Essay Sample Packaging: Art, Science, Tech to Protect & Enhance Products

Published: 2023-08-14
Essay Sample Packaging: Art, Science, Tech to Protect & Enhance Products
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Technology Science Art
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1228 words
11 min read


Packaging is the art, science, and technology of protecting or enclosing products meant for storage, sale, distribution, or use. Additionally, packaging also characterizes designing, evaluating as well as developing packages to store different types of products. Today, product packaging not only protects a product during transit from a manufacturer to a retailer but it also aids in protecting the damage of a product while it sits on an outlet's shelf. In today's contemporary society, attractive product packaging has also become an effective marketing methodology targeted at enhancing the appeal of a product to the targeted audience. The incorporation of technology in the packaging process can help the designing of long-lasting packaging materials to safeguard goods under storage or while in transportation and also act as a marketing strategy meant to captivate the attention of potential buyers of the product in the market.

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Explanation of How Technology Impacts Materials Handling and Packaging.

Technology plays a key role in product handling and packaging processes. Additionally, that is because the application of technology helps in minimizing the time taken in material handling, and also shortens the production process set up in a distribution line. Also, the use of technology allows computerized equipment to package large volumes of products in a short time and subsequently reducing the overall cost of manufacturing or production. In today's contemporary society, the use of technology in packaging also aids in creating attractive packaging designs to offer products unique forms that enable customers to differentiate products from others in the market. Also, the use of 3D packaging technology allows the printing of unique packaging designs, which offer a venture a competitive advantage over substitute product creators in a highly saturated market environment.

Comparisons of Two of the Chosen Products

Huggies Diapers

The Huggies diapers are packaged in a cubic paperbox with a slit opening at the top of the carton, hence users of the product can pull out the product with ease. Additionally, the cubic paperbox is attractive and also makes the storage of the Huggies diapers easy and clean after the first opening of the product. Also, the packagings of the Huggies diapers have a picture of a baby wearing the product as a marketing strategy to enhance the appeal of the product to the targeted customers in the market.

Figure 1: Image of the paperbox holding the Huggies diapers retailing products in the market. The image was retrieved from the CISION PR Newswire website (Kimberly-Clark, 2019).

Andy Pandy Bamboo Diapers

Contrary to the Huggies diapers, the Andy Pandy Bamboo diapers have a nylon packaging material that holds the product compactly together. Also, unlike the paperbox materials used in the Huggies diapers, the nylon packaging used in the Andy panda Bamboo diapers ensures that the product cannot be destroyed by moisture in the event the pack is placed on a damp surface. Nevertheless, unlike the packaging used in the Huggies diapers the nylon material in the Andy Pandy diapers does not offer the users a convenient storage solution for the product once they have been opened. Additionally, that is because once the nylon package is torn to remove a diaper, it is impossible to seal it back together again in protecting the remaining products. Nevertheless, in both the stated packaging materials, there are attractive baby pictures wearing diapers. The pictures have been employed by the respective companies as a way of enhancing the appeal of the product to the targeted customers through attractive packaging.

Figure 2: Image of the nylon packaging material used for the Andy Pandy Bamboo diapers. The image was retrieved from the Good House Keeping website (Andy Pandy Premium Bamboo Disposable Diapers, 2015).

Aspects of their Packaging That Would Hinder the Materials Handling Function for the Logistics Provider

The paperbox packaging materials used for the Huggies diapers are easily collapsible under minimal pressure. As such, it would not be easy to transport the paperbox packaged Huggies diapers in single units without damaging the packaging material of the product. However, sets of the Huggies diapers can be packaged in a single non-collapsible box, which can then be used by the logistics service providers in moving products from the manufacturer to the retailers. On the other hand, the packaging material used for the Andy Pandy Bamboo Diapers, which is nylon, is not easily collapsible.

Particularly, that is because the stated packaging material holds the diapers together compactly rendering them difficult to collapse when subjected under a significant amount of pressure. As such, different packets of the Andy Pandy Bamboo Diapers can be stored on top of each other in a logistics vehicle, without compromising the shape or quality of the packaging materials used for the actual product. As such, it is evident that it would be easier to transport the Andy Pandy Bamboo Diapers in single units compared to transporting the single units of the paperbox packaged Huggies diapers in their smallest volume packages.

Packaging Changes That Should Be Recommended For the Products

Huggies Diapers

There are two distinct packaging recommendations that can be made for Huggies diapers. The first recommendation would be the change in the color of the packaging material. Color is part of the packaging and it is used by the manufacturers to enhance the appeal of their product for the targeted customers’ demographics. In this case, the paperbox material used in the Huggies packaging should not have black as its color theme. Instead, the packaging should have bright colors like cream, white, or blue to enhance the attractiveness of the package and its product to the targeted customers in the market. The second recommendation should be to enlarge the font size of the information printed on the packaging material. Product instructions written on packaged surfaces are part of the packaging process and they should be in large font sizes for clear visibility by potential buyers of the product.

Andy Pandy Bamboo Diapers

There is one primary recommendation that can be made for the Andy Pandy Bamboo Diapers packaging material. In this case, the nylon paper used in packaging the Andy Pandy Bamboo products should have a high biodegradable element upon use and discharge as waste. In this context, the nylon packaging material should be able to degrade easily on itself when exposed to the climatic elements without necessarily having to go through an industrial recycling process. Additionally, such quality would not only enhance the safety standards of the product’s packaging materials but also enhance its appeal to the targeted customer populations.


In conclusion, the incorporation of technology in the packaging process can help the designing of long-lasting packaging materials to safeguard goods under storage or while in transportation. Also, the use of the packaging as a marketing strategy can also act as a marketing strategy meant to captivate the attention of potential buyers of different products in the market. Additionally, the application of technology in the packaging process helps in minimizing the time taken in material handling and also shortens the production process set up in a distribution line. Also, the use of technology allows computerized equipment to package large volumes of products in a short time and subsequently reducing the overall cost of manufacturing or production.


Andy Pandy Premium Bamboo Disposable Diapers. (2015, October 22). Good Housekeeping.

Kimberly-Clark. (2019, July 8). Huggies brand introduces their most perfect diaper ever. PR Newswire: press release distribution, targeting, monitoring, and marketing.

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Essay Sample Packaging: Art, Science, Tech to Protect & Enhance Products. (2023, Aug 14). Retrieved from

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