Paper Sample: Comparing Judaism to the Social Work Philosophy of Loneliness

Published: 2023-11-11
Paper Sample: Comparing Judaism to the Social Work Philosophy of Loneliness
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Philosophy Religion Social work
Pages: 8
Wordcount: 1956 words
17 min read


The Jewish religion is one of the oldest religions in the world; it is a belief that is practiced and popular among the Jewish people. It involves the values, laws, and cultural practices of the Jewish community (Soloveitchik, 2009). The Jewish community's history shows that the Judaism religion started in the Middle East but later spread to other countries and areas around the world. The Jewish religion has gained a million followers in different places who share the faith and the Jewish community's beliefs. The fundamental values and beliefs of Judaism have made it a strong religion for over a million years and with the current changes in cultural practices around the world.

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In the brief history of Judaism, we find that the faith and the belief begin with the Jewish bible, which is always known as the Old Testament by the Christian denominations (Evans, 1992). The history of Judaism begins with Moses and the commandments that were given to Moses by God, In the modern Judaism religion the law of Moses still provides a strong foundation for the followers, the beliefs and the practices of the followers are strictly according to the commandments which were given to Moses. The Judaism followers believe that by adhering to the commandments of the Lord, then God will fulfill the promises which he made to them. The Torah, which is the set of laws that were given to Moses by God, provides the direction and morals that guide how the Jewish people live and relate to their brothers.

Every activity amongst the people practicing Judaism can be an act of worship and communicating with the Lord. The Jewish faiths made ways of bargaining with the Lord to ask for blessings and doing the right things according to what the Lord wants. When one does something on the idea that pleases the Lord, it is regarded as a sign of worship.

The Origins of Topic in the Sources of Religious, Spiritual Philosophy

Many people are frequently having a feeling of being alone. A state of loneliness can be described as a situation of distress or discomfort and is experienced as a result of the perceived gap between an individual desire for social connection and the real experience of social relationships. Some people will still experience loneliness even when surrounded by other people throughout the day; even in some marriages, partners still experience deep and pervasive loneliness in their lives. The feeling of loneliness can be treated by the love and care an individual will find from those surrounding him. From the Judaism religion and practices, it is believed that every person is a brother's keeper and should always offer a helping hand when in need.

We are finding that a religious Jew will always try to bring holiness in every aspect and activity they directly or indirectly participate in. By so doing, it is seen as an act of praising and serving the Lord. When looking at the topic of loneness in the Judaism religion, we find that the faith believes in the nature of meaningful connection within the communities and makes a community where members feel less lonely (Evans, 1992). Members of the religion should always be ready for nourishment and support one another when in need. Members of the city, according to Judaism, should feel less lonely, and instead, they should always feel love and confidence from the brothers who surround them.

The topic of loneliness can be elaborated from Joseph's teaching, thus what the Torah portrays about the development of Joseph's character and all events of his life. From the story of Joseph Torah explains the lessons about loneliness (Soloveitchik, 2009). When looking at Joseph's story, from the surface, we can conclude that there is no need for Joseph to be lonely as he is the favorite of his father among the eleven brothers. From his big family, it is clear that Joseph has the potential to feel love and friendship from the family members. But there is an urge and feeling that makes Joseph feel lonely. The strange need, which is belittling the gifts of the family to glorify his talents, makes him feel lonely among his brothers.

The Torah tells us that when Joseph was young, he behaved like any other normal kid, but like any other person today, Joseph through his dreams felt that he had a worth that he was to show to the world, this feeling made him feel lonely even amongst his family members. David had a desire to be better than any other person, and he could experience this in his number of dreams, which he had. At a time, the Torah tells us that Joseph had an idea where all family members were bowing down before him. When Joseph told his family about his dream of family members bowing before him, his brothers did not welcome the vision with peace, love, and humility. According to them, the young brother was trying to show off to overrule them.

The brothers were hurt by their brother's arrogance in suggesting that they would bow before him. Out of hunger and enraged, they sold Joseph as a slave. As an Egyptian slave and prisoner, Joseph felt loneliness. Still, he learns how to sympathize. He also learned that the prisoners are also human beings even after experiencing a tough side of life. During his life in prison, Joseph accepts the Jewish people's fundamental principle that states that all of us, as humans, are responsible for each other. This lesson is very crucial when learning about loneliness in the Jewish community and Judaism religion.

Joseph also shows interest in the dream of the butler and the baker, and this gives him the opportunity to show care for such people within the society, and by so doing, he plants the seeds of his future restoration and glory. From the story of Joseph, according to Torah teaching, we can learn that arrogance isolates, not skill. Ruthlessness, not drive, will always lead to loneliness. By living in a community as brothers and sisters, we can still support each other to be the best, and by so doing, we are serving the will of God on earth.

Relevance to Social Work Values and Ethics Using the Nasw Code of Ethics; How Social Work Understands This Topic, and Social Work Interventions That May Apply to the Topic

The practice of Judaism religion bases its foundation on supporting each other within the society to avoid members of the community having a feeling of loneliness. When looking at the code of ethics of the National Association of Social Workers, we find that the mission and goal of the social work profession are to ensure well well-being of the people in society and to help members of the community meet basic needs and economic empowerment of members of the organization who are vulnerable (DiFranks, 2008). Social workers are always required to help and assist people in need, and in so doing, they will be addressing any social setbacks or problems the community is facing.

Social workers are mandated to seek to understand the nature of the social environment and the diversity of the people living within the society. Social workers should understand the differences in terms of religion, race, ethnicity, and religious practices. For example, in this topic, the social worker should realize what Judaism believes about loneliness and how the society of the Jewish handles such situations. We find that values are described by the rules and regulations in both the social work ethics and the Judaism society, which gives guidance on how people should relate to each other within the community (DiFranks, 2008). In a nation, with different people, values will always facilitate the understanding of the importance of the people who surround us, and it will help to appreciate their existence in our survival as human beings. In a social working environment, ethics will help control moral values, which will contribute to what society and its members believe in and live by.

As the NASW codes of ethics play a role in the guidance of social workers' conduct within their working environment, the teaching of the Torah in Judaism also gives advice and guidelines on how people should relate to each other within the community. The code of ethics in a social working environment always identifies the values on which all the missions of social work are based, and the ethical principles provide a funder mental pillars and guidelines for social work activities. On relating the social values and code of ethics with the teaching of Judaism on the existence and how people relate with each other, we look at principles like the principles of social workers respecting the inherent dignity and worth of the person.

The Jewish religion also teaches about respecting the value of one another within the community, which will make people live like brothers and sisters, thus reducing the feeling of loneliness. Other principles of social work code and ethics emphasize the workers recognize the central importance of human relationships within the workplace (Strom-Gottfried, 2000). These principles will make social workers understand that their existence and working morale are due to the love and support of other social workers. Therefore, it is essential to reciprocate. On relating these principles to the Torah teaching and the example of Joseph's story, we find that Joseph understood the importance of simple people like the prisoners and the bakers within the society. This teaching also sets the guidelines on how people should appreciate each other's love within the community.

Application of the Topic and Understanding of This Topic to a Client or a Client System

This topic can be applied in most activities both social and economic within our society today. In society today, we find that most people are living lonely lives that are being brought about by the relationships within the working place, or how people relate within their families. The best place where this topic can be applied is in solving domestic problems as social workers. Most people are being abused in their relationships, which makes them feel lonely even after many years of staying together in a relationship (Strom-Gottfried, 2000). The problem of loneliness can develop into different stress, which can result in even death when not taken care of at an early stage.

When applying the evaluated guidelines and measures of the social work profession and using the Torah teaching about the relationship, I would give the couple guidance on appreciating each other's role within their family. I would advise the couple to love each other without giving a second thought. This will provide them with a peaceful mind and learn to tolerate each other within the family. In the system of marriage and being advised on the issues that relate to domestic violence, I would teach my clients the importance of being a brother's keeper, which is also elaborated on the teaching of the Torah.

The Topic's Influence on My Philosophy of Helping – How I See My Clients and How This Influences the Way Work With the Client

Social work activities involve daily engagement with the community members and understanding the number of challenges they are facing in life. Social work fully involves how people live and relate with each other within their environment, thus within the workplaces or at the family level (Moberg, 2005). The act of helping others is the great responsibility of each member of society in order to improve the living conditions of other people within their society. It is important to note that helping other people is not about entirely changing other people's problems but helping them get solutions and assisting them in finding ways of improving their living standards and in changing their current situations.

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