Paper Example - Professional Identity Of The Nurse: Putting It All Together

Published: 2023-12-11
Paper Example - Professional Identity Of The Nurse: Putting It All Together
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education Nursing Profession
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 693 words
6 min read

The introduction to nursing career assists nursing learners in getting ready to be competent nurses. The training gives the guidelines of how every nurse will carry out his duties. The learners receive the relevant skills on how to handle the types of equipment used in managing various sicknesses of patients. Through rigorous training, nurses can know how to apply the skills of critical and analytical thinking to assists the patients. The nurses get prepared to examine the sickness of the patients and ensure that they give them quality care. The nurses apply research skills to better the services that they offer to patients. Nurses use professional journals to learn about current trends, such as the modern changes in the nursing field. Therefore, this paper will focus on assisting the nurses in understanding how conduct, contact, and virtues impact the results of a patient.

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Patients’ care does not only revolve around the professional line of nursing. The patients can suffer discomfort concerning their situations, diseases, treatment, operation, or healing. The nurses must treat the physical disorders of the patients and also their work on their emotional ailments. When nurses portray empathy, they build a mutual connection with patients; this helps in knowing the sources, symptoms, and examinations which provide the correct medication and good health follow-ups (Hivert et al., 2016). Transparent contact and collective respect amongst the patients and the nurses' aids in achieving positive patients’ results. Through inculcating nurses with the skills of patient-centered care, nursing training centers, and health care affiliations assist them in developing a humane model of operation.

Health centers use the simulation or role-playing in educating the nurses the skills that help them relate well with their patients. The nurses also acquire sagacity about the legitimacy concerned with their line of duty. Veteran Accordance in Nursing is a perception of oneself, which is affected by the attributes, ethos, and merits of the nursing field, ending up in the personal reasoning, behaving, and impression of a nurse. It entails the internalization of central principles and angle known to be inherent to the science and art of nursing (Vansteenkiste et al., 2018). Those central principles tend to become self-evident after nurses’ training, gaining experience, reflecting, and growing in their career. Thus, the internalization of noble canons in a nurses’ field is mandatory.

The American Nurses Association is one of the most extensive civic affiliations and has several states links (Tluczek et al., 2019). Its members enjoy access to an online library that carries a lot of data and intensive research. Secondly, is the Hospice And Palliative Nurses Association, its members can also contribute the ideas related to the field of nursing. The nurses frequently join as mentors or to receive mentorship. It is tough to operate with patients suffering from terminal illnesses; thus, this Affiliation assists the nurses in getting a support connection. Additionally, its members acquire the skills in leadership and also learn how to relate well with their colleagues and patients.

Conclusively, Nursing is an ethical job existing in the current period as a method to care for and to assist humanity, and to improve how the nurses attend to patients. Every patient is taken care of distinctively and has different choices according to their ethics. In the demands of the current world, nursing is required more than ever; however, its services are missing in some parts of the globe.


Hivert, M. F., Arena, R., Forman, D. E., Kris-Etherton, P. M., McBride, P. E., Pate, R. R., ... & Kraus, W. E. (2016). Medical training to achieve competency in lifestyle counseling: an essential foundation for prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases and other chronic medical conditions: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation, 134(15), e308-e327.

Tluczek, A., Twal, M. E., Beamer, L. C., Burton, C. W., Darmofal, L., Kracun, M., ... & Turner, M. (2019). How the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics informs genetic/genomic nursing. Nursing Ethics, 26(5), 1505-1517.

Vansteenkiste, M., Aelterman, N., De Muynck, G. J., Haerens, L., Patall, E., & Reeve, J. (2018). Fostering personal meaning and self-relevance: A self-determination theory perspective on internalization. The Journal of Experimental Education, 86(1), 30-49.

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