Student's Self Assessment Essay Sample

Published: 2019-11-08
Student's Self Assessment Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Goal Education Students
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1737 words
15 min read

This is a required assignment for this course. By completing this document, you acknowledge and understand that you are sharing academic and personal information with your instructors, academic coaches, learner services advisors, career services advisors, and other supporting departments at UMA.

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Week 1

Section 1: My Goals & Actions

Mission & Goals

Strengths & Challenges

Week 2

Section 2: My Time Management

Personal Calendar

Week 3

Section 3: My Learning Preferences

VARK Assessment

Learning Preference Study Skills

Week 4

Section 4: My Future Self

Week 5

Section 5: Commitment to Excellence

5772150-47625SS1000 Week 1

00SS1000 Week 1

Week 1 Assignment: Mission & Goals

Welcome to the UMA family and congratulations on taking the first steps towards pursuing your education and accomplishing your personal and professional goals. An objective this important requires specific goals to achieve your desired outcomes and ambitions.

To complete your WEEK 1 assignment, follow the steps below:

Complete the Week 1 module and assigned reading

Follow directions for Step 1 to complete your goal statements

Follow directions for Step 2 to identify your strengths and challenges and the resources available to help you achieve your goals

Assess your work using the student checklist

Revise your response, if needed, and SUBMIT your assignment

Step 1: Directions

Stop and think for a moment. Why is pursuing a new career in the allied healthcare field an important goal for you? What personal, academic and financial goals do you hope to achieve as a result of completing your education?

Complete TABLE 1 below by identifying:

One personal goal that completing your education will help you to achieve

One academic goal that completing your education will help you to achieve

One financial goal that completing your education will help you to achieve

An EXAMPLE RESPONSE has been provided below to help you get started. Please do not copy example goals presented in blue text.


I decided to join UMA and pursue a career in the allied healthcare so that I may achieve the following goals:

Personal: Fulfill my mission to be a role model to my family

Academic: Develop a career where I help others

Financial: Increase my earning potential

Now it is your turn to complete the chart with your thinking!

TABLE 1: Goal Statements

I decided to join UMA and pursue a career in the allied healthcare so that I may achieve the following goals:

Personal: I want to help people in society access better health careAcademic: To be very knowledgeable in my field and be the best out thereFinancial: Establish my own private practice sometime in the future

Step 2: Directions

To accomplish your goals, it is important to understand your academic and personal strengths and the challenges you may face as you pursue your education and career within the allied healthcare field. Although going back to school can be challenging, you are not alone. UMA is committed to your success and offers many resources to help you overcome a variety of challenges that you may experience including those related to childcare, stress management, transportation, technology and academic issues. Everyone needs help at one time or another. Check out the resources provided near the end of this assignment that can help you to navigate obstacles and achieve your dreams.

Complete TABLE 2 below by identifying:

One academic strength

One personal strength

One potential academic challenge

One potential personal challenge

At least one resource to help you tackle the identified academic challenge

At least one resource to help you tackle the identified personal challenge

Additional assistance that you may need to overcome academic and personal challenges

An EXAMPLE RESPONSE has been provided below to help you get started. Please do not copy example goals presented in blue text.

EXAMPLE RESPONSE: Strengths, Challenges and Resources

My strengths that will benefit my school and career success My personal challenges that may impact my school and career success

Academic Strength Personal Strength Academic Challenge Personal Challenges

I know different strategies to help me study for tests. I am always on time for work. I sometimes have trouble keeping myself organized with school. I have unreliable childcare that can impact my study time.

What two resources do you have to help you overcome your academic and personal challenges so you can achieve career success?

The resources I have to help address my academic needs and achieve career success include the UMA student success center and set up an appointment with an Academic Coach. The ComPsych Graduate & College In the Classroom section had great advice about learning online.

The resources I have to help address my personal challenge include my friends who have volunteered to babysit on Saturday mornings so I can study. I also found a local support group 2 miles from home on the Single & Parenting website to help me cope with the stress of being a single parents.

What additional assistance/resources do you need to overcome academic and personal challenges that may impact your academic and/or career success?

In order to tackle academic challenges, I will need to attend Academic Coaching labs that are offered throughout the day.

In order to tackle personal challenges, I will need reliable transportation and local Feeding America locations in my neighborhood.

Now it is your turn to complete the chart with your thinking!

TABLE 2: Strengths, Challenges and Resources

My strengths that will benefit my school and career success My personal challenges that may impact my school and career success

Academic Strength Personal Strength Academic Challenge Personal Challenges

I enjoy studying, I do not read just for examsI do not need any motivation to workSocial interaction with peers is a little low because of the neighborhood I stayA lot of people depend on me which can be overwhelmingWhat two resources do you have to help you overcome your academic and personal challenges so you can achieve career success?

The resources I have to help address my academic needs and achieve career success include Permanent housing help in rent payment offered by the US Housing and Urban DevelopmentThe resources I have to help address my personal challenge include There are a lot of job opportunities within the community. The employment rate in my field is quite high and that is enough motivation for me. The government help in job hunting is top notch.What additional assistance/resources do you need to overcome academic and personal challenges that may impact your academic and/or career success?

In order to tackle academic challenges, I will need Some financial support which will boost my chances a lot.In order to tackle personal challenges, I will need Career assistance in a suitable organization.UMA Resources

Guidance Resources by ComPsych

Brought to you by The Hartford, this site provides support, resources and information for personal and work-life issues.


Child Care & Elder Care

Divorce & Domestic Issues

Marriage & Parenting

UMA Student Success CenterResource Guide breaks down the most important parts of each page of the SSC and when you should be utilizing these pages throughout your UMA journey.

Additional Resources


Head Start and Boys and Girls Club- Low to no-cost/low cost childcare providers

Child Care SupportPrograms varying by state to provide child care support including everything from school readiness to adoption and more for you and your family through

Single & ParentingNationwide search for local single parenting groups. The Single & Parenting groups helps single parents discover some amazing parenting strategies and hope-filled insights.


Temporary HousingHomeless Shelter Directory, a national directory of all local, state, federally supported homeless/temporary housing shelters

Permanent HousingGovernment rent support via US Housing and Urban Development

Housing NeedsPrograms varying by state to provide services ranging from homeless placement to mortgage assistance and more through

Transportation Issues

Ride Share Leveraging groups (Uber/Lyft) and public transportation to get to and from work or Charity organizations that donate cars

Food Assistance

Healthy Diet Local food banks to reduce food costs for families on a budget

Nutritional Support Programs varying by state to provide and supplement nutrition for you and your family through

Technical Assistance

Low cost PC/Internet Connecting families to the internet with reduced cost internet and technology

Learn Computer Skills Learn Microsoft Office from basics to the advanced

Obtain CertificationsEarn Microsoft Certifications to enhance your resume

Career Assistance

Building Experience Volunteer at medical facilitates to obtain exposure to the industry

Careers for those with Disabilities Understanding the process to obtain governmental assistance in the job search process

Legal Coaching Organizations that focus assisting former felons and criminals with placement assistance

Financial Resources

Financial Awareness CounselingProvides tools and information to help you understand your financial aid and help you manage your finances.

Personal Finance and BudgetingWithout a plan for financial success, it is difficult to know which decisions are the right ones to make. Budget your finances to know where your money is going.

Step 3: Review your work using the student checklist

Student Checklist:

I addressed the topic completely using my course and readings materials when needed

I used appropriate vocabulary and professional writing skills, citing all resources used when appropriate

I wrote organized, complete sentences following the format requested

I reviewed my work and corrected any grammar, spelling or language errors

I addressed the topic completely using my course and readings materials when needed

I used appropriate vocabulary and professional writing skills, citing all resources used when appropriate


Seek help if needed, make needed revisions and SUBMIT your assignment:

Re-read your work out loud and review your work using the student checklist and grading rubric

If you are in need of additional support contact your instructor or the Academic Coaching Team at 888-215-8215 or send an email to [email protected]

If you are in need of accommodations please contact UMAs Office of Disability Services. Forms and additional information on the Office of Disability Services can be found at

When you are ready, SUBMIT your work

Check your grades and instructor comments. Grades and instructor feedback will be posted by the following Thursday.

You have completed your Week 1 assignment

Be sure to save your work

Name your file as ASP_YourLastName_w1

Submit this assignment

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Student's Self Assessment Essay Sample. (2019, Nov 08). Retrieved from

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