Paper Example: Maryland Counseling Association Emerging Leaders Program

Published: 2023-10-10
Paper Example: Maryland Counseling Association Emerging Leaders Program
Essay type:  Personal statement
Categories:  Learning Admission help Application letter
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 513 words
5 min read

Maryland Counseling Association is one of the organizations that endorse civic assurance and belief in the profession of counseling. Being a branch of American counseling associations, this counseling association has always offered equal opportunities through such programs as emerging leaders’ programs where interested professionals can get experiences useful in impacting life outcomes across all spheres of life. So, getting a chance to serve is an added advantage to one's profession or career.

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Given an opportunity in the MCA emerging leaders program, I will be able to benefit from my professional goals as a clinical mental health counselor. My areas of interest during my period of serving will include leadership skills, membership recruitment/ retention, organizational development, professional advocacy, and professional development. This will boost my area of interest as I’m always willing to learn and grow in new environments.

As an emerging leader, I will be able to add to my experience by integrating spirituality and counseling. Having served in the Baptist church of College Park as an assistant director of Christian education and later director of family institutes where I taught discipleship classes and conducted a seminar entitled “How to be Single, Saved and Satisfied”, and also, being the chairperson for public relationship department and a leader of Interdenominational Church Ushers Association at Faith AME church, skills and abilities gained will benefit the MCA as well as me.

During my service as an emerging leader, my experience of time management shall be informed. This shall be as result of my being able to plan time amidst the many appointments that shall come my way. Any professional must be mindful of time since everything happens in a span of time. I’ll be able to create more extra time for anything urgent that will need my attention while executing my duties.

MCA supports expert counselors and training counselors via many specialized ways of progress opportunities and sustain services. While working with the organization I will involve myself in such professional opportunities and other services that will be of benefit to my profession. These opportunities and services include mental health therapy, drug abuse and substance use disorder counseling, sexual counseling, and job and service counsel.

While working as a Shelter Case Manager at New Hope Housing, Alexandria , VA my experience to coordinate various services such as high risk clients residing in hotels from COVID-19, clinical case reviews, assist director ensuring delivery and documentation of quality clients services such as assessment, treatment planning, day treatment, crisis intervention referral, discharge as well as other in-house programming. These all gave me an opportunity to build my profession and hence earned me an experience that can help me serve in the MCA emerging leaders program with much easy.

Similarly, my experience at the Department of Parks and Recreation, Washington, DC as a staff Manager gave me great experience in management, planning, administration, problem-solving and working with sensitive deadlines. Through an opportunity to serve with the MCA emerging leaders’ program I’ll further many of these experiences and familiarize myself with them.

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Paper Example: Maryland Counseling Association Emerging Leaders Program. (2023, Oct 10). Retrieved from

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