Essay Sample with an Overview of the British Olympic Association

Published: 2019-05-15
Essay Sample with an Overview of the British Olympic Association
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Culture Sport
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1844 words
16 min read

The British Olympic Association (BOA) is the National committee that is currently recognized by the international Olympic committee (IOC). The major objective of BOA is to oversee how the teams are performing in different events, provide the required materials for them to ensure that they compete as expected. However, the Olympic British association was started in 1905 with a great mission of transforming the lives of many people in United Kingdom via the power of Olympic values and teams success. The major role of British Olympic association (BOA) is to lead the Nations finest athletes at the summer, winter and youth Olympic Games. Working with the national main bodies, the association selects teams from the best sportsmen and women willing to complete in the 28th summer and the Olympic Spots Games during the greatest sport contest in the world. BOA is autonomous and privately furnished. The British Olympic Association is funded by the government and has no political welfare. The success of its mission is entirely dependent upon the income it receives from the fundraising and events. BOA is a strong, independent voice for British Olympic Sport and is accountable for endorsing the Olympic society throughout the UK (Jefferys 2014).

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Overview of the UK Department of Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS)

British Olympics association operates under the department of culture, media and sport (DCMS). The (DCMS) department ensures to make Britain the worlds most creative and exciting place that people can visit and as well do businesses. In addition, this department plays a major role of protecting the cultural heritage, helping business communities to grow by investing in innovativeness thus, highlighting Britain as an incredible place to tour. DCMS protect the alongside held beliefs regarding freedom and equality. We help to give the UK a unique advantage in the global race for economic success (Great Britain 2002).

How the organization contributes to sport development objectives

The organization has become the key contributor in development of stadiums and has greatly become a mentor in athletics. It has improved the standards of sports in Britain. Thus, these are clear indicators that it obeys the rules and regulation partaken by sporting organizations and corporation. Some of the sports objectives include entertainment, growth, economic contributions and creation of employments. Hence, the BOA has managed to create employment to many participants and has lend to growth of local business in the area of sports. BOA also contributes in tax payments since the organization makes much profit and more so, it has become one of the most famous global entertainments and has greatly attracted many tourists especially in the tourism industry.

How the government influences the organization

The government support the supports the culture, Media and sorts committee held in London during a certain Olympic bid (Great Britain and Stationery Office, 2014). The government decision of the bid was based on the analysis of the key criteria of affordability, legacy deliverability and win-ability. BOA is the National committee that is currently recognized by the international Olympic committee. The government is involved in the game and a dedicated team leads it from the culture, media and sport department known as the Government Olympic Executives (GOE). At parliament level, the work of government Olympic Executives (OE) has to be accounted. In addition, the secretary of state for culture, Olympics and Sport, represents the OE. The sport and Olympic minister support them. To add to that, GOE has key responsibilities of guaranteed Olympic and Paralympics programme to ensure successful delivery by safeguarding the public investment. Nevertheless, the government has also introduced games and sports in schools to grow the Olympic and identify talents at a tender age. The government also introduces new games and sport. It supports the organization to implement these games since BOA is famous and through the organization, the new games become popular with ease. The government also ensures that the organization follows all the protocols required for an organization under the sector of Culture, Media and Sports.

How the organization contributes to broader governmental objectives

The organization has a great impact to the government of the United Kingdom. The BOA grew tremendously thus raising the economic factor of the country. It provided much employment to many job seekers who were professionals in the line of sports and the business mangers. The organization made much income and it is trying what it take to ensure that it provides the best entertainment, conserving all other underlying factors from the government and the community. In addition, the company has managed to get both internal and external fans that mean it is an international competition to date.

The government has taken more initiatives resulting from the Olympic Marathon, via Planning, funding and conducting the possible research with an aim of creating improvements. However, the British Olympic association has greatly grown the tourism sector in Britain for example. Due to the organization economic success, the BOA has grown to become significance to revenue taxation in both the local and national government. The organization has given both the government and the local authorities a fair economic competition. The BOA has considerable impact in sports, pertinent policies like employment, development in economy, the internal market, legal and permissible services, collective inclusion and local policies. Olympics competitions bring several benefits in the economy; they improved the playing standards and the playing stadiums. It has also resulted to improvement in the watching experience and triggered further economic and sports success (Girginov and Hills 2008).

The organization has greatly increased the employments capacity in the region, has affected the economic, GDP and improved the local and national economies. The athletics and other Olympic competition are managed by the British Olympic association in London and have emerged to be the social focus to many urban communities by maintain the position of being the tools or symbols of their community in the UK. The other ways which the association has managed to participate in provision of the government major objectives. The major objectives of the government from external and internal organization are to collect tax from them, ensure that they perform a fair business all though.

Apart from the government expectations from other organization, it also has basic plans and objectives to do to its citizens. They include, employment, national security, ensure social and cultural heritage of the country, promote businesses, and provide health care services among others. The British Olympic association has managed to support the government in achieving some of its objectives either directly or indirectly. For example the organization has aided in creating employment, pays taxes, has promoted business in Britain especially the, care and hospitality business, and created a room for more tourist region.

How the organization works with other organizations/agencies to deliver its objectives

There are by laws to which BOA has to operate from that govern the both the athletes and the organization. The international Olympic committee came up with by laws that makes BOA responsible in selection of participants and other support personnel to embody the Great Britain and other regions. BOA strongly defenses its athletes for example, the does not hold to doping of athletes and that it is not a better way of handling sports issues. In compliance with the word ant-Doping code (WADC), the BOA recognizes adjudication of competent authorities under WADC via prohibition of athletes participation teaming up with Great Britain while they are subject to ban from competition. The code also paves a way for other participants who are not liable to any or crime. BOA also adapted the by law which states that if a person is found guilty of committing any criminal offense internationally by any recognized sporting authority or by the national government shall not be allowed to team the Great Britain delegation. BOA collaborates with EIS in data collection and analysis to ensure maximum improvements in the teams.

BOA has been broadly involved in the provision of sports and the development of sport science and medicine in Great Britain. Due to responsibility of all individuals taking part in Olympics and sports for instance, the junior competition brings a close cooperation between BOA, the National Sports Medicine Institute (NSMI) and the British Association of Sport and Medicine Institute (BASM). Thus, the organization has managed to collaborate with many other organizations to bring forth the required services or entertainments with togetherness and developments. The organization has managed uniting with other sports organization to bring it object in practice. However, the company seeks to demonstrate high skills of operation and practice to ensure that all the talents are discovered to maintain the national heritage in Olympics and sports. British Olympics Associations has also managed a tight and close relationship with the funding groups and cooperation while it conducts its functions. According to the governmental policies, the teams operating under the BOA have to comply with the and condition governed by this organization to meet the required obligation and make achievement projected.

How BOA highlights the broader issues within itself and structure of sport

The organization has diversified ways of identifying its key challenges. One way is by ensuring that all athletes are chosen via the right way as by the laws of sports and the organization itself. The BOA conducts analysis that guide it management criterions to identify any form of issue within the organization or the port structure.

There are different types of analysis in which the BOA uses as guides to ensure problem identification and resolution in its management. In most cases, it applies the Customer Relations Management (CRM) and SWOT analysis methods to accomplish its missions and objectives. CRM deals with analysis of customer data to establish clear relations and fault relations via data examination and records. BOA examines both the incoming and outgoing data by use of CRM software for data analysis. It is via these analyses that guide the committee in establishing the key issues affecting the structural performance of sports and the organization.

In 2012, the English institute of sports EIS conducted an analysis regarding the unknown participants expected in the GB team since no one appeared in the podium for that interview. EIS works in collation with BOA in conducting analysis of the association to make maximum improvements. According to Murray, the head of EIS analyst in 2012, it is clear that the type of equipments used by different teams, selection and tactic involved originate from data analytics. In 2012 games, there were 17 analyst from EIS based in Situ as to collect data and provide feedback to the coaches. During Olympic the EIS and BOA ran a centralized Capture using the Dartfish company, which uses technology to capture video footage. They take the video and analyze it to come up with better result that may prevent teams from taking advantages of the others. CRM enable teams allows teams to perform better by putting into consideration all the data provided by the analyst. In addition, it also used in predicting strengths and weaknesses of an organization using the available sets of analysis results.

SWOT analysis stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. BOA uses SWOT analysis in identifying t...

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Essay Sample with an Overview of the British Olympic Association. (2019, May 15). Retrieved from

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