Paper Example. Outdoor Teaching

Published: 2023-08-01
Paper Example. Outdoor Teaching
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Teaching Learning Research
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 552 words
5 min read

Teaching on a practical basis provides an encompassing learning experience for the learner. Take an example of watching a cricket game on television as compared to watching it live. Well, on-the-stand viewing offers an immediate play-by-play action that visual display cannot realistically provide. Learning outside the confines of a wall can be similar. The result of a theoretical teaching approach is a student-centric learning experience compared to outdoor teaching that fosters a vivid conceptualized memory and better performance. Learning outdoor is a contextualized technique that constitutes three domains; attitude, knowledge, and skill. This research paper aims to provide a guiding framework for a research project on outdoor teaching.

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Purpose of the Research Project.

Instructors have long dealt with uncommendable behaviors teaching indoors. Lack of enough evidence to warrant outdoor teaching has limited its practice. Therefore, the purpose of this research project will examine whether the advantages of teaching indoors outway those of teaching outdoor. Similarly, we seek to investigate if teachers adopt an outdoor experience and how often is that the case.

Hypothesis Statement

A majority of teachers in high school confirm that there are advantages of teaching in an outdoor environment, but a minority uses the outdoor arena as a classroom regularly. Statistically, depending on data analysis of the research findings, we will be able to reject the null hypothesis and draw a conclusive remark from the project.

Research Questions

The research project will evaluate if there is a difference among teachers who use the outdoor arena as a classroom compared to those who do not following these three competencies;

Subject Competence

Outdoor learning as a form of experimental learning is rooted in “experience is the best teacher” concept. In sports, activeness is the preamble of the subject. Therefore, this research project evaluates if there is a difference in outdoor learning depending on the specific subject being taught.

Leadership Competence

Research on indoor learning reveals some learners struggle with a classroom setting. The struggles could be in the form of a lack of confidence, attention, motivation, or socializing skills. Does outdoor teaching bring any difference thus help struggling learners demonstrate leadership qualities through outdoor hands-on experience?

Relation Competence

The difference in 'belief' concerning outdoor or indoor learning raises lots of concern. It implies that there is a difference in relating the subject ‘in the real world’ from an outdoor experience as compared to indoors. This research project considers the implication of relating to both arenas.


The project will use indoor and outdoor classroom observation and attitude assessment. Tally sheets will be used for recording observation and assessment scales for attitude. The lessons will follow a typical physical education approach and observed data collected before, during, and after each lesson to answer the research questions. This research project is considered experimental.

The sample of this research project will comprise of high school students ranging from first to the third year. Beginning the fourth week of school calendar students will be taken for outdoor learning. The outdoor learning session will be 20-30 minutes, with each lesson taking place every week. Tally sheets will be completed while learners worked to complete an indoor class related to outdoor activities. Ethical consideration for this project is to ensure. To contribute to the intellectual development of the learner the is guiding ethics for this research project.

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Paper Example. Outdoor Teaching. (2023, Aug 01). Retrieved from

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