Open Communication: Benefits of Reliable Mode of Instruction in Organizations - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-07-04
Open Communication: Benefits of Reliable Mode of Instruction in Organizations - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Communication
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 620 words
6 min read

Open communication is defined as the ability of various parties to pass across information regarding an issue. It is whereby all individuals are exposed to the same opportunities about getting information, as well as communication with other people. Open communication is an asset in an organization because it is a reliable mode of instruction. Through open communication, there is effectiveness in upward, downward, and vertical communication within an organization. That is because all the parties in an organization get to know what is going on. In this case, there is a highlight of the role of open communication in the success of a project. A project is composed of various individuals, as well as deliverables. There are also numerous phases in which the project is meant to go through for its success. Because of the full range of action areas, there is a need for open communication to enhance the success of a project. Therefore, in this case, there is a highlight of a project that was successful. That was partly because of the roles that open communication played. There was free and efficient communication among parties that were involved in implementing the project in the organization.

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The first role that opens communicating played in the success of the project was the issue of progress reports (Zulch 1003). During the implementation of the various phases of the project, there were numerous deliverables in the form of categories that combined to define the entire project. That was, whereby when an activity is completed, the people responsible were required to explain how it was undertaken, and its quality. Based on the progress reports, the quality of the deliverables was analyzed. Open communication was instrumental because the communication from the deliverable was always timely. That was great for the project because corrective measures would be implemented on time so that the entire project's quality is not compromised. With appropriate corrections on the project deliverables, there was effective scheduling of operations, which enabled the project to be successful.

Open communication during the implementation of the project had a benefit when it cases to the goal-setting undertaking. That was whereby the project managers and their subordinates exchanged views regarding the goals that they had for the project. When implementing various activities, there is always a target that the project is meant to reach. That is through the collaboration of multiple parties. In this case, open communication enabled the various parties to exchange views, which helped them to attain their goals more conveniently. That was because the people had numerous views, which were meant to enable the project to achieve specific milestones during various phases of implementation. Through open communication, the goals that were associated with the project were always analyzed on time. Furthermore, obstacles eliminated, hence contributing to its overall success in the long run.

Resource allocation is the other activity that was positively impacted because of open communication. One of the significant issues that projects face during their implementation is their use of resources. The resources should be used in the right amounts and in the correct way. Failure to do that, the project is most likely headed for failure because of inconveniences created by poor resource allocation and utilization. Through open communication, there was enhanced accountability for the resources that were put under the custody of the project managers. Therefore, there was a lot of responsibility in the project as a result of open communication. Consequently, it is evident that open communication contributed to the success of the project in multiple ways. That highlights the role that open communication has in the success of any project.

Work Cited

Zulch, B. G. "Communication: The foundation of project management." Procedia Technology 16 (2014): 1000-1009.

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Open Communication: Benefits of Reliable Mode of Instruction in Organizations - Essay Sample. (2023, Jul 04). Retrieved from

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