Paper Example. Personality Assessment

Published: 2023-02-03
Paper Example. Personality Assessment
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Human resources Employment Personality Professional development
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1621 words
14 min read

Human and personnel resources play a critical role in enhancing goal attainment in businesses. Organizational managers are often faced with a mandate to assess and select an appropriate lot of employees and candidates depending on the personal capacity to prolifically contribute toward realization, attainment, and sustenance of organizational goals and vision. Personality assessment is one of the essential procedures that befit the analysis of personal capacities that could be channeled toward the performance and competencies of the workforce in the business. Notably, personality assessment inventories enhance reflection and regrouping of strategies that aim to guarantee discreet performances among the workforce at both the individual and group levels. This paper portrays an in-depth analysis and discussion of Keirsey Temperament Sorter and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator as the core personality assessment inventories when it comes to hiring decisions to source a qualified all-round assortment of employees that can help in achieving and sustaining organizational goals.

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Critical Evaluation of Personality Assessment Inventories

Personality assessment inventories are essential for indicating the potentialities of the people at the individual and group levels. The essence of adopting these procedures in business strategies is to provide human, and personnel resource managers with an insight of the strengths and weaknesses as well as the overall potentialities candidates have (Parra & Argibay, 2016). Such information is essential for revamping and instituting talent recruitment criteria to befit to the needs and requirements of the businesses that strategically invest in human and personnel resources for the sake of fostering goal achievement such as an unbeatable competitive advantage on the market (Weiner & Greene, 2017). In light of the imperative role of effectiveness in the management of human resources, a critical evaluation of the Keirsey Temperament Sorter and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator theoretically informs what to anticipate amid the adoption of these inventories at the business level.

Keirsey Temperament Sorter

The Keirsey Temperament Sorter is a self-assessment personality questionnaire that is often adopted with an aim to enhance a better understanding of oneself and team members. The questionnaire penetrated the market through the book Please Understand Me, and it is among the most commonly used assessments globally (Parra & Argibay, 2016). The user base is comprised of a wide range of employers such as Allstate, the US Air Force, IBM, and Coca-Cola, among others (Abdullah, Shariff, & Harun, 2018). The tool is comprised of about seventy questions that reflect one's capacity from reaction to stimuli and a wide range of varied occasions. Further, Abdullah and colleagues (2018) infer that through the use of seventy questions to portray personality traits, taste analytically, and preferences sufficiently addresses the areas that could accurately infer regarding personality behaviours and reactions toward specified scenarios.

A wide range of questions reflects the way individuals could react to changes, social environments, problem-solving, and situational analysis. For instance, one of the questions asks whether one is more realistic than speculative or speculative than realistic (Francis, Wright, & Robbins, 2016). Therefore, the answers to these questions basically aim to show how the assessed personnel could react to risky issues. The questions summarily account for what to anticipate from the employee candidates when it comes to matters execution of technical instructions in the workplace environment (Francis et al., 2016). Notably, the questions that are compiled for the questionnaire focus on the factual perception of oneself during the review process. Colvin-Sterling (2016) postulates that factual answers are restrictively induced through the use of closed questions to reveal personality traits and characteristics in relation to encounter with specified cases and issues in the real-life, and at workplace environment.

It is essential to screen and assess employee candidates on the grounds of their dedication to discreetly performing while at the workplace. Therefore, it is vital to acknowledge and appreciate the role that is played by the Keirsey Temperament Sorter set of questions that are tailored toward addressing the cognitive capacities, physical, and psychological response to a wide range of stimuli, especially at the workplace (Colvin-Sterling, 2016). Owing to the thorough nature of the in-depth assessment enhanced from the questions, it is indubitable that the Keirsey Temperament Sorter can be applied to individual assessment practices with a purpose of determining weaknesses and strengths that can be sharpened in the course of learning and knowledge acquisition (Colvin-Sterling, 2016). Therefore, the Keirsey Temperament Sorter is capable of enhancing goal attainment through selecting experiential and dedicated talents that can easily learn and help in fostering success in the business (Colvin-Sterling, 2016).

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is closely related to the Keirsey Temperament Sorter inventory. The two inventories take the form of closed questions to assess personality characteristics among humans. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) depicts an introspective self-assessment questionnaire that is designed to show the different psychological tastes and preferences regarding the way people understand their environments and make decisions (Stein & Swan, 2019). Evidently, the MBTI is like a superficial resemblance of theories of psychology that are deemed pseudoscientific, especially when it comes to its supposed predictive capabilities (Coan, 2019).

Notably, it is essentially applicable to businesses that seek to hire competent and success-driven talents that are worth fostering positive change and sustain sterling competitiveness on the market (Stein & Swan, 2019). The tool majorly bases the argument on the four critical psychological functions. They encompass intuition, sensation, thinking, and feeling such that only one of these functions dominates some persons almost all the time. It is reasonably applicable as psychology plays a core role in defining the workability and ability of people, especially when enclosed in business context. When applied in businesses, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) leads to a call for an in-depth understanding of the personality characters and traits that can be nurtured and managed among the people to pave the way for competency and development of the desired organizational culture to enable effectiveness at the business level.

Empirical Examination of the Theoretical Foundation for the Inventories

The theoretical background behind the adoption of these personality assessment tools guides the manifestation of analyses and interpretation of results and findings from the closed questions that provide an opportunity to answer through alternatives (Yang, Richard, & Durkin, 2016). Theoretical frameworks make it necessary and possible to align the various practical techniques and considerations to the highly anticipated and documented knowledge regarding the personality and its role in defining workplace capacities, competencies, and perceptions (Yang et al., 2016).

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator was based on the conceptual theory that was propounded by Carl Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist. According to the theory, human society can be described by their experience while on the world based on the four psychological functions as thinking, intuition, sensation, and feeling (Coan, 2019). Contrarily, Jung's psychological theory was not founded on controlled scientific research. It was carried out in reference to introspection, clinical observations, and anecdote, which make an entire lot of methodologies that function inconclusively, especially in the contemporary scientific psychology discipline (Coan, 2019). Moreover, the typology theories of Jung inferred that four cognitive functions whereby each one of them has one of the two polar orientations as either introversion or extraversion top give a summation of eight dominant functions. Ware (2019) infers that structured and projective personality assessments and judging versus perception broadly apply in the operationalization of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) to create stakeholder value through valid propositions at the business level.

On the other hand, the Keirsey Temperament Sorter inventory is founded on the modernized temperament theory. Furthermore, the Myers' and Keirsey's inventories correspond to a wide range of other temperament theories such as Galen's four temperaments, Aristotle's four sources of happiness, and Gordon-Bull Nexus Model (Jafrani et al., 2017). They are effective in describing the personalities of people in regard to handling issues and dealing with a wide range of phenomena (Ware, 2019). Ideally, the Keirsey Temperament Sorter inventory is wholly founded on the implication of a field-based theory.

Assessment of each Personality Inventory for Reliability and Validity

Reliability and validity are essential aspects of gauging the relevance of the outcomes of the personality assessment inventories when used to determine the capacities of the people, especially when it comes to meeting the various professional guidelines that are used to add value to organizations through influential practices and dealings of a business (Yang et al., 2016). The outcomes of the personality assessments from the Keirsey Temperament Sorter and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) inventories reflect the relevance of the people and their contribution to the attainment of organizational goals and objectives (Ware, 2019).

The Keirsey Temperament Sorter tool makes use of a closed questionnaire to vet for the individuals against the work requirements and organizational standards to determine the level of quality that must be observed at all costs through the day-to-day practices that are carried out under the brand of the business. The indicators of the Keirsey Temperament Sorter answers provide a long-term solution to the uncertainties and productivity issues that are prevalent among recruits and new employees (Ware, 2019). An in-depth assessment of the potential employees via the Keirsey Temperament Sorter tool paves the way for an understanding of the reactional, behavioral, and preferential trends among the people and selection of those whose capacities could be tailored in favor of organizational goals and objectives as well as preferences.

A total of seventy questions exhaustively assesses individuals and provides an all-round consideration for the key performance indicators among the preferred candidates and how the various weaknesses that could be brought to light via the assessment can be addressed and improved (Yang et al., 2016). The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment tool brings about an understanding of the people at personal and team levels (Yang et al., 2016). The inventory focuses on reviewing the manifestation of the principal psychological functions that depict the persons' cognitive capacity, especially when it comes to responding accordingly to issues and constraint factors to goal attainment at the business level.

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Paper Example. Personality Assessment. (2023, Feb 03). Retrieved from

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