Psychology: Brain Function, Behavior, and Environment - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-11-30
Psychology: Brain Function, Behavior, and Environment - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Psychology Science
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 405 words
4 min read


Psychology is the science concerned with human and nonhuman animals' behavior, and it first appeared in the 1870s ("Psychology careers guide", 2020). Psychology is a broad discipline and is mainly related to biology and sociology. The profession involves studying the connection of two critical interactions. The first is the connection between brain function and behavior, while the second is the linking between the surroundings and behavior. Psychologists follow scientific methods, with careful observations, experimentations, and analysis, similarly to scientists ("Psychology careers guide", 2020). However, the psychology profession requires creativity in applying scientific findings.

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What does a psychologist do?

A psychologist conducts scientific studies in studying behavior and brain function and collects information by observing, interviewing, surveying, and testing (Sokanu, 2020). It is also the psychologist's work to find patterns that aid in understanding and predicting behavior. By use of their knowledge, they help individuals and groups to understand human nature. Using human behavior experience, psychologists develop programs to improve schools and workplaces by addressing psychological issues (Sokanu, 2020). It is psychologists' work to help individuals, couples, and families make behavior changes. They also act as physicians by identifying and diagnosing behavioral, emotional, or mental disorders then generate treatment plans for the patients (Sokanu, 2020).

What area of study makes up the field?

Psychology is a broad field with many specialties. The field has both research and practice (Sokanu, 2020). In research, human and nonhuman animal behavior, fundamental issues are learned, and the results are applied in solving and promoting human development. The psychology field involves the following spheres, clinical psychologists who evaluate and treat behavioral, emotional, and mental conditions; Clinical and perceptional psychologists are concerned about human perceptions, thinking, and memory ("Psychology careers guide", 2020). Other specialties are community psychologists who strengthen the social systems to meet the people; counseling psychologists who help people realize their potential; development psychologists, and environmental psychologists, among others ("Psychology careers guide", 2020).

What type of disorders is in the field?

Several types of disorders in psychology are; neurodevelopmental disorders, anxiety disorders, sleep disorders, disruptive disorders, substance-related disorders, neurocognitive disorders, obsessive-Compulsive disorders, personality disorders, schizophrenia, depressive disorder, and eating, somatic symptom disorders, dissociative disorders, and bipolar and related disorders ("Psychology careers guide", 2020). All the disorders create distress in the victims.


Psychology careers guide. (2020). Retrieved 6 September 2020, from

Sokanu. (2020). What does a psychologist do? CareerExplorer. Retrieved 6 September 2020, from

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Psychology: Brain Function, Behavior, and Environment - Essay Sample. (2023, Nov 30). Retrieved from

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