Mastering Communication: Steps to Becoming an Effective Communicator - Free Essay Sample

Published: 2023-12-26
Mastering Communication: Steps to Becoming an Effective Communicator - Free Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Communication
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1056 words
9 min read

A well-lit place

It is always important that you can see each other on a date regardless of whether you like the lights brighter or something casual. Feel at ease with the location that you have selected. To ensure that both of you are at ease and can see your faces, select a well-lit location.

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Closer Location

A woman or a guy in their smartest shoes would not want to walk for miles to the date venue. If you select a venue that has quite several public means of transport, you will have prevented transport issues limiting your enjoyment time. Getting rid of the barriers of checking in allows you to arrive on time, this gives you more time to interact.

Get the right cuisine

Present your date with your favorite food, or select unusual food if you are a bit daring. Get to know your date’s favorite dish and take them to one of the best hotels in the locality. Additionally, if your date has food allergies, avoid hotels that offer foods that they don’t take as this will show respect.

A quiet place

First dates should be those that make the conversation flow easily. A noisy atmosphere is not good for exchanging a conversation, you will need to hear each other to make it a success. If you prefer to visit a bar, choose a quiet time during the day to avoid getting mixed up with after-job drinkers.


It is quite uncomfortable when your card is being declined on a date, get yourself the right budget to avoid getting embarrassed. Selecting an affordable location shows that you are considerate not to expect your date to pay the extra cash.


Coming up with objectives

You ought to know the things you want to achieve, be it short or long-term. For you to mold your communication method and become effective, you must understand your objectives.

Listening keenly

Communication is two-way traffic, you must listen to people to be listened to. Do not focus so much on the information you want to put across that you fail to consider their emotions, comments, and reactions. Do not plan your response when others are communicating, instead, listen and do the processing. Active involvement from everyone makes communication much more effective.

Body Language

Communication is not only about the words you speak but also about your body language. Often your body language sends a message stronger than the words you are speaking without you realizing it. You should stand up or sit straight as this shows that you are willing and open to communicate before even uttering a word.


Consider how quickly or slowly you are speaking and give time to your audience to process the information. To capture your audience's attention, you need to change the rhythm and volume and also slow down when necessary. Repetition of key points enables your audience to hear the information you are passing across.

Select accurate time

Ensure that your audience is in a receptive mood. Generally, you should consider your audience's mindset before presenting an idea or delivering news whether good or bad.


To accomplish your goal, you need to communicate your needs. Avoid spending a lot of time communicating your request or idea.



Communicating effectively is a vital skill to attain success in all parts of life, both professional and personal. Communication abilities breed optimism and self-assurance, the character personalities that allow one to achieve their goals. Even though we spend a lot of time speaking to each other, we do not mean we are effective communicators In some people communication comes naturally while in others it becomes a bit difficult. If you find difficulty in communication, worry no more because you do not need a degree in it for you to be heard. The steps to becoming an effective communicator are explained below;

Coming up with objectives

First, you need to be prepared and well-conversant with whatever you are talking about for easier communication of ideas. For example, if it’s a job interview, familiarize yourself with the company and the position; if it's a presentation, you ought to come up with clear objectives. Ensure that you understand your objectives.

Listening keenly

Second, learning to listen as keen listening is always the foundation of good communication. Failing to pay attention to your audience limits effective responding. Always pay attention to what your audience is saying for you to understand them. Communication is not all about doing the talking, you need to listen and process to make it as effective as possible.

Body language

Third, focus on your body language words should not display confidence while your body language exudes nervousness as this makes your audience get the wrong information. Paying attention to your body language and that of others is important. Your body language should be in line with the information you are passing across.


The fourth step is to pay attention to your pace; pay attention to how slow or quick you are speaking and allow the audience to process the information. Regularly change the tone and volume to capture your audience’s attention. The repetition of key points gives room to the audience to focus on important parts of the communication.

Select accurate time

The fifth step is timing, it is a major factor in effective communication, hence delivering any kind of news or an idea requires you to consider your audience's mindset. For example, whenever you are planning to confront your employer on the issue of salary raise, ensure that his mood is receptive.


The sixth and last step is clarity as a communicator, you should not spend much time thinking about your ideas. Communicate your desires and needs clearly and avoid mixing up. Clarity not only allows you to be understood by your audience but also enables you to achieve your goal. Ask questions to ensure that the audience is paying attention and has understood the information you are passing across.


Application and practice of the above steps ensure mastery of the skill and learning ways of effectively communicating. As an effective communicator, consider your choice of words, understand your listeners, and link with them at the right place and time.

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Mastering Communication: Steps to Becoming an Effective Communicator - Free Essay Sample. (2023, Dec 26). Retrieved from

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