Paper on Global Expansion of Anti-Aging Products: A Technological Marketing Approach

Published: 2023-12-26
Paper on Global Expansion of Anti-Aging Products: A Technological Marketing Approach
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Marketing Technology
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 915 words
8 min read


Technical marketing is a method of marketing focused on the specifications and key features of a product, designed to appeal to customers with a base technological understanding of a product (Lannon & Gurak, 2019). It uses a mix of traditional and media to convey a message, for example, in a magazine ad, television commercial, and internet, and in both print and e-books, any company that has a technically complex product or whose customers tend to be technically educated can benefit from technical marketing. If, for instance, a company wants to market its products, its customers are likely to already know about the technical aspects since it is the most important than the company’s simple branding. A company does not necessarily need highly informed customers to benefit from technical marketing but rather a simple concept entailing specifications that can easily impress a customer with very little knowledge about the product.

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Anti-aging products are dominant cosmetic skincare marketed with the promise of making the consumer look younger by reducing, masking, or preventing signs of skin aging such as wrinkles, thereby attracting different age groups globally (Lannon & Gurak, 2019). Research has it that even younger people are interested in the cream due to its smoothening ability.

The anti-aging creams scientifically use multiple compounds to turn back the clock and change the skin at the cellular level, for example, retinol, or vitamin A, in combination with other ingredients such as proteins and botanicals. Companies have started making moisturizing soap and liquids, and non-soap facial cleansers that moisturize your skin as you wash (Lannon & Gurak, 2019). Dual-use cleansers clean the face of dirt and bacteria and trap moisture in the outer layer of the skin. Hexamidine is a disinfectant that is often used in the lining of disposal orders because of its ability to lock moisture; it is now being taken advantage of.

The best strategy for anti-aging skin is to prevent sun damage; various sunscreens can help from sun damage, patchy and uneven skin, wrinkling, and aging spots. It is advisable that whatever sunscreen you choose to use make it a routine.

Expansion Method

The anti-aging products are mainly growing because of the increase in the age-in group population that has created a high demand for medical tourism for cosmetic procedures and risen in the consumer demand for anti-aging products that are now driving the market (Lannon & Gurak, 2019).

The anti-aging product has been expanded globally by global anti-aging marketing through the transparency marketing research that provides global reports and services and thus promotes awareness about skincare cosmetics that are used to reduce pimples, wrinkles, and other skin problems, hence high demand by attracting even the younger generations (Lannon & Gurak, 2019). Men are also attracted to facial care just like women and the trend in using anti-wrinkle creams. The popularity of skin creams and other cosmetic products, together with online availability, has led to the growth of the anti-aging market for wrinkle products; this has fueled the growth of the market in developed countries such as North America.

Aging Population

An increase in the aging population is a major driver of the anti-wrinkle product. Countries like Asia and Japan have the highest population of aging population, and their preference for the use of anti-aging products to look younger has led to an increase in market production, especially women who are concerned about the signs of aging and are keen on facial treatment to reduce aging of the skin (Lannon & Gurak, 2019). Over the past few years, the demand for cosmetic surgical procedures has been continuously increasing across the globe as a result of growing appearance consciousness and a rising aging population; injectable procedures are also performed at a global level. Advancement of technology is encouraged for the expansion of more improved and anti-aging products in the market, thereby promoting global expansion on a large scale to develop new products.

Technological Expansion

The anti-aging products have built technological expansion through the internet since different products are posted and explained with specifications, and this has attracted the aging population to the internet. Purchasing the products is also done online, and this has made it easier for them to buy products of any kind that interests them due to the doorstep delivery (Lannon & Gurak, 2019). The technological market is highly influential to them because it is the easiest way to impress customers since it contains channels that can be accessed to compare different brands and understand their benefits. Steep competition in the market has made the global players adopt techniques that are expected to increase the production capacity of the market to slow down the competitors and also to understand market opportunities.


The anti-aging product has created the awareness required by a larger number of people, making it an irresistible product in the market. Online purchases have promoted massive development in the market. It’s an advantage of skin repair, and moisturizing of the skin and the fact that it can be purchased in any form, for example in cream form, soap form, tablet form, through injections and surgery made it grow globally and created industrial and technological advancements; thus maintaining its quality and has prevented it from being stolen and sold in the dummy sites; it is a product that does not need campaigns to sell because it provides the results in the interest of the consumer.


Lannon, J.M, Gurak J.L, (2019). Guidelines for Technical Marketing materials. communication/p100001170108/9780135203255

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