Free Paper Sample with the Overall Review of Cloud Computing

Published: 2022-07-27
Free Paper Sample with the Overall Review of Cloud Computing
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Computer science Information technologies
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1762 words
15 min read

Cloud Computing traced its origin from telecommunications when providers of services used Virtual Private Network services in Data communications. It consists of data computation, accessibility storage and understandings on the role that physical end users and configurations of the system by end users. Currently, cloud computing is an emerging service in the field of Information Technology industry which is concerned with the movement of data from the use of normal desktop to portable computers in large storage areas. (Jadeja & Modi 2014). Due to the proliferation of the internet globally, it has made it easier for applications to get delivered as services over the internet, hence reduction of costs associated with internet usage. Cloud computing aims to ensure equal distribution of resources and combine them to achieve a higher output to enable solving of better large-scale computation. Cloud computing is concerned on It deals with the virtualization, scalability, interoperability, quality service

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The 1960s was associated with a main time sharing mechanism was efficiently utilized by computing resources, this provided users with acceptable performances, there was a setback on this mainframes as it proved difficult to scale up the provision of upfront due to increased costs of hardware (Eugine 2013). Additionally, the users did not exercise full control because the mainframe applications depending on the number of users using the device at a particular time, Introduction of personal computers ensured that the users exercise full control; users loved the idea of managing the computer resources by themselves, even if these resources are not effectively utilized. Changes in the semiconductor industry made it possible for personal computers to be cheap and affordable, the new challenge here was how the data was to be shared.

Most businesses have currently switched to the use of cloud computing, for instance, Amazon played an essential role by launching Amazon Web Services in the year 2006. Additionally, IBM and Google are on the verge of beginning research projects that are aimed at studying cloud Computing ( Eugine 2013). The long-standing dream for most enterprises is to background information technology issues and put attention on the goals and objectives of the business. Many enterprises believe that cloud computing can offer a feasible and an alternative means of costs reduction and complexity while causing the increase in its operational efficiency.

Cloud computing is different from other information technology requirements, and the difference is that users do not necessarily store information on data carriers such as personal computers and USB, this shows a significant advantage in using Cloud computing (IBM Sales and Distribution 2014). Research shows that business sensitive information that is stored on hard drives is insecure. Additionally, it is held in an unencrypted form in USB.

Cloud computing can be categorized into several forms known as social media; these social media apps are composed of linked, Facebook and Whatsapp that is used by millions of people globally. Currently, users can store their data not necessarily on their personal computers but somewhere in a cloud (IBM Sales and Distribution 2014). Additionally, the use of thin client computers is increasing; these are computers that have limited storage and processing capacity as it provides accessibility of the applications in a remote area through the browser, a thin client here is an information viewer who wants to connect to a World Wide Web.

Cloud Computing Models

Cloud computing is composed of three basic models these are Iaas, Paas, and SaaS, which share common characteristics and are usually used together, it ensures that each model is considered separately when discussing the effects of cloud computing in businesses today. The Infrastructure as a service (Iaas) cloud computing service that is used to address the requirements of a scalable, cost-effective IT infrastructure; it's provided directly to users in the form of the virtualized operating system. Some certain ventures are in the Iaas market which includes, Microsoft, Google and Yahoo, Iaas provides leverage for their Massive data centers.

Platform as a Service deals provides a secure, reliable and a scalable developmental; it helps in the configuration of the environment without the use of technology. An example includes Google App Engine used by Java used by enterprise application developers.

Additionally, there is a recently launched version of Google App Engine for those businesses that target enterprise application developers; it also provides a secure and scalable environment. Through the use of Paas has enabled Java to use J2EE applications to the cloud without the help of servers. Similarly, the configuration of databases on server side technologies has also been upgraded. On the other hand, Google App Engine services comprise of permission and authentication of task scheduling and the use of Java technologies so that the existing Java applications can be ported to the cloud without the help of significant modifications.

On the other hand, Software, as a service traces its origin in Application Service Provider which emerged in the late 1990's, the use of Application Service provider was unsuccessful due to inadequate technology. Database virtualization is essential in large-scale SaaS appliances as it provides end users with a logical database that coexist within a physical database, at the same point it maintains the confidentiality of information. Through SaaS administration overhead costs used in maintaining the database, similarly, it ensures the provision of an enabling environment for individual end-user firms. Successful SaaS services include CRM applications that are offered by and office collaboration that is provided by Google Applications such as messaging through Gmail and Google calendar and collaboration services that are accessed through Google Docs, Google Video, and Google Secure Data Connector.

Impact of Cloud Computing.

Effects of Cloud Computing On Businesses and Public Administrations

Cloud computing affects businesses regardless of its size and public administrators associated. Through literature reviews, there exists a range of factors that are influenced by Cloud Computing. Cost reduction is one of the significant primary factors of cloud adoption. Businesses and Public administrators adopt cloud computing to increase revenue due to cost reduction. Though there difficulties associated with its measurements, most firms view that the Total Cost of Ownership of Cloud Computing is lower compared to other provisions from Information Technology services (Timo, Hallinan, Werber & Maggie 2014). Most businesses want to minimize expenses, through cloud computing they can shift their capital expenses into operational expenses that are desirable. Furthermore, cloud computing assures scalability and flexibility. These impacts ensure that cloud computing is a prerequisite for business growth and to remain competitive in the market (Rittinghouse, & Ransome 2016). Additionally, though cloud computing has some advantages there are inevitable setbacks associated concerning the issue of security and confidentiality of information, there are also concerns regarding the interoperability of cloud computing.

Impact on the Cost

One of the significant impacts that are associated with the business is its impact on cost; governments both locally and internationally can realize essential savings through the use of cloud computing. The capital required for initial use of cloud computing is low relative to the services on one's servers (Timo, Hallinan, Werber, & Maggie 2014). It is essential for those small businesses that are not in a position to obtain funds for its servers. Case studies provide insights on the nature of savings related to cloud computing, they can differentiate types of costs and savings related to Cloud Computing, the studies used variables on It capital expenditure that is servers and computers, labor costs associated with Information technology and Information Technology power and cooling costs, according to the study more than 38% can be saved in relation to IT capital expenditure,31% on IT and labor costs and 80% on it and labor cooling(Rittinghouse, & Ransome 2016). Most companies manage their data through traditional forms of outsourcing from a nearby data storage provides (Timo, Hallinan, Werber, & Maggie 2014). Impact of cloud computing on the cost situation of firms and public administrations can be evaluated, the cost saved from a certain amount is through the use of cloud computing. For example, in the year 2011 EC expected an increase of its savings from 255 to 50% of its savings by adopting cloud computing.

Impacts on Scalability

Cloud computing ensures experimentation and implementation of service quickly, due to the inadequate time required to deal on computer hardware. For instance, when a program developer hosts an app that requires more computing power, it is cheaper to rent than to buy the service through the cloud (Rittinghouse, & Ransome 2016). On the other hand, scalability focuses on the demand for computing power, cloud services, for example, Amazon S3 makes it easier to adopt the computing power when required, which is more comfortable than building up its own data center (Timo, Hallinan, Werber, & Maggie 2014). For example, video hosting services provided by Vimeo makes it easier to download an upload videos in specific computing capacity, if organizations ad their servers the cost can be high at the beginning and when the business continues. Flexibility and Scalability reduce the time until when the product hits the market niche. Dropbox was able to grow quickly as a result of cloud computing storage services.Impact on security and business continuity

A cloud provider offers high levels of security for data than most of their customers without necessarily the technical know-how. Some of the organizations are professional when it comes to attacks on backups. Firms who store their information on cloud requires to deal on issues such as transmission security and trust on the part of Cloud Computing service providers and the possible eavesdropping by insiders (Timo et al 2014). A study shows that when a business stores its information over the cloud, they tend to lose control over the data, the study also showed a general increase and fear of loss of control (Rittinghouse & Ransome, 2016). Concerning information security there are great concerns about its availability and confidentiality, this is essential for a business to ensure that they do not lose the profits and clients.

Effects on Consumers

Additionally, cloud computing affects consumers as it affects the lifestyle and their behavior. Consumers are currently dependent on technology and the boundary between work and private life (Rittinghouse & Ransome 2016). At times consumers are required to give up on the part of their privacy.

Effects on their lifestyles

Cloud computing ensures that data is available for its consumers everywhere in an internet enabled device. Additionally, cloud computing decreases problems associated with missing backups and files. Consumers can also use cloud services in storing information and using most software, for example, social networks, streamlining videos and games (Timo, Hallinan, Werber & Maggie 2014). A cloud computing service requires that the consumer has some certain fees so that they can transmit data and a quality connection.

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