Online Grocery Shopping and Delivery - Free Essay

Published: 2023-08-23
Online Grocery Shopping and Delivery - Free Essay
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Internet Sales Strategic marketing Customer service
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1713 words
15 min read

Fresh Groceries is a premier online shopping and delivery with its headquarters in Vienna. Online shopping remains 100 percent focused on grocery products. The website will have major features with clear and abstract images as shown in Fig 1 below. Fresh Groceries gets supplies from fresh farm produce from a single contracted farmer in Vienna, located in the outskirts. No processing or pasteurization takes place for the groceries, and most of the products remain completely unrefined and unfiltered. The primary mission and goal of the online shopping store remain focused on the delivery of high-quality products to homes and offices around Vienna. The online store will primarily use the extensive network of connections of media influencers, friends, and business associates. The primary aim of the online store remains full focus on propelling the store to regional standards outside Vienna. Competitive pricing, value, and high quality will place Fresh Groceries in a dominant position within the home-based products, not only in Vienna but nationwide.

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Fresh Groceries will focus on fresh foods online. Primary focus products will include fresh cheese, dairy products, yogurt, limitation milk, foodstuffs, and meats of different categories. The beef will mainly add luncheon meat, oilfish, lean cuts, and skinless white meat. Other products will consist of seafood, alcohol, and daily household products (as shown in Fig 2 below). The proprietor will rely on supplies from one farmer with different grocery products. The proprietor has the advantage of direct connection with the supply and has a significant percentage of shares in the produce from the supplier's farms. Fresh Groceries will also partner with other food shops such as Dominic Foods and Rowling Fresh for a diverse supply of premium products. The company will have in place an online shopping site with one employee managing the site.

Note: Fresh Grocery as will appear on the website sourced from Groceries will deliver fresh groceries to customer's doorsteps. The online grocery will deliver same day orders but depending on location will try to have 24 hour delivery for distant places. The online store will focus on a radius of 100 kilometres during its first period of operation. Fresh Grocers will also establish a robust supply chain to enhance its "same day" deliveries across Vienna. The online grocery store will centre on expanding and introducing new products with its mission statement focused on living healthy and healthy eating. The online store will change and grow to take advantage of the growing population of Vienna Township fully. The store's focus on growth and expansion will also centre on taking full advantage of tax benefits and certain liabilities.

The proprietor will use personal savings for a start, besides, support from relatives and soft loan from friends. The total amount will average approximately $200,000 for a start. All the motorcycles for deliveries will have proper licensing and insurance cover. On employees, the grocery will have seven employees. A computer operator will manage online orders. Three employees will deliver the products to customers, and a packaging team comprising of three employees. A manager will have the responsibility to look into the general administration of the enterprise.


Fresh Groceries offers fresh household products that include meat, vegetables, and assorted health products such as herbal tea and alcohol. The grocery information is as follows:

Name: Fresh Groceries

Address: 5218 Col, Healier, V 7362

Phone: +431 462-183-2184

Website: Groceries will get most of its products from different suppliers which the supplier has strong influence and shares. Storage will take place in the company's warehouse where the staff will sort, pack, and arrange for delivery to different customers across Vienna Township. No processing or pasteurization will take place, and the products will remain fresh, unrefined, and unfiltered. Farms contracted have a history of specializing in groceries for over ten years.

A customer's general perception often plays an essential role in determining a business's failure or success. In the case, the customer has a negative attitude; sales of the product will remain high. However, a negative perception often lowers customer consumption, thus low revenue collection. Fresh Groceries management will focus on the delivery of high product quality in addition to the freshness of the product. The administration will also ensure that the products delivered to win the customer's trust to build a strong trust with the market.

Advantage of Shopping at Fresh Groceries

Shoppers will derive four main benefits of shopping at Fresh Groceries. Firstly, they will have the opportunity to enjoy reasonable prices together with a wide array of advantages. Online shopping at the grocery will also enable consumers to undertake discreet shopping at the comfort of their homes. Thirdly, consumers will also experience fewer traps of unnecessary shopping and will only order the essential products from the store. Lastly, online shopping at the store will enable shoppers to experience stress-free shopping without the hustle of physical movement from one grocery to another.

The disadvantage of Online Shopping

Customers may experience delays at some point. However, the management will strive to keep to its promise of an hour delivery plan. Another major disadvantage of shopping will entail a lack of shopping experience that comes with the first-hand touch with products in a store. Lastly, customers may lack connectivity and interaction bit while doing their shopping online.

Market Analysis

Vienna has only one online store. The store, Vintage Groceries focus on drinks such as soft drinks and alcohol. They have limited groceries such as fruits and but supply to customers on-demand only. They mainly rely on customers picking products from their stores, and in most cases, its online website; www.vintagehouseholds.come is primarily for advertisement and connecting with consumers. However, it controls about 80 per cent of the market.

The internet continues to revolutionize consumer taste and preferences with many making inquiries about a product but buy physically from stores. Most households have the internet at their homes in addition to internet-enabled phones. There thus exists an excellent opportunity to enhance consumer connectivity and consumption through the internet.

Major Challenges

One main challenge for Fresh Groceries entails continued reliance on physical stores by Vienna populace. No online stores specialize in groceries. Majority of consumers physically travel to physical stores to purchase their household products. Changing their perception of online buying will remain a substantial challenge.

The second challenge entails tradition concepts about online buying. Most customers in Vienna high uphold groceries from the farms with many having direct supplies from farmers around the township. The situation will bring forth a challenge for Fresh Groceries and will take time before locals embrace the new technology on online groceries purchases.

Target Market

Identifying a product's market plays a critical role in helping a business remain focused on its market (Grover et al., 2018). The understanding also helps in analyzing the feasibility of the business plan and concept. The primary target market for Fresh Groceries will include households around Vienna Township. These will consist of middle and upper-class consumers with families. Single families, including bachelors, bachelorettes, and students in learning institutions will also form a critical component of the target market. The two groups comprise of people with an exquisite taste and focus on quality, healthy living and eating, in addition to older people with the conscious understanding of the impact of eating on their lives.

Advertising and Promotion

Fresh Groceries will partner with media influencers, prominent family personalities, and renowned personalities in Vienna Township to promote its products. The grocery will also promote and advertise its products through online engagement and interaction in social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and telegram. The company website will also have a direct link to its Facebook pages, twitter handle, and Instagram site. Sharing and posting its products online, on other walls and handles will form the primary basis of advertisement. The grocery will have a special offer to all who purchase its products and share on their walls that will include a free voucher and shopping package. At the same time, the management will offer a 20 per cent discount to all who purchase its products within one week on their second purchase.

Sales Strategy

Fresh Groceries will offer two promotion activities with the second purchase attracting a discount of 22 per cent. The sales will thus mean that the second purchase will cost less for consumers. The grocery store will cater for all delivery costs, but in the case, the customer resides and requires delivery outside Vienna Township; they will pay 10 per cent of the value of the products bought to cover for delivery charges.

One year into the business, Fresh Groceries will cover deliveries of up to 20 kilometres outside Vienna Township free of charge. The online grocery store expects an increase in distribution to over 1500 deliveries. The delivery entails about $2.1 per cent delivery. A reduction in costs will enable the grocery to lower its brokerage and distribution costs.


Fresh Groceries expects little competition from other Grocery stores. Most of the competitors, such as Vintage Groceries, Pure Groceries, and High-End Groceries, have their physical locations for sales, unlike Fresh Groceries that depend entirely on online sales. The extensive use of internet-enabled devices will push the groceries sales as more people will focus on doorstep deliveries as compared to physical visitation. Fresh Groceries will offer fresh products right from the farms convincing the farmers of the quality of the products on sale.

Price Comparison

Fresh Grocery's main product will entail dairy products and especially fresh milk. Across Vienna Township, other competitors offer the product at varying prices.

  • High-End Groceries500ml at $14
  • Pure Groceries500ml at $16
  • Vintage Groceries500ml at $14.50
  • Fresh Mint500ml at $13
  • Fresh Groceries500ml at $15

Apart from Fresh Groceries, all other grocery stores have their physical locations where customers make their purchases. Fresh Groceries will endear to make doorstep deliveries within an hour of making an order. Through this, the grocery store looks forward to minimizing time wastage on actual presence at the store. With time, Fresh Groceries will introduce Prime Membership who will enjoy the benefit of 24 hour service availability. Membership will cost $50 per year and will come with numerous benefits such as discounts on special deliveries and raffle tickets for all purchases. They will also enjoy instant deliveries within 30 minutes of placing an order.

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Online Grocery Shopping and Delivery - Free Essay. (2023, Aug 23). Retrieved from

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