My internship year of the Masters in Public Health also let me add to my experiences, other leadership skills such as leadership. Having worked with Dr. XX, I was able to develop myself through various projects. One of the projects dealt with was an examination of the association between high-risk medications and frequent emergency department visits among older community members in Florida. I was also a team leader for the project but this time in providing the scheme for the medication classification, in addition to data analysis. The project was presented during the Public Health Day at the college of public health and health professions in XX.

Published: 2022-10-25
My internship year of the Masters in Public Health also let me add to my experiences, other leadership skills such as leadership. Having worked with Dr. XX, I was able to develop myself through various projects. One of the projects dealt with was an examination of the association between high-risk medications and frequent emergency department visits among older community members in Florida. I was also a team leader for the project but this time in providing the scheme for the medication classification, in addition to data analysis. The project was presented during the Public Health Day at the college of public health and health professions in XX.
Type of paper:  Personal statement
Categories:  Management Culture Business
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 281 words
3 min read

Through the researches, I have gained various skills including organizational skills, efficiency, and leadership. Besides, I have volunteered at numerous hospitals and schools. For instance, I volunteered for HealthStreet, an innovative community program that aims to reduce healthcare and research disparity among different community members in Florida. Some of the activities I was involved in included community outreach, community events, data entry, and data analysis. I also participated in delivering basic life to low socioeconomic community members, an action that has led me to improve my interpersonal skills. These actions have helped me shape my interpersonal abilities and cultural competency. I have various strengths including a strong work ethic and the dedication to academics and research.

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My career goal is to conduct quality, relevant research that focuses on contemporary public health issues and the only way of making it to realization is through pursuing a Ph.D. my specific areas of interest while studying epidemiological methodologies would include systemic review and data analysis. I know that the program will improve my experience in design and direct research hence, improve my competency in addressing complex arrays of public health issues. Admission to the program will let me fulfill my goals and assume an instrumental role in the development of more effective health care systems.

Once conferred the Ph.D., I will work to improve the health situation of Iraq through the application of the professional concepts in real life situations to solve any existing challenges. My strengths and urge to reach out for my goals will let me complete the program successfully, build networks with other professionals in the field, which will be a step towards addressing issues even before they arise.

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My internship year of the Masters in Public Health also let me add to my experiences, other leadership skills such as leadership. Having worked with Dr. XX, I was able to develop myself through various projects. One of the projects dealt with was an examination of the association between high-risk medications and frequent emergency department visits among older community members in Florida. I was also a team leader for the project but this time in providing the scheme for the medication classification, in addition to data analysis. The project was presented during the Public Health Day at the college of public health and health professions in XX.. (2022, Oct 25). Retrieved from

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