Type of paper:Â | Essay |
Categories:Â | Education Biology |
Pages: | 4 |
Wordcount: | 1078 words |
There are three different form of photosynthesis which includes the C3, C4 and CAM. All the three forms of photosynthesis are based on two different pathways; the first path being the light reaction path. This is where the energy from the sun is directly taken up by the green element in plants known as chlorophyll to split water producing oxygen. The second pathway is known as the dark reaction or the carbon fixation cycle. The carbon dioxide is absorbed to make sugar. The energy from the light reactions is applied in driving the process. The following are the photosynthetic pathways of different species in the ecosystem.
citations | Photosynthesis pathway | Species | Family | |
(Ehleringer, Cerling and Dearing 190-196) | C3 Pathway | Echiumrauwolfii Del. = E. arabicum R. Mill | Boraginaceous | |
(Ehleringer, Cerling and Dearing 193) | It has a C3 photosynthetic pathway as shown below; The equation CO2(Carbon dioxide in from stomata) + RuBP (Ribulose bisphosphate already in plant) + the enzyme RUBISCO (Ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase) “fixes” carbon from the atmosphereà 2PGA (phospholygerate) | Trichodesmaafricanum (L.) Lehm. var. heterotrichumBornm. &Kneuck. |
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(Ruddiman pg,316) | These include shrubs, lianas, the mangroves and the annuals. These plants have either the C4 or the CAM type of photosynthesis pathway | Gypsophila capillaris (Forssk.) C. Chr. | Caryophyllaceae | |
(Monson 563) | The plant uses the C4-dicarboxylic acid pathway of photosynthesis. | Cornulacamonacantha Del. | Chenopodiaceae | |
(Monson 566) | C4photosynthetic pathway | Cornulacasetifera (Dc.) Maq. |
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(Monson 563) | The C4 form of photosynthesis path | SuaedaveraForssk. ex J. Gmel. = S. fruticosa |
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(Monson 564) | It has a C4 photosytnthesis pathway | HelianthemumvesicariumBoiss. | Cistaceae | |
(Monson 564) | C4photosynthesis pathway | Anthemisarvensis L. |
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(Ehleringer, Cerling and Dearing 99) | C3photosynthetic pathway. | Anvilleagarcinii(Burm.f.) DC. |
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(Monson 563) | C4 photosynthesis pathway | Atractylismernephthae Asch. Schweinf. &Letourne = A. arabicusRech. |
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(Monson 565) | The photosynthesis pathway is C4 | Carthamusoxycantha M. Bieb. |
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(Monson 555) | C4 photosynthetic pathways | Centaureasinaica Dc. |
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(Sage2) | Chamaemelum nobile ... Photosynthetic pathway, 4.02, C3 | Chamaemelummixtum (L.) All. |
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(Sage, 4) | (C3/C4) photosynthetic pathway | Echinopsglaberrimus Dc. |
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(Sage 11) | C3 photosynthetic pathway | GarhadiolusangulosusJaub. &Spach. |
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(Sage12) | CAM photosynthetic pathway | Launaeaangudtifolia (Desf.) Kuntze |
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(Sage12) | C3 photosynthetic pathway | Leontodonhispidus(Delile.) Boiss. |
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(Monson 563) | C4 photosynthetic pathway | OnopordumsibthorpianumBoiss. &Heldr. |
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(Ruddiman 12) | CAM photosynthetic pathway | PicrisaltissimaDelile. |
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(Pessarakli42) | CAM photosynthetic pathway | PicrisbabylonicaHand-Mazz. |
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(Pessarakli47) | CAM photosynthetic pathway | Pseudognaphaliumluteoalbum (L.) Hilliard & B. L. Burtt. |
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(Pessarakli51) | CAM photosynthetic pathway | Scorzonerapapposa Dc. |
| |
(Pessarakli39) | C4 photosynthetic pathway | ScorzoneraschweinfurthiiBoiss. |
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(Pessarakli40) | C4 photosynthetic pathway | SeneciobelbeysiusDelile. |
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(Pessarakli42) | C4 photosynthetic pathway
| Urospermumpicroides (L.) F.W. Schmidt |
| |
(Pessarakli99) | C4 pathway | Anastaticahierochuntica L. | Cruciferae | |
(Pessarakli99) | C4 pathway | Coronopusdidymus (L.) Sm. |
| |
(Monson 98) | C4 pathway | Diplotaxisharra(Forssk.) Boiss. |
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(Pessarakli102) | C4 pathway | EnarthrocarpusstrangulatusBoiss. |
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(Pessarakli32) | C4 pathway | Eruca sativa Mill. |
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(Pessarakli32) | C4 pathway | Erucariacrassifolia (Forssk.) Delile |
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(Pessarakli45) | C4 pathway | Erucariahispanica (L.) Druce |
| |
(Pessarakli54) | C4 pathway | LepidiumaucheriBoiss. |
| |
’’ | C4 pathway | Andrachnetelephioides L. | Euphorbiaceous | |
” | C4 pathway | Euphorbia granulataForssk. |
| |
” | C4 pathway | Euphorbia prostrataAiton |
| |
’” | C4 pathway | Euphorbia retusaForssk. |
| |
(Waller and Lewis, 1-17) | C3 photosynthetic pathway | Agropyroncristatum (L.) Willd. | Gramineae | |
Waller and Lewis, 1-17) | C3 photosynthetic pathway | BromusdanthoniaeTrin. |
| |
Waller and Lewis, 1-17) | C3 photosynthetic pathway | BromushaussknechtiiBoiss. |
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Waller and Lewis, 1-17) | C3 photosynthetic pathway | BromussericeusDrobov |
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Waller and Lewis, 1-17) | C3 photosynthetic pathway | Bromusscoparius L. |
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Waller and Lewis, 1-17) | C3 photosynthetic pathway | Centropodiaforskalii (Vahl) Cope |
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Waller and Lewis, 1-17) | C4 photosynthesis pathway. | Loliummultiflorum Lam. |
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Waller and Lewis, 1-17) | C4 photosynthesis pathway. | Loliumperennialenne L. |
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Waller and Lewis, 1-17) | The C4 pathway of photosynthesis | Phalarisparadoxa L. |
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Waller and Lewis, 1-17) | The C4-dicarboxylic acid pathway of photosynthesis | Salvia aegyptiaca L. |
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(Ramawat 198) | C4 photosynthesis pathway,. | AstragaluspalaestinusEig | Leguminosae | |
(Ramawat 198) | C4 photosynthesis pathway,. | HippocrepisareolataDesv. |
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(Ramawat 197 | C4 photosynthesis pathway,. | HippocrepiscyclocarpaMurb. |
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(Ramawat 198) | C4 photosynthesis pathway,. | Lotus lanuginosusVent. |
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(Ramawat 198) | C4 photosynthesis pathway,. | Medicagomonspeliaca(L.) Trautv. |
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(Ramawat 198) | C4 photosynthesis pathway,. | Medicagopolymorpha L. |
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(Ramawat 198) | C4 photosynthesis pathway,. | Retamaraetam (Forssk.) Webb &Berthel. |
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(Ramawat 198) | C4 photosynthesis pathway,. | Tephrosiapurpurea (L.) Pers. ssp. Leptostachya (DC.) Brummitt |
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(Ramawat 198) | C4-photosynthesis pathway | Trigonellalaciniata L. |
| |
(Ruddiman 44) | C3 pathway | Cistanchephelypaea (L.) Cout. | Orobanchaceae | |
(Pessarakli22) | It employs the C4 photosynthetic path | HypecoumgesliniiCoss. & Karl. | Papaveraceae | |
(Pessarakli 99) | This is a C3 photosynthetic pathway plant | Papaver glaucumBoiss. &Hausskn. ex Bieb |
| |
(Pessarakli23) | C3 photosynthetic pathway | Plantagoalbicans L. | Plantaginaceae | |
” | C4photosynthetic pathway | PlantagocylindricaForssk |
| |
” | C3 photosynthetic pathway | Plantagolanceolata L. |
| |
” | C3 photosynthetic pathway | Plantagopsammophila Agnew &Chalibi-Ka, bi. |
| |
| C4 photosynthetic pathway | PolygonumaviculareL. | Polygonaceae | |
| Uses C3 photosythetic pathway | PolygonumpalaestinumZoh |
| |
Pessarakli111) | C4 photosynthesis | Oligomerislinifolia (Vahl ex Hornem.) J. F. Macbr. ( =Reseda linifoliaVahl ex Hornem.) | Resedaceae | |
Pessarakli121) | Many of these sour plants are endowed with the C4 photosynthetic pathway | Veronica polita Fr. (= V.didymasensuauct) | Scrophulariaceae | |
(Sage23) | Hyoscyamusdsertorum(Asch. ex Boiss.) V. Täckh. | Solanaceae | ||
Pessarakli110) | C3 or C4 photosythetic pathway | Solanum nigrum L. |
| |
Pessarakli111) | The C3 photosynthesis pathway | Reaumuriahirtellajaub. &Spach | Tamaricaceae | |
Pessarakli119) | It employs C4 photosynthesis | TamarixtetragynaEhrenb |
| |
(Pessarakli111) | employs the C3 photosynthetic pathway | DucrosiaflabellifpliaBoiss |
| |
’’ | This is a plant with a C4 photosynthesis pathway | Pteroselinumcrispum (Mill.) A. W. Hill. = P.Sativum (L.) P. Hoffm. |
| |
’’ | Tordyliumaegyptiacum (L.) Poir. |
| ||
’’ | It has a C3 photosynthesis pathway | TribulusmacropterusBoiss. | Zygophyllaceae |
Ehleringer, James R., Thure Cerling and Dennis Dearing. A History of Atmospheric CO2 and Its Effects on Plants, Animals, and Ecosystems. New York: Springer Science & Business Media, 2006.
Monson, Russel. The C4 Plant Biology. New York: Academic Press, 1998.
Pessarakli, Mohammad. Handbook of Photosynthesis, Second Edition. New York: CRC Press, 2015.
Ruddiman, William. Tectonic Uplift and Climate Change. London: Springer Science & Business Media, 2013.
Sage, Rowan. "The C4 Plants Lineages of Planet Earth." Journal of Experimental Botany Advance Access published March 16, 2011 (2011): 1-15.
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