Essay Sample on Performance Evaluation Process

Published: 2023-04-23
Essay Sample on Performance Evaluation Process
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Human resources Motivation Organizational culture
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 509 words
5 min read

Typically, the management of employee performance involves the strategies, policies as well as various practices of the organization. Similarly, performance evaluation creates expectations of its workers, together with measuring as well as monitoring the outcomes. Usually, a comprehensive performance evaluation and management system play an essential role in attracting as well as retaining primary workers. Also, the performance management system assists importantly to enhance the overall performance of the business entity. Based on its importance at my workplace, the performance evaluation process helps in supporting various decisions about training as well as career development. Additionally, the performance management system helps in ensuring sufficient compensation, job promotions, and transfers, and employment termination.

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Overall, the performance evaluation process consists of setting clear as well as specific performance goals for each worker as well as giving periodic formal or informal feedback regarding the general performance of the employee relative to those highlighted objectives. For instance, the performance evaluation process is frequently linked and applied in many organizational systems like Strategic planning to monitor the quality of the workforce and also to determine whether the organization attracts as well as retains talented employees like the Coca-Cola Company. Similarly, most companies such as Wall-Mart apply the performance evaluation process as the primary basis to pay for the performance compensation process in the organization. Furthermore, the performance evaluation process enhances capable individual as well as team development through the goal-setting process of each employee in the organization. Hence, it motivates an employee at the workplace.

Challenges of Applying Performance Evaluation Process in the Organization

Some of the problems affecting the performance evaluation process in the organization include:

  • Personal Bias or favoritism: Some supervisors may allow their impressions or desires of workers, or maybe personal feelings regarding them to dominate the performance evaluation process.
  • Halo Effect: This happens when a worker is highly competent or maybe incompetent in a given field, respectively, and the manager rates his workers correspondingly either high or low in all areas.
  • Inaccurate Information: Some supervisors, at times, fail to take their time to provide relevant and reliable information concerning the worker's actual performance. Similarly, other problems affecting the process of the performance management system include a lack of differentiation among the employees, the recency effect, as well as strictness in the assessment process.

Remedies to Challenges of the Performance Evaluation Process

Generally, to achieve the performance evaluation process in the organization, the supervisor should provide accurate and reliable information regarding the performance evaluation of employees. This strategy will highly motivate employees. Hence, it leads to increased productivity and performance of employees in the organization. Additionally, there is a need to reduce personal desire and biases that may affect employees' accomplishments. Lastly, the management should reduce both the halo effect and the recency effect to enhance employee performance.


In general, the performance evaluation process plays an essential role in enhancing the motivation of employees in the workplace. The performance evaluation provides an adequate opportunity to achieve their employment needs. Therefore, there is a need to apply performance evaluation in the workplace.

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