Paper on Educational Evolution: Unveiling the Internet's Influence on Learning and the Ascendance of E-Learning

Published: 2024-01-04
Paper on Educational Evolution: Unveiling the Internet's Influence on Learning and the Ascendance of E-Learning
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Learning Education Internet Technology
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 765 words
7 min read

In 1988 a better network developed went live with 170 networks linked together (Mosco, 2019). The network made it possible for academic and research communities could access a highspeed and effective data network within the USA for the first time (Mosco, 2019). ARPANET was later closed for being slow and unreliable (Kleinrock, 2010). The program slowly expanded with the integration of packet switching networks over the circuit switching network. Initially, technology was introduced into the US education system as a necessity to prepare for an increasingly digital future as a part of the Cold War era competition. After the Soviet Union launched its first satellite, the US shifted its attention to math and sciences while embracing technology (Mosco, 2019).

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How people see education has been changed by the internet and made it more exciting. It has opened doors for more new learning ways, making students smarter and prepared to deal with future challenges (BrĂĽgger, 2012). Students can increase themselves through self-learning. Knowledge has been democratized, and one does not need an institution's permission to study a particular topic. Education has become easy as learning materials are now accessible on the Internet rather than the library, impractical for some students.

Learning has been made easier as one can learn from any location with the requirement that there is an internet connection. Such an education system is called distance learning (BrĂĽgger, 2012). The mode of learning is standard in colleges, especially graduate school. It is common for professionals who do not have time to attend school but still want to further their studies. Education these days has also made it easier for companies to retain their employees and increase their professional development efficiency (BrĂĽgger, 2012). It was hard to train employees before the internet came, but since it arrived, many professionals have been able to study online.

Rise Of E-LearningMost people prefer e-learning as an alternative to traditional education. Studying through the Internet has seen massive growth, especially in the current year. The Internet has been used to provide learners with new knowledge and skills (Verawardina et al., 2020). The COVID-19 outbreak has forced learners to look for new methods to avoid physical contact. The internet has played the most significant role in solving the problem, where companies and schooling is done remotely. E-learning is user-friendly, and with all the latest and most advanced courses, one can ensure that they are updated in their respective subjects. Immediate feedback from either the students or the teachers helps improve the learning outcomes, given that shy people can also participate in discussions or ask questions.

The next factor is the cost of online classes, mainly due to the rapid changes in the economy. Compared to traditional courses and classes, online learning is a more affordable option. Costs for facilities such as transport and certain course materials, such as textbooks, are reduced. Course materials, such as most textbooks, are found online for free or at a low cost.

As a result of COVID-19, E-learning has gained popularity all over the world (Verawardina et al., 2020). Since people cannot physically meet due to social distancing, most learning institutions use e-learning to educate students from home where it is safe. COVID-19 has led to the growth of education platforms such as BYJU'S, a Bangalore-based educational technology offering online tutoring since 2011, which has seen an increment of its use by 200% (Verawardina et al., 2020). Other companies such as Tencent also had a large increment where 81% of K-12 students had enrolled in China. In other countries, they had to use mass media to reach many students. With the use of the right technology, research shows that students who use e-learning are likely to have the capability of retaining more learning materials of 25-60% as compared to 8-10% in the traditional classroom (Verawardina et al., 2020).

Impacts of CAL In K-12CAL has both negative and negative impacts on K-12 grades. The first CAL's positive impact on K-12 grades is flexibility. Cal enables students to learn in non-classroom settings, which can be suitable for those who fail in the traditional school environment (Wang et al., 2008). Online public schools that use the K-12 system are tuition-free, which should help students be able to afford online learning as well. CAL learning materials are accessible to any learner looking for an alternative subject. However, traditional public school settings follow the same routine of daily classes. Compared to the traditional public schools, where lessons have a specific period, students in the K-12 system choose what time to spend on each lesson. Such flexibility clears the problem where students get bored of sitting in classrooms for long hours.

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Paper on Educational Evolution: Unveiling the Internet's Influence on Learning and the Ascendance of E-Learning. (2024, Jan 04). Retrieved from

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