Progressive Tax: Successes & Failures - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-09-17
Progressive Tax: Successes & Failures - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Policy Finance Tax system
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 560 words
5 min read


Although the Policy has been successful most of the time at addressing the problems it was intended to solve, there are a few moments when it failed. There is some individual, especially the rich people within the society that disagree with the progressive tax. Arguably, the progressive tax reduces the possible incentives to help earn money through various business activities. The Policy still reduces the investment capability since it forces the wealthy people only to be left with the disposable income to invest.

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Reasons for the Success of the Policies

The welfare policies have been successful at addressing poverty, unemployment and income inequality problems. The key reason for their success is their sense of contributing a lot to solving various potential social problems, including poverty, unemployment, and income inequality. Another reason for the success of such policies towards solving the problems they are intended to solve is because of their capability of welfare-state arrangements as well as their financing capability (Engeli & Mazur, 2018). The policies have succeeded in highlighting the value of people with income that falls below the specific threshold while providing them with alternatives for accessing the basic human needs in a much-planned manner.

Recommendations on the Changes that could be made to the Policy to make it more Effective at Addressing the Problems it was Intended to Solve

One of the key recommendations that can be implemented on the welfare policy to make it more effective in encouraging people to work harder rather than idleness. That is part of the passionate means of helping people get out of poverty and become more responsible for the current fiscal problems facing many countries today.

The Rationale for the Changes Recommended

Encouraging people to work harder rather than idleness is important. It would help ensure that people get all their basic needs, which would reduce the level of poverty within a country. That is important since people will fell subject to the Policy and work harder not only to make their lives better than also make the economic status of the nation better.


In conclusion, when people hear of the welfare policy, they should not necessarily have to think of the government assistance programs. However, they should think of other programs, including tax credits. That can be done by analyzing how welfare policy attempts to solve poverty, unemployment, and income inequality problems. That can be done by analyzing the policies to address such problems, which include the progressive taxes, fiscal policy, and the increase in minimum wages, which are part of the effective policies to address such problems.


Darrough, M., Kim, H., & Zur, E. (2019). The impact of corporate welfare policy on firm-level productivity: Evidence from unemployment insurance. Journal of Business Ethics, 159(3), 795-815.

Engeli, I., & Mazur, A. (2018). Taking implementation seriously in assessing success: The politics of gender equality policy. European Journal of Politics and Gender, 1(1-2), 111-129.

Hoynes, H. W., & Patel, A. J. (2018). Effective Policy for reducing poverty and inequality? The Earned Income Tax Credit and the distribution of income. Journal of Human Resources, 53(4), 859-890.

Kim, K. T. (2019). Income inequality, welfare regimes and aggregate health: Review of reviews. International Journal of Social Welfare, 28(1), 31-43.

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Progressive Tax: Successes & Failures - Essay Sample. (2023, Sep 17). Retrieved from

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