Free Essay Example. Putting Location Decisions Into Business Context

Published: 2023-05-17
Free Essay Example. Putting Location Decisions Into Business Context
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Supply chain management Risk management Business strategy
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 570 words
5 min read

The best location of industries, companies, and other businesses in the global setting tends to focus on the outsourcing factors that affect the corporate pillars. All stakeholders in the location decisions extend their prism in the determination of the operation cost structures involved in the location operation. General real estate executives make the right specific location decisions based on the most intent costs tied to the real estate service providers- this is called the economic approach system. The system is a procedural function that covers the considerations of an organization to the strategic business context in terms of profits, returns, and capital required for sustainability.

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Whether setting up a new or a branch of business globally, during the decision-making, it is essential to have a strategic accord between the business location and a site location. The two are contradicting and involve the quantitative and qualitative factors regarding the kind of business setup required. Typically, business location determines the specific internal functions while site location influences internal and external functions, including the goals and targets in the market. In this token, both decisions converge into critical drivers of future business success.

A roadmap is a crucial criterion in the decision-making process. The decision-making is a rigorous operation that involves vetting potential location areas and analyzing them through comparison with factors such as welfare, infrastructure, and security. The roadmap demonstrates these operations in interest groups, including financial management, the commitment by workers, location attributes, and forward gears of the process. This roadmap includes five phases that are joint to the attendance of the goal.

Phase one of the business context directs the decision into a determination of preliminary cost profile integrated into cost, operational costs, operational environments, and business life. Phase two entails the development of a location strategy through the creation of a virtual desired location and later relating the available sites to the imaginary one. The virtual entities include the labor market and threshold attributes. Phase three of the context prepares the supply chain decision, geo- variable comparison of resources flow, and potential localities- Tradeoff analysis is used. Stage four directs the decision concerning primary and secondary diligence data-real-time information of buildings, incentives, and logistic infrastructures. The last phase five prioritizes on the negotiation process where the organization defines itself to the environment. This phase generally takes place through the vetting of success attributes from previous experience or the trend encountered by similar firms in the industry. Qualities of weighing the optimal benefits and losses finalize the roadmap discipline of operation.

I propose that the business context of location decisions is the best criterion for success. The supply chain is a delicate sector that needs protection; this is only done through this methodology of decision-making. The context route is best in risk management and provides reliable and flexible channels, which in turn are very successful. My opinion is that a company or a firm that maintains business context in their location decision experiences sustainability in the operations. I view this context as the center of best prices rotating in most of the firms in today's geo-economic structure. I support the phases of the process as they are of technological advancement, which is the backbone of the trends of the market and ensures definite improvement towards the mission and vision of an organization.


Grubb, & Ellis. (2017). Putting the Location Decision into a Business Context. Https://

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