Recruitment Interview - HR Management Essay Example

Published: 2018-01-14
Recruitment Interview - HR Management Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Human resources Employment Job
Pages: 8
Wordcount: 2028 words
17 min read


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Recruitment is one of the key processes of any business, often viewed as the most critical (Laroche & Rutherford 2007, 24). Sometimes the process is attempted with little planning because directors trust they recognize what sort of individual they need and have a gut feel for who will do it a good job for them. The consequence of picking the wrong person could be costly and the organization can suffer losses. The person picked for the job might not be competent of skilled enough to meet the customers' demands and the companies' expectation. In regards to this, the human resource manager has given the mandate by the organization to create a recruitment process that follows protocol for better and best selection of company's employees. One of the key areas of consideration in the selection process is the recruitment interview. This is where the corporation gets to interact with the job applicants for the purpose of interviewing them for the selection process. The article seeks to discuss and explains key skills required to prepare, conduct and conclude grievance and disciplinary cases effectively and also critically evaluate the skills needed to do recruitment interviews effectively.

Recruiter skills

Skills in Dealing with Grievance and Disciplinary Cases

The first skill to dealing with grievance and disciplinary cases is better preparation and questioning skills. According to Laroche and Rutherford (2007, 34-62), the allegations must be clearly defined for the purpose of investigation. More concern must be emphasized on the nature and scope of the allegations. For formal cases, there should be a discussion on the scope of investigation with the employee who tabled the formal grievance. An examination can essentially be the social event of facts taking a look at existing documentation, for instance, identifying with the past informal or formal administration forms embraced to address an issue. In different examples it might require the arranged and efficient of data collected, interviewing of important witnesses and breaking down significant reports, records, and strategies to decide next strides. How and whom to gather information from has to be considered, it is also questionable to examine the timescales of data collection, analysis and submission of the report (Compton & Nankervis 1991). It is significant to look for witnesses to help in the investigation by getting in touch with them, explaining them the situation, checking their potential relevance and seek their agreement to participate in the process. Other resources that might be evident in the case need to be collected or documented. It is also mandatory to prepare questions that need to be asked to obtain information (Saundry, Latreille & Ashman 2016). The questions have to be relevant to the information one needs to collect either from the witness, defendant or the one with the grievance.

An active listening skill is also another aspect to consider in this process. This skill focuses on the person one is listening to, for the purpose of understanding what message is being passed. Taylor (2007, 120) indicate that Good listener always tries to compose the words and statements made to come up with enhancing better decision making. In this case, one has to listen to both parties on their grievances and disciplinary matters to ascertain the truth behind these claims. At these instances of conflicts, people blame each other, and sometimes the level of emotions can rise. According to Laroche and Rutherford (2007, 45), active listening is a successful device to lessen the feeling of a circumstance. Each time the instructor accurately names a sense, the force of it scatters. The speaker feels heard and caught on. Once the emotional level has been decreased, thinking capacities can work all the more successfully. On the off chance that the emotions are high, instructors ought to manage the emotions first by utilizing active listening skills. Robust utilization of active listening skills can transform a testing circumstance into a co-agent circumstance.

There is a need to poses non-verbal communication. Excellent communication established a better foundation for successful relationships. Significant nonverbal communication results to right gestures, posture, eye contact, facial expression and tonal variation. The discussion by Compton and Nankervis (1991, 113) notes that the capacity to comprehend and utilize nonverbal communication is a capable tool that can help one border with others, express what they truly mean, and fabricate better connections. Non-verbal communication is not just significant in an open day by day communication. It can take dissimilar composition, each of which delineates a specific part of the verbal communication. It includes a diverse source of mechanism that can be determined through this skill. Having a goal to attain on the capacity to work legitimately, translators need to understand non-verbal signals. This is conceivable because a unique piece of our mind manages the emotional part of the message. Intelligence, as well as emotional intelligence, is required for translating non-verbal components (Taylor 2007).

Pacing and timing are of the essence when dealing with grievances and disciplinary cases. The time taken during the case can have positive or negative impacts on the case. For instance, it the time taken was too short, the possibly can be that the decision reached were not appropriate because there was no enough information collected. Taking a long time also can destroy the information because the accused can have the time to destruct the witnesses or even bribe them to give false information (Armstrong 1999). The pacing and timing of the cases must be calculative. It should bring the positive picture and an accurate reflection of the case being investigated. It is also good to give both parties time to prepare themselves for the hearing or interview during the process. Laroche and Rutherford (2007, 34-62) further insists that they have to be given a reasonable measure of paid time off to permit them to brief themselves working on this issue, Ensure you hold the listening to so the partner can go to.

Logical reasoning is the capacity to anticipate suggestions past decisions. With Logical reasoning, one of the capital learning improvements is a consciousness of varying ways to deal with a problem, nearby a capacity to evaluate those methodologies. As opposed to depending on a standard, Haimann and Hilgert (1972, 38) indicates that uniform problem-solving strategy, you can figure out how to distinguish other, regularly more practical, methods, definitely expanding your success. Enhancing this skill likewise helps the one be a judicious mastermind as opposed to being rash. With these skills, one would be more capable of solving complex problem-solving circumstances smoothly, which additionally help the decision-making process. Not just will one turn into a more reasoned and adjusted problem solver, he/she will take in the two sorts of reasoning – inductive and deductive – and when it is proper to utilize one over the other. Establishing decisions in reason and rationale over feeling or sense makes for viable problem solving.

How to conduct a job interview

Skills to Conduct Recruitment Interviews Effectively

Listening skills: Develop your listening skills. Being a substantial audience will demonstrate your enthusiasm for the applicant and urge them to discuss their qualifications. I specifically apply this while employing telecommuters. According to Ricketts (2003), It will help you get the best individual accessible and keep them long haul, regardless of the possibility that they are working remotely. In this way, so as to acquire an ideal data, it is fundamental that one know about his specific channels that have a tendency to block if not avoid clear and moderately undistorted gathering of data (Taylor 2007).

Rating System: New interviewers may be enticed to utilize the underlying imitation that every curriculum vitae submitted can act as a better guide selecting the best candidate for the job. This method is inappropriate professionally. Armstrong (1999) indicates that neglecting to rate every criterion for every confident before contrasting applicants can lead with selecting someone who is agreeable, however not ideal for the employment. The qualified candidates cannot be picked just by a virtual of superstition and probability; they have to be interviewed in order to select the best among them. Without assessing every skill against a standard, Compton and Nankervis (1991, 28-45) indicate that one may end up being influenced in your psyche to pick the best of an awful parcel as opposed to running the entire thing over once more. A compelling assessment rates every hopeful in every success component and thinks about him or her against set criteria.

Building Rapport: The general tone of the meeting ought to be supportiveness and agreeableness to minimize the prompt boundaries to blunt communication. An honest to goodness endeavor ought to be made to comfort the interviewee, particularly in occupation application, advancement, or different meetings where significant differences in status exist. Unless there is a specified adjustment period, the interviewee might be notable decrease his or her level of tension, with the subsequent loss of the whole session (Laroche & Rutherford 2007). A portion of this versatile process is acclimation with the environment. It is an often overlooked cliché that at whatever point an individual is put in an odd circumstance, he gets to be distinctly uncertain.

Seeker's mindset: There are such a variety of approaches to source for ability. There is a wealth of locales, systems, instruments, and stages all implicit some design to make a scout's life less demanding. However, it is the means by which the human resource management uses that will have the effect the recruitment. Ricketts (2003) argues that everything begins with the mindset of the person. Enrollment specialists are big-game seekers, and having the attitude to chase and be determined until the chase is done is a valuable skill set. If the human resource department that does the recruitment process does not observe the procedures promptly, that is not the seeker mindset one need. You need someone who will utilize frosty calling, web-based social networking, Boolean inquiries, systems, and so on keeping in mind the end goal to locate the most grounded and most-qualified people (Haimann & Hilgert 1972).

Structured interview: There is need to have an arranged interviewing process where competitors feel they can introduce their skills and capacities, and the contracting supervisor is formally locked in. The best method for accomplishing this sort of organized meeting among the business specialists we asked is by consolidating both behavioral and situational inquiries questions (Compton & Nankervis 1991).


In conclusion, the human resource department plays a significant role in employee’s participation in the organization and also through the process of recruitment; good employs are destined to increase the productivity of the company. The two discussions and explanation on key skills required to prepare, conduct and conclude grievance and disciplinary cases effectively and also critically evaluate the skills needed to do recruitment interviews effectively, gives some of the effective skills needed in the organization for better service rendering and management.

Reference list

Armstrong, M. 1999. A handbook of human resource management practice. London, Kogan Page.

Arthur, D. 1998. Recruiting, interviewing, selecting & orienting new employees. New York, AMACOM.

Baer, W. E. 1970. Grievance handling; 101 guides for supervisors. [New York], American Management Association.

Bureau Of National Affairs Arlington, Va.. 1963. Government employee relations report. Washington, Bureau of National Affairs.

Center For Professional Responsibility American Bar Association. 1990. Model rules of professional conduct. Chicago, Ill, American Bar Association.

Compton, R. L., & Nankervis, A. R. 1991. Effective recruitment & selection practices. North Ryde, N.S.W., CCH Australia.

Cornelius, N. 2001. Human resource management: a managerial perspective. London, Thomson Learning.

Cunningham, J. B. 2016. Strategic human resource management in the public and non-profit sectors: a managerial perspective.

Dale, M. 2006. The essential guide to recruitment: how to conduct great interviews and select the best employees. London, Kogan Page.

Haimann, T., & Hilgert, R. L. 1972. Supervision: concepts and practices of management. Cincinnati, South-Western Pub. Co.

Laroche, L., & Rutherford, D. 2007. Recruiting, retaining, and promoting culturally different employees. Amsterdam, Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann.

Ricketts, C. 2003. Leadership: personal development and career success. Albany, Delmar Thomson Learning.

Saundry, R., Latreille, P. L., & Ashman, I. 2016. Reframing resolution: innovation and change in the management of workplace conflict.

Taylor, I. 2007. A practical guide to assessment centres and selection methods: measuring competency for recruitment and development. London, Kogan Page Ltd.

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