Essay Sample: Mini-Management Plan for Cyber Software

Published: 2019-08-29
Essay Sample: Mini-Management Plan for Cyber Software
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Business Software
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1811 words
16 min read

Cyber Software, Inc. Cyber Software, Inc is a medium size company that manufactures the cyber protection software products. The company gross sales of over 20 million dollars. The expenses in the company are approximately 8 million dollars which leave an after tax of about 10 million dollars per year. The primary customers of the company include the local retail businesses and the state and municipal governments. One of the medium size clients is the Baltimore City Government. The other day, the city found out that their website was hacked, and their credit information that was used to pay water, real estate tax, sewer and packing tickets were accessed. The Russian cyber thieves had already hacked some accounts within the area and thus it was suspected that the same might have hacked the account. Joseph Jackson being the chief officer of the Cybersecurity Company was able to respond to the security issue quickly, and only about 275 people were affected (Cleveland 2008). However, this made Jackson to improve the security status of the company. Jackson through this incident knew that if he were to continue growing the business, he would have to develop a better software and also faster clean up the procedure for the affected clients. Jackson felt that the company should be in the forefront so that its customers feel safe and secure.

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He takes pride because the organization has been capable of keeping his client's information safe. In reaction to the break-in at the City, and requires keeping their operations moving forward. The manager understands that several changes require implementation. Firstly, the vision and mission statements require revision. The current vision statement of Cyber Software, Inc. is to become the top software security company that aspires to provide the best protection to all the clients and customers without the consideration of the region. Through this, the company makes its customers safe through the use of innovative services. Another important decision that Jackson decided to make is the development of the new hiring program. Since the company had poorly trained employees, he wanted to make sure that the new employees are adequately trained and can easily deal with the cyber security issues. The new technical staff were required to have experience in cybercrime investigations and can easily uncover the cyber thieves through the target incident program. The current mission statement of Cyber Software, Inc. is: to help customers become motivated and enjoy the services being offered by the cyber security company.

Another mission is that the manager sets up a different division that will ensure the organization achieves its goals. The new division will provide the organization with effective ways of handling the problems that are being seen in the company. Whenever the customers complaint of the security issues, they can easily be attended. Furthermore, it was agreed that the company provides a good selling point for the customers (Boehm, 2001). Through this, the company will be in a position to make some follow ups on all the transactions taking place within and outside the company. It will further allow the customers to carry out their business transactions safely. They will not worry whether their accounts can be hacked. Their protection will be up to date. It is important for the organization to employ technical personnel with extensive knowledge in cybercrime detection and protection. But this can be achieved through the adoption of the new management plan.

Jackson has tried his level best to keep the company in a way that it is less bureaucratic through the structuring of the companies organization and environment in an effective and efficient manner. Furthermore, he has also tried to come up with a structure that allows for strong personalities, and new individuals whose identities have not fully be known cannot emerge. This further has improved the companys security and customers are sure that they are fully protected.

The new development strategy suggested for the hiring of four new program developers with an extensive cybersecurity background (Boehm, 2001). The company thus require an improved management plan to deal with the security problem once and for all and ensure that its clients are well protected and secure.

A management plan is a blueprint that ensures the organization runs smoothly. It plans the activities of the organization in a proper manner to ensure that they are effective, and work efficiency is attained. The management plan includes the standards and methods for doing several things within the organization. It involves the activities that are geared towards dealing with actual work of the organization such as dealing with money. It also involves addressing how the employees in the organization do their jobs. The management plan will also contain the intellectual and philosophical framework in which the work will be operated. Thus, the management plan for the Cyber security company will involve coming up with activities that ensure effectively and efficiency offering of the security products that satisfy the customers and ensure that they stay safe and protected (Yan, 2012). The management plan of the Cyber Security Company will depend on the following aspects.

What the organization is trying to accomplish- The primary goal of the Cyber Security Company is to provide security services to the companys clients. The plan is significant in the Cyber Security organization because it makes work of the organization effective and efficient. It also important because it creates a perceived piece of open space and builds a playground for all the employees that improve their work performance.

What requires being executed on a day by day basis to keep the organization running- These are the activities that maintain the firm is standing and enjoy a good relationship with the workers. Accordingly a good management plan will ensure that the company stay closely with its customers and provide maximum protection.

The resources available for carrying out the management plan- The Cyber security firm will come up with management plan based on the available human resources (Boehm, 2001). Historically, the company has been having poorly trained security experts and its thus important for the organization to employ new security experts that will deal with the needs of the customers and utilize the existing resources.

The current organizational structure consists of several staff that has seen the company operating at a loss. The management under Jackson has to structure the company in such a way that it reduces the general costs of running the organization and eventually improve the productivity.

Importance of a Management Plan

It puts across the responsibilities of the employees within the organization- When the every employee understand his or her role, work will be smoothly executed. The security staff will execute their activities within efficiently and within a short period. The staff will also understand their positions and their boundaries.

It divides the organization's work into equitable and reasonable ways so that every employees job is feasible and defined-When the employees' jobs are defined and feasible; efficiency will be achieved which in turn improves the firm's productivity.

It increases accountability, both externally and internally-This ensures that when something is not done in the right manner, the organization will also provide someone accountability for that. Better management of the company will also ensure better services to the customers and the community.

Organizations Structure of the Cyber Software Inc.

General Manager (1)

Assistant Managers (2)

Technical staffs (4)

The mini management of the Cyber Security Inc. can be established in such a way that there would be the overall manager. The overall manager will ensure that everything concerning the security issues is planned in a proper manner. The manager will be receiving the orders, complaints and compliments from the companys customers and stakeholders (Cleveland 2008).It is crucial for the organization to have two assistant managers who will assume the responsibilities of the general manager when he or she is not around and when he cannot execute the duties due to the unavoidable circumstances. Because the budget of the organization is still small, it is important for the company to have four technical staffs. The technical staff is critical in the organization since they will be responsible for visiting the customers in the field whenever they are faced with security challenges (Liu, 2012). The technical staff are supposed to be having security skills and experienced to allow them to deal with the problems adequately. The structure is crucial to the company since it will cut the operational costs and minimize the budget of the enterprise. Furthermore, since the structure consists of a small number of workers, it will be easy to follow the accountability issues whereby if the work is not executed as expected, the responsible employee will be held accountable.

The organizational culture of the Cyber Security Inc. involves the respect of customers. It is the culture of the company to comply with the customers since, without them, the organization cannot run smoothly. It is, therefore, expected that when the team respects its employees, it will allow for a beneficial relationship with the customers.

It is also crucial for the firm to have an organizational culture that ensures its employees are given the opportunity to give out their opinions on the best way of running the company. Whenever the employees are given the opportunity to suggest the best way of running the business, the organization will improve, and the productivity will shoot up. Creativity will be enhanced in the enterprise.

The organizational culture will also involve working in the environment that is safe and secure. When people work in safe environments, they will be in a position to think deeply and can come up with a new way of doing things that can improve the productivity of the company. It is significant that the firm develops a culture that allows for the good relationship among the employees, the customers, and the management.

The organizational culture is important and can affect the company negatively or positively. If the enterprise adheres to positive corporate culture, it will be in a position to get positive results that will eventually propel the organization forward (Dutta & McCrohan, 2002). It ensures that the employees execute their tasks correctly, improve the creativity of the employees and the relationship among the employees, management, and customers will also be boosted.


Cleveland, F. M. (2008). Cyber security issues for advanced metering infrasttructure (ami). In Power and Energy Society General Meeting-Conversion and Delivery of Electrical Energy in the 21st Century, 2008 IEEE (pp. 1-5). IEEE.

Yan, Y., Qian, Y., Sharif, H., & Tipper, D. (2012). A survey on cyber security for smart grid communications. Communications Surveys & Tutorials, IEEE, 14(4), 998-1010.

Liu, J., Xiao, Y., Li, S., Liang, W., & Chen, C. L. (2012). Cyber security and privacy issues in smart grids. Communications Surveys & Tutorials, IEEE, 14(4), 981-997.

Dutta, A., & McCrohan, K. (2002). Management's role in information security in a cyber-economy. California Management Review, 45(1), 67-87.

Boehm, B. W. (2001). Software risk management: principles and practices. Software, IEEE, 8(1), 32-41.

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