Paper Example on Multilingualism and Speech Sound Disorders

Published: 2023-08-06
Paper Example on Multilingualism and Speech Sound Disorders
Essay type:  Critical analysis essays
Categories:  Languages Child development Language development
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 365 words
4 min read

The article by Christina Gildersleeve-Neumann provides an outline that should be used for convening a speech sound in a bilingual child (Gildersleeve-Neumann, 10). The author states the ultimate goal of any speech-sound therapy in such children and relates to a similar process for monolingual children. Besides, the article provides the frameworks for mitigating the impact of intelligibility in speech (Gildersleeve-Neumann 12). Consequently, the impacts of the individual environment on a particular speech therapy become clearer by explaining how treatment impacts the sharing of different languages. The article poses various inquiries regarding bilingual speech therapy on contemporary research.

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The article by Sharynne and Sarah on Speech assessment for multilingual children reinforces the existing speech-language pathologists engrossed in assessing multilingual children who may possess certain speech disorders (McLeod 698). The article affirms that the most common victims are children who speak languages different from that of speech-language pathologists. It, therefore, provides global evidence that avails a more candid approach to multi-lingual children.

The article by Anne Marie describes the approaches and procedures of working with an adult foreign accent (Schmidt 46). The author describes the reasons why normative speakers have become the common helpers of English pronunciation along with the need for speech-language pathology.

All the articles explain the available frameworks of integrating bilingual speech into multi-lingual. They also provide candid strategies for producing certain sounds that provide correlating approaches to multilingual speech. On the other hand, the articles provide different views on the existing aspect of a bilingual child. Sharyanne emphasizes on the assessment of multilingual children whereas Anne Marie outlines the approaches to adult foreign accents.

From reading the three articles, I learned that contemporary speech-language pathologists involved procedural processes that began with bilingual intervention to multi-succeed.

Works Cited

Gildersleeve-Neumann, Christina. "Clinical Issues: A Framework for Speech Sound Intervention in a Bilingual Child." Perspectives on Language Learning and Education 12.2 (2005): 10-13.

McLeod, Sharynne, et al. "Tutorial: Speech assessment for multilingual children who do not speak the same language (s) as the speech-language pathologist." American Journal of speech-language pathology 26.3 (2017): 691-708.

Schmidt, Anna Marie. "Working with an adult foreign accent: Strategies for intervention." Contemporary Issues in Communication Science and Disorders 24.Spring (1997): 47-56.

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Paper Example on Multilingualism and Speech Sound Disorders. (2023, Aug 06). Retrieved from

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