Paper Example. Online Learning is Less Satisfactory than Face-To-Face

Published: 2023-07-13
Paper Example. Online Learning is Less Satisfactory than Face-To-Face
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Learning Knowledge Covid 19 Essays by pagecount
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 590 words
5 min read

Education is known as the most powerful weapon which most students rely on to change the world. Both online and face-to-face learning have been incorporated into education systems to achieve the intended purpose of learning. Online learning is less satisfactory than face-to-face learning due to its state of widening the achievement among the students. When online learning is compared to face-to-face, many disadvantages make it to be less satisfactory to the students. The current COVID-19 pandemic clearly shows detailed facts based on how online learning is less satisfactory than face-to-face when it is highly needed in the whole world.

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The rise of the COVID-19 pandemic has led to in schools being closed over around the globe, changing the education system completely. Students have to join online classes while still at home despite its less satisfactory state of learning. The pandemic has forced teaching to be undertaken on digital platforms remotely, which seems to be a disadvantage to many students, especially from developing countries, because they have no access to it. Students from developed countries can afford to learn through digital programs, but their feedback is limited (Li and Lalani 7). Online learning has limited time and does not give students enough time to give feedback on what they have learned when compared to face-to-face learning, where students' feedback is not limited. For instance, the Covid-19 pandemic pauses fear in education systems since students have to learn through online programs to increase information retention and have limited time, and yet it might be here to stay.

Online learning is less satisfactory when students undergo little preparation or even have no training and insufficient bandwidth. This automatically results in poor performance among the student, especially during this period of the coronavirus crisis, where most students are found to have poor online user experiences creating an unconducive learning environment. Many students end up being socially isolated during online classes compared to face-to-face, where students socialize with others, often sustaining their growth in education (Li and Lalani 7). Online learning only allows instructors to teach theory and not practical compared to face-to-face learning, where students have the opportunity to do their practicals and theories. Following the current worldwide pandemic of COVID-19, students have to learn from home through online programs; hence most of them cannot learn effectively through theory without any practical. This makes online learning unsatisfactory since students cannot practice what they have learned.

Online learning cannot be accessed in most of the computer-illiterate populations based in developing countries. Most students in such countries cannot access online education during this period of the pandemic as it is only limited to the literate population. Most students in developing countries only rely on face-to-face learning, and since all schools have closed down, it is quite difficult for them to access learning. This pause problem because at the end of the day, they have to sit for their exams, and most of their time will be wasted. Online learning is less satisfactory during this period of the coronavirus pandemic as it requires time management skills and strong self-motivation. In this context, most students and teachers are undergoing a difficult time that interferes with online learning. Some of them have lost their loved ones to this pandemic and therefore lack self-motivation to online learning. They can choose not to join their online classes, and nobody would understand what they are going through than face-to-face learning.

Works Cited

Li, Cathy, and Farah Lalani. "The COVID-19 Pandemic Has Changed Education Forever. This Is How". World Economic Forum, 2020,

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Paper Example. Online Learning is Less Satisfactory than Face-To-Face. (2023, Jul 13). Retrieved from

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