HR Essay Sample: Personnel Handling, Motivation and Communication Strategies

Published: 2019-08-15
HR Essay Sample: Personnel Handling, Motivation and Communication Strategies
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Communication Human resources Motivation
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 912 words
8 min read

For the goals of a specific project to be met, personnel handling, motivation and communication strategies must fit the bill. This is because they involve handling of the human resource, which is the most crucial resource in any working environment. As evident, the human factor is most crucial in running of all operations either in a project or in other fields. Thus, being able to handle the personnel is first priority in any task. This is because personnel handling involves being able to ensure that the human resource available works together at various level to achieve the goals at all various levels. It is therefore important that a good project manager be a good human resource manager. Human resource management include planning human resources, acquiring the project team, developing the project team, and managing the project team (Schwalbe, 2014).

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For people to be efficient, they need to relate importance to their tasks. Thus, motivation comes in as the psychosocial factor that helps personnel relate reward to efficiency hereby pushing them to be effective. Communication is also an important factor in project management. For an operation to run smoothly, various sectors must be able to synchronize with each other. Thus, communication comes in as the oil that enable smooth running and coordination between different tasks. Thus, these three factors are most crucial for the completion of any specified task.

Running a project team involves dealing with various people. In simple terms, one ends up dealing with a number of people, dealing with a number of tasks, with different specified goals and having a varied response to different management techniques. This creates a challenge in that a generalized technique becomes obsolete and thus it should be noted that flexibility must be imparted in the application of this technique.

In this case, the first personnel handling strategy would be to begin with the goal in mind. Therefore, the personnel has a clear understanding of what is required of them. It is proven that if the employees have a firm grasp of what is expected of them, they are likely to be more efficient as clarity is provided as to what is expected (Covey, 1990). Resource levelling can also come in handy. In this case, conflicts in allocation of tasks can be resolved by delaying over allocated tasks. In the case where only one supervisor is involved, it is especially ideal as it requires minimal supervision which really takes a load off. Spreadsheets and project management software is also an ideal strategy. Using a software in management makes it easy to assign tasks and perform other managerial tasks. This is because after input of data, the software is able to perform its calculations and enable application of other tasks in a minimal time period thus ensuring efficiency.

It is important to note that a manager has various influences that are available to him or her in the implementation of the strategy. Nine influence bases available to project managers are authority, assignment, budget, promotion, money, penalty, work challenge, expertise, and friendship (Thamhain & Wilemon, 1999). Research found that project success is associated with project managers who use work challenge and expertise to influence workers and that failure is on placing too much influence on money, authority and penalty. Thus, the manager can be able to balance these strategies effectively to ensure they manage their personnel.

When it comes to motivation, it is important to distinguish between hygiene factors and motivators and know how each is applicable to improving morale. It is also important to balance these factors to ensure that there is no useless expenditure of resources in motivation. Hygiene factors are the factors that cause dissatisfaction if not present but do not cause motivation if present. These include higher salaries and improved working conditions. Thus, these are important in the case that the management aim is to provide a steady working environment to maximize on efficiency. However, motivators are more important in the case that employee loyalty and energy is required in the execution of a specific task. This is because this factor does not cause dissatisfaction in its absence but will boost morale if present and ensure maximum efficiency for the time of its application. This includes employee recognition, good working relationship among others. Thus, a good balance should be established between the two to ensure maximum efficiency.

In the case of premeeting documents, the first document is the draft agenda. This would help to ensure the meeting stayed on course. An analysis strategy on personnel handling technique is also needed to provide basis of research. A work plan of the various members is also crucial as it ensures that the tasks are shared effectively.

A communication management plan is also important in establishing communication channels. A plan is needed that varies depending on the project requirements. The first strategy is managing communication. This ensures that information is disseminated from the managerial team to the personnel. Reporting performance should also be established. This is feedback the management on how the team is performing. This thus ensures supervision of performance is carried out. A communication strategy should also be established to ensure that there is regular exchange of information between management and employees to ensure quality control.


Covey, S. (1990). The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change. New York.

Schwalbe, K. (2014). Information Technology Project Management (7th ed.). Boston.

Thamhain, H. J., & Wilemon, D. L. (1999). Building Effective Teams for Complex Project Environment.

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HR Essay Sample: Personnel Handling, Motivation and Communication Strategies. (2019, Aug 15). Retrieved from

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