Religious Observation - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-12-13
Religious Observation - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Religion Buddhism Christianity
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 698 words
6 min read


There are many religions, including Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islamic, and Judaism. They all differ in many respects, including how each religion is organized and the belief in each religion (Joas, 2014). In Christianity, this is an Abrahamic religion based on the teachings and life of Jesus Christ. Its believers are known as Christians, where they believe that Jesus is their savior who was prophesied in the Bible, the Old Testament as the Messiah.

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Part A

The order of service begins when the Christians gather together in the Lord's name, where the church bell amplifies a piece of music to alert the people for the start of worship (Joas, 2014). The service then commences with a greeting by the leader who greets them in the Lord's name, then comes an entrance hymn. Afterward follows the Opening Prayer, where the Christians recognize who they are before God centering the nature of God and His gifts to them (Joas, 2014).

It then comes to the scripture session where the readings are in a sequenced form from a book commonly known as the Lectionary. The session starts with the First Reading, which always comes from the Old Testament, following the Responsorial Psalm. This is followed by the Second Reading from the New Testament, and alleluia song then the Gospel from the Gospel books (Joas, 2014).

A ritual in Christianity is an act that is recited over and over by Christians. Observing the religious practices in Christianity, these include baptism, Holy Communion, prayer, religious education for the children, offering collection and singing where the songs may be composed with or without musical instruments, among many others, therefore, ensuring unity among the Christians as they carry out the rituals (Joas, 2014).

Part B

Christian rituals are essential for the Christian faith, where they provide the form of their spiritual ways of living. The practices also help build families and communities, mark the important events in Christian lives but most significantly, Christians create and maintain their identity through the rituals. The rituals also help Christians strengthen their faith in Christ, thus sharing it with others (Borg, 2009). The Christianity message is associated with love, salvation, and hope. It teaches about Jesus Christ, who came on earth to save Christians from their sins. The statement reflects the Christian set of ideas in a religion where the believers show a decrease in things like drug abuse, criminal cases, and even child abuse (Borg, 2009).

The Biblical message reflects today's issues where the Christians are brought together in unity, avoiding division, learning how to help each other. Above all, the news is the inspirational vision for the church, reflecting salvation and love from Christ (Borg, 2009). The announcement also addresses the present, future, death, or life, and therefore, this makes it hard to choose a specific theme as the main.

Part C

Based on the service analysis, Christians attend the shortest service, which usually takes place on Sundays and is based on the Bible. Some words are mostly used by some Christians compared to other religious groups. The church leaders also realize some new strategies which help them improve the church works and its procession.

It is learned that the church has different classifications where the local class is the ward, which is led by the Bishop, and its members are instructed to serve according to their calls of duty through Christ (Borg, 2009). Besides, it is made clear that operating in a calling is a talent that is realized from some little deeds like teaching in a Sunday school session where the talent grows. It’s also good to know that one should not be forced to serve in a calling for this is done willingly because the serving chances have no end, and through the service, blessings are earned.


Borg, M. J. (2009). The heart of Christianity: Rediscovering a life of faith. Zondervan.Joas, H. (2014). Faith as an option: Possible futures for Christianity. Stanford University Press.

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