LVMH: 60+ Prestigious Brands for Fashion & Luxury - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-10-15
LVMH: 60+ Prestigious Brands for Fashion & Luxury - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Business Fashion Art
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1164 words
10 min read


Moët Hennessy and Louis Vuitton, LVMH, is a French global group that claims over 60 renowned brands around the world (Donzé, 2018). The company has its home office in Paris. The activity of LVMH is fundamentally centered on the luxury business, and its range of items is partitioned into five nonexclusive fields: Fashion and Leather Goods, Perfumes and Cosmetics, Wines, and Spirits, Watches, and Jewelry Selective selling (Donzé, 2018).

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Because of its brand advancement system, and the extension of its global retail coordinate with more than 3,000 stores worldwide, LVMH has had a stable development since its incorporation in 1987 (Donzé, 2018). Today, just about 100,000 representatives, with a large portion of the workers based outside France, share their values (Donzé, 2018).

The LVMH bunch was established in 1987 because of the merger between Moët Hennessy and Louis Vuitton, which served to make the world chief in luxury merchandise. LVMH acquired a long history, and unites honorable professions, with profoundly established customs and a remarkable blend of universally prestigious brands (Donzé, 2018). The entities that structure some portion of the champagne, spirits, and leather merchandise division are longer than exceptionally old, and some were set up over two centuries back. This paper looks to investigate the expansion technique utilized by LVMH to accomplish business influence, the importance of investor value chain exercises with regards to the procurement of related business diversification, and how the organization used the business acquisition strategy to extend and differentiate the organization portfolio.

Strategy Approach That Was the Most Influential Contributor to LVMH Success

LVMH must keep on being equal with both style and innovativeness. Its items, and the social qualities they exemplify, mix custom and advancement, ignite fantasy, and dream (Sun & Govind, 2017). Given this strategic, five priorities mirror the essential attributes shared by all Group partners: to be imaginative and advanced, focus on item greatness, reinforce the picture of its brands with energetic assurance go about as business people and endeavor to be the best in everything it does

Advancement, separation, and positioning are the crucial mainstays of the serious methodology that LVMH follows. It has ace the specialty of differencing itself in each market section in which it works. The organization values long haul execution and are happy to furrow speculations into new item marks and give brand backing to broadened periods before anticipating apparent benefits (Andreou, et al., 2016). Sadly, although this drawn-out direction and reinvestment of benefits-improved its piece of the pie went on, it did not coordinate the contributing public's aspiration, particularly in significant capital markets, such as the United States (Sun & Govind, 2017). LVMH's corporate system is to hold an arrangement of the most loved luxury brands, and include an incentive through its particular assets, sourcing its supply chain management, brand, and talent.

It was a progression of progressive mergers, inspired by the liking of their center organizations, which prompted the LVMH group's foundation. Before the group, Bernard Arnault's administration was another critical achievement factor, which drives the group to the primary situation of the business. He obtained the organization through a takeover offer with the assistance of some French investor banks.

The Relevance of Shareholder Value Chain

The stakeholder value chain recommends that financial specialists value the exhibition of the company's supply chain and productivity (Andreou, et al., 2016). The capacity to decrease all expenses and scale the supply chain for new developing markets increases the value of an organization's stock execution. Securing a related business enhancement will expand the extent of deals for the business or potentially obtain internal control of a supply chain process. On the off chance that the acquisition extends the association's extension, stakeholders should evaluate its capacity to ingest coordination into the current flexibly chain (Andreou, et al., 2016). On the off chance that the flexible chain can bolster the procedure and potentially improve coordination, the organization's offer qualities will rise. On the off chance that investors are concerned for the capacity to meet current and new calculated prerequisites, share worth may diminish.

Obtaining a benefit that bolsters the flexible chain should occur when inside administration takes into account decreased operating expenses (Andreou, et al., 2016). If the future degree of profitability is high, and investors trust it tends to be run viably, the organization worth will rise. The company must ensure that acquisitions appropriately fit the plan of action, and logistical help is sufficient to support the expansion. Enhancements to the supply chain will expand an incentive for investors.

LVMH Business Acquisition Strategy in Efforts to Expand and Diversify the Company Portfolio

LVMH has an atypical structure, with 60 brands with various professions, present everywhere throughout the world with a stable personality, and a fitting positioning for each (Donzé, 2018). LVMH creates excellent products. Their particular ability is that the scope of results of LVMH is enormous. It is an upper hand supposing that clients are happy with one brand; they will confide in the group and unquestionably purchase another of their items. LVMH has its economy and network. Despite the monetary atmosphere, it needs to experience a bewildering increment in income and keep on turning into a realm by obtaining little assembling organizations and the absolute biggest design houses, gems, and watch organizations (Andreou, et al., 2016). By gaining these organizations, LVMH will lessen its cost, increment its industry information, improve its innovation permitting more prominent quality, and an increasingly active organization taking a colossal serious edge in new markets it enters.

LVMH Diversification Strategy

Diversification is the business idea that the company has several business items and administrations in the commercial center (Bowen, et al., 2015). The objective is to guarantee that, regardless of whether there is one item that does not sell well in a given period, the other item deals can make up for the lost income.

LVMH has been fruitful in diversification. LVMH has made collaboration between its product offerings, which implies that everything is reasonably identified with its different things. Additionally, set up, the LVMH organizations are yet centered on luxury merchandise, which has permitted LVMH to proceed with its extension and get a piece of the overall industry from different organizations and associations. In 2019, they had total compensation of 11.9 billion euros, which shows that their system has paid off.


Andreou, P. C., Louca, C., & Petrou, A. P. (2016). Organizational learning and corporate diversification performance. Journal of Business Research, 69(9), 3270-3284.

Bowen, H. P., Baker, H. K., & Powell, G. E. (2015). Globalization and diversification strategy: A managerial perspective. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 31(1), 25-39.

Donzé, P. Y. (2018). The birth of luxury big business: LVMH, Richemont and Kering. In Global Luxury (pp. 19-38). Palgrave, Singapore.

Sun, W., & Govind, R. (2017). Product market diversification and market emphasis. European Journal of Marketing.

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