Paper Example on Understanding Service: Sports Core Products

Published: 2023-01-08
Paper Example on Understanding Service: Sports Core Products
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Sport Organizational culture Customer service
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 677 words
6 min read

The benefits that arise to the customer who uses a particular product is often termed as a core product. This term is used along with the actual and augmented product, which are all levels of a product. Sports core product could be explained as experiences from an event. The components include, players, equipment, venue, and game type. The marketer will have little or no control over the core product. Sports product seems to be inconsistent (Mullin, Hardy & Sutton,2014). This research aims to discuss how core sport product is similar and also unique to services in the book (Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus Across the Firm). The paper discusses how managers can integrate biblical contexts in developing an organization's service culture.

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The core product is similar to services in production facilities and the layout in the design. It is the manufacturers who are responsible for making decisions. The manufacturers determine the outlook of the two aspects as they provide the facilities that gets the core product and services ready. In both, core product and the services, there is the existence of a process so that they can be availed. The process starts with input activities to give the output desired. Another significant similarity is a concern for the quality given to the consumers (Mullin, Hardy & Sutton,2014). The sport core product and services are both intangible. The uniqueness of the core sport product is that production and consumption are simultaneous. For example, in yesterday's match, the consumer market will unlikely exist. The core sport product is also unpredictable and lacks consistency from consumption to consumption. The fact is that sport has to continue attracting more participants. This is common knowledge because the sport is quite unpredictable.

Sports managers can develop an organization's service culture on which the organization behavior will be based on. This could be done through the integration of guest services and biblical principles. The biblical concepts can be perfect ground on which an organization can establish its values. These values are essential in that they enable an organization in which they found their culture. The organization culture has to be healthy, and this can be best achieved through the creation of organizational values (Burdick,1985). Managers apply some of the passages in the Bible as a complex system of integration. A man knows what is right and what is required to do. That is acting in a just way, having mercy and acting humbly in all that he does (Micah 6:8). The bible says, "God has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8. A manager should act in a possible just way.

An organization's cultural setting, acting justly will make the manager do what is right and act with integrity. This is a biblical passage that can be used by managers to help them speak and act honestly, seek the truth, and act diligently in pursuit of excellence (Tsitskari, Tsiotras & Tsiotras,2006). The manager's subordinates will follow this behavior, and this will help develop a healthy culture. Working humbly with God is also mentioned in the passage (Micah 6:8). A manager is supposed to act humbly; put others first, listen to them, forgiving and asking to be forgiven. Humility also means being submissive and ready to learn from anyone in the organization.

In conclusion, sports core product is similar and also unique to services as explained above. Biblical passages are also important and can be applied in an organization. Managers play an essential role in developing an organization's culture. They can use biblical passages which will enhance development of healthy organizations culture.


Burdick, D. W., (1985). The NIV study bible, new international version. K. L. Barker, & D. W. Burdick (Eds.). Zodervan.

Mullin, B. J., Hardy, S., & Sutton, W. (2014). Sport Marketing 4th Edition. Human Kinetics.

Tsitskari, E., Tsiotras, D., & Tsiotras, G. (2006). Measuring service quality in sport services. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 17(5), 623-631. doi:10.1080/14783360600588190

CORE-PRODUCT APPROACH. (n.d.). SpringerReference. doi:10.1007/springerreference_6515

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