 1-13.

Sengupta, A. (2018). Self-awareness: An essential tool for effective leadership. CSA News, 63(4), 29-29.

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