Essay Example on Pipeline Infrastructure Monitoring

Published: 2017-12-28
Essay Example on Pipeline Infrastructure Monitoring
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Engineering Technology
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 922 words
8 min read

The article Pipeline Infrastructure Monitoring Using Wireless Sensor Networks provides a description of the outcomes of a doctoral research conducted to develop a more operational transportation pipeline monitoring system (Junie, & Dinu, 2011). The system developed from research relied on wireless sensor networks. Development of such systems grows from the need to create more efficient transportation systems. As such, the current research has given precedence to monitoring systems that minimize the risks from accidents and vandalism. The researchers conducted the research understudy using modern technologies that enabled the researchers to create inexpensive sensors. If applied in the transportation pipeline systems, the sensors can guarantee improved communication since it use advanced networking system. Furthermore, the system makes monitoring more operative using electronic devices that have a higher processing speed and storage capacity.

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The outcomes of the research described in the article have proved significant. Their application in the transportation system has greatly benefited the pipeline infrastructure. For instance, the monitoring systems described will help prevent certain traditional problems that faced pipeline systems like leakages, accidental explosions, and vandalism. The article describes a new sensor network technology that can be used to create different architectural models. These models provide users with easy control using router protocols (Junie, & Dinu, 2011). If implimented in the transportation pipeline systems, users can improve monitoring functions and communication efficiency. The research outcomes indicate that electronic sensors are more reliable than traditional mechanisms and systems.

Relationship of Article to Course Material and the Criminal Justice Components

The new technologies described in the article relate to the course material because they describe a monitoring system based on new architectural models (Junie, & Dinu, 2011). The new and proposed system can improve risk assessment and protect transportation pipeline systems. The course materials describe the necessity of establishing effective pipeline-monitoring systems using sophisticated architectural designs. The usefulness of these systems is demonstrated by their ability to withstand weather changes, detect potential leakages, and problems throughout the entire pipeline system. Furthermore, the new system achieves this objectives while remaining full proof to vandalism, and this is by possessing an efficient communication system that conveys impulses from the sensors in case of any abnormalities (Petru & Octav, 2011).

The article describes the routing protocol as a great milestone towards eradicating traditional challenges that crippled the transportation pipeline systems. Before the invention of current technologies and monitoring systems, outdated pipeline systems had a negative correlation with the criminal justice system (Junie, & Dinu, 2011). This correlation was mainly because of the number of cases and problems that resulted whenever the pipeline systems failed to perform as required within the industry. For instance, the criminal justice system had to be involved when there were cases of pollution, accidental explosions, and breakdowns in the monitoring system. These cases mainly resulted from leakages due to adverse weather conditions or vandalism (Petru & Octav, 2011). The functionality and utility of the transportation pipeline system depended greatly on the different components of the criminal justice system.

The Wireless Sensor Networks described in the article are designed to guarantee safety in the transportation of oil, water, and gasses through the transportation pipeline systems. These new developments are part of the objectives made in the course materials since they are efforts to improve the functionality of the systems as would be envisaged by the criminal justice system. Different components of the laws would remain unviolated if the system’s implementation of the new developments described in the article guaranteed safety alone. Transportation through the pipeline systems has in the past suffered disastrous outcomes. For instance, oil leakages have often resulted in massive cases of land and water pollution (Junie, & Dinu, 2011). Many people have died because of the explosions occurring after the leaked oil and gasses ignited. In addition, oil, water, and gas companies have suffered significant losses from these leakages. Ineffective monitoring systems have in the past-facilitated cases of vandalism that had undesirable effects on the neighboring communities, and environment.

Themes in the article portray an elaborate relationship with the course material since they highlight the issues of safety, effective monitoring systems, and full proof architectural models that guarantee safety, and timely risk assessment, and the protection of the pipeline-transportation systems (Petru & Octav, 2011). The article addresses the problem of communication and development of sensors that can detect abnormalities throughout the pipeline system. This information corresponds with most aspects of the course material since it is a description of one of the various interventions that could be used to improve monitoring systems for pipeline companies (Junie, & Dinu, 2011). Efficient systems are key to operating smoothly within the criminal justice systems.

The article raises various questions that may need addressing in future, for instance, the inclusion of personnel to back up the system. Would the system remain fully operation with minimum human intervention? This question is because most pipeline systems pass across hostile regions and areas that are uninhabited. As such, can the system effect solutions in cases where the system breaks down in such areas, and thus save the company from losses that accrue from leakages and vandalism? Future research should, therefore, explore further scientific approaches, and systems that could be used to develop transportation pipeline systems that can operate freely with minimum human intervention.


Junie, P., & Dinu, O. (2011). Pipeline Infrastructure Monitoring Using Wireless Sensor Networks. Scientific Bulletin of “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, C Series, LXXIII (2), 79-88.

Petru, J., & Octav, D. (2011). Pipeline Infrastructure Monitoring Using Wireless Sensor Networks. Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti Bulletin, Technical Series, 63(2).

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