Philadelphia Artifact, Free Essay from Our Huge Database

Published: 2022-03-31
Philadelphia Artifact, Free Essay from Our Huge Database
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  History Architecture
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1162 words
10 min read

The Artifact of Philadelphia is a famous historic meeting place for Freemasons in the city that stands firm one century after its erection. Being one of the antique sanctuaries in the U.S., it is an exceptional illustration of Gothic architecture. In fact, it is one of the most treasured constructions among the Philadelphia freemason culture (Washington 79). George Herzog, one of the most sought-after interior designers, decorated the museum's interior, while architect James H Windrim took charge of the external decoration. The museum location is at the seventh street near independence hall just near the liberty bell corner, a block from the independence visitor centre. Besides, the Philadelphia is housed in stylish Greek, revival structure which was used as the home of Franklin Institute (Richardson and Craig 22). The building was designed by one of the foremost country's architects John Havilland. The monument in the museum features marble stairs edged by grained cast iron vaults. The museum represents the Pennsylvania Museum and Artifact library (Clemmer and Melissa 155). The Artifact Museum of Philadelphia is a demonstration of spectacular and mythical internal and external architecture that make it one of the greatest awesome sights in the freemason's society.

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Upon entering the museum, the first observable thing is the city of Philadelphia floor map. The museum is packed objects representing the past events. Among these object include the dead body of "Philly", a dog who bravely helped people in world war one. For my final Pex report, l decided to focus on something about history, the artefact of Philadelphia. The artwork around this beautiful sanctuary tells a story about human being roots, and heritage. On the other hand, it symbolises immigrants who fought hard to achieve their dream. The gate of Philadelphia itself is about three to four high stories high. It is well painted with traditional red colour. The museum has fantastic craft beer scenes (Clemmer and Melissa 155). The craft beer scene explains the history of beer in the town from the era of colonies to the present Philadelphia brewing company. The Philadelphia artefact is a great reserve for anyone who is interested in learning more about the history of the city beyond what is seen at other tourist attraction and independent halls (Richardson and Craig 22). The artwork in the Philadelphia museum plays an essential role in enriching the youth with the artefact information and history around the place. The beautiful artwork around the Philadelphia has motivated many young people to participate in the arts as adults. The museum is indeed designed in a very special way to renew and explore the creative artefact.

One of the things that speak volumes or create the first impression of any structure is the exterior design. The Artifact museum of Philadelphia is not an exception. It has one of the best architectural features in the United States, which include a huge grand arch over the main entrance and antique features. Around the exterior of Artifact museum are rose and stained-glass windows that illuminate extravagance (Richardson and Craig 22). There is an expensive noticeable brushwork within the building creating a diverse composition of complex artwork. The building installation includes some artefact loans with small mirrors painted on copper panels (Clemmer and Melissa 155). It's very easy to discover the beauty of the ancient artwork. These unforgettable old artworks were made of objects of visual quality and emotional richness which resembles modern contemporary art. The trio of biomorphic sculptures with whimsical shape and colour speaks about the west's works. The artist designed these objects in a simple but with dynamic complexity.

The interior artefact of any museum depends on its purpose. In this case, some say that the internal decorations of the Artifact of Philadelphia" are more exciting than the external" (Wilms 49). In fact, it is constructed in a way that it reverses the famous European Knights Templars. The museum is further divided into many rooms as is the custom among freemasons. Upon entering the museum, one can notice a red, extended highway that extends to conference houses that have decorations with pictures of freemasons on the walls. The ceiling colour is yellowish with an incredible pattern of tile. On the other hand, each lodge room in the museum has a centred podium-like object and master seats.

The indoors of the lodge room has highly detailed carpet accompaniments and ornate ceilings. Noticeably, the Gothic hall lodge room in the museum is ornamented in a vaulted ceiling, which is noticeable in Gothic architecture (Wilms 56). There is another staircase at the back of the museum with prehistoric Greek images. On the second floor is a fitting room with a nice carpet, pictures on the walls and curtains (Clemmer and Melissa 155). The Philadelphia present and contemporary wings show entire portraits of Kelly's art. The artwork around this place highlights Kelly's formative career years. Inside and outside artwork around this beautiful sanctuary gave me the opportunity to appreciate its great work of art.

The observable changes at the Mason Museum of Philadelphia include tower pilasters and three towers on the front facade (Clemmer and Melissa 155). The building also has a curved arch, pediments and columns with heavy cornice belt courses. Its current situation is marvellous since the roof has also been renovated. The museum also has a modernized floor, the storage space has been expanded, and the top of the pool table has been cleaned off. On the other hand, there are brand new chairs with elegant sofa cushions (Clemmer and Melissa 155). The light system in each area is now different, and the present sitting display is in a manner that it encourages discussions.

In conclusion, the Artifact Museum of Philadelphia is an inestimable museum in the freemason's community. It has well-designed meeting rooms that individuals hire for different reasons and gives options for a price cut to those that are accredited to the freemason's community. People coming from the museum propinquity are given priority when it approaches the level of care access. Considering lifestyle choices, those people who are suffering from acute diseases are guaranteed of healthcare services. Individuals who are not able to pay for healthcare in the Artifact home are entitled to the Philadelphia Advantage Programs that gives financial support. Finally, Philadelphia potential people are mostly put at the top of the waiting list. The artwork around the place is attracting many tourists across the world that comes at the Philadelphia museum to learn more about the history, the impressive artwork represented in beautiful portraits.

Works Cited

Clemmer, Melissa. "Curious Revolutionaries: The Peales of Philadelphia, American Philosophical Society Museum, Philadelphia, PA." (2017): 155-160.

Richardson, Craig. "Artists''embedded reinterpretation'in museums and sites of heritage." Journal of Visual Art Practice17.1 (2018): 22-40.

Washington, George. Writings: Letter to the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, January 1793. Goodreads, n.d. // Accessed 18 Feb 2018

Wilms, Stephanie A. "Shadow and Substance: Photography, Freemasonry, and the Moorish Science Museum of America." Journal of African American History vol. 101, no. 1-2, 2016, pp. 49-68.

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