Report on Financial Insights: Exploring Stock Options, Capital Budgeting, and Corporate Strategies

Published: 2023-12-23
Report on Financial Insights: Exploring Stock Options, Capital Budgeting, and Corporate Strategies
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Finance Budgeting Business strategy
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 980 words
9 min read

What is the natural option?

It is economically valued right to make or abandon some choices that are available to company managers. These decisions concern business investments and project opportunities and involve tangible assets like land, machinery, buildings, and inventory.

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What are financial stock options?

It refers to agreements giving investors the right and not the obligation to buy or sell stocks at the agreed price. The transactions are usually anticipated to occur in the future. There are two kinds of options which are puts and calls. Put refers to a bet of stock failing while needs are a bet that stock rises.

What are employee stock options?

These are types of equity compensations granted to employees and executives by the company. Instead of the company awarding stock shares directly, the company presents imitative options on the stock as an alternative. The options derive in the form of systematic call options giving employees the right to buy company stock at specified prices in a given period.

What is Capital Rationing?

It refers to acts of placing limits on the quantity of new-fangled projects or investments the company undertakes. It is accomplished by striking higher costs of capital for savings consideration or by locating ceilings on exact shares of a budget. The firms undertake capital rationing to limit or restrict the amount of money reserved for particular projects or investments.

What will happen to WACC if interest rates go up?

The weighted average cost of capital, popularly known as WACC, is the cost of an organization’s capital resources after taxation. If the Fed raises interest rates, the risk-free rate immediately increases, thus increasing the business’s WACC. And so, if interest rates go up, the weighted average cost of capital also increases.

What will happen to IRR if interest rates go up?

Internal rate of return, also called (IRR) refers to amounts likely to be gotten on capital that is invested in proposed business projects. However, these capitals come at costs, known as the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) (Liu, Wang, Zhang, Chen & Fu, 2018). If the internal rate of return surpasses WACC, the net present value, called NPV of company development, will be encouraging. Accordingly, if interest goes up, the weighted average cost of capital also rises, thus plummeting the predictable net present value of proposed business projects.

Where will the new equilibrium be? More investment or less investment?

The new equilibrium will point towards more growth in the company. It, therefore, means that there will be an increase in investment.

How events like the 2020 crisis affect the size of a firm’s capital budget?

Events like the pandemic crisis of 2020, where interest rates for many corporate borrowers fell very low, affect the capital budget. These events affect businesses, both big and small businesses. Such events cause negative advancement in the gross domestic product. Besides, there is an increase in corporate debts together, dampening a company’s accounts receivable.

What is done in the post-audit?

Post-audit is the scrutiny of the result of capital budgeting investments. The scrutiny is steered to determine if the expectations incorporated in the original investment proposal turned to be accurate and if the development product was as predicted (Liu, Wang, Zhang, Chen & Fu, 2018). The outcomes of the audits are after that merged into impending capital planning decisions, thus refining the policymaking process.

List several benefits of the post-audits

Several benefits are attributed to post-audits. Post audits examine how profits consequential to the post-audit procedure are linked to various features of the progression itself, and with the business’s practice and setting. Post-audit tests and develops the proposal that the paybacks emanating from post-auditing are associated with the way the procedure is organized and to roles the organization needs the post-audit to accomplish.

Why do managers in large corporations have to write so many reports and go to so many meetings?

The requirements in any firm or organization are that people remain accountable for their work. In cultures of collaboration, it require that for people to move forward, there is a need for a review or input from all members of the organization, which is the essence of the cooperation requirement between supervisors and other workers to sit down and discuss the performance of the firms. During meetings and writing reports, the entire team in the company sits down and reviews statistics on deliverables. Also, from the discussions and information from previous meetings, they can improve the performance in operations of the company.

What is outsourcing, and how does it reduce risk?

Outsourcing refers to business practices of seeking people outside a corporation to create goods traditionally performed internally by the business’s workers and staff. It is carried out as a means of cutting costs. It can reduce risks by bringing the company to its footing whenever a company faces problems such as a natural calamity, a technical crisis, or market fluctuations. Thus, the offshore outsourcing partners can continue working on their assignment

What is the purpose of giving stock bonuses to employees or management but locking it up, so they can’t have it or sell it for, let’s say, 5 or 7 years?

The purpose of giving stock bonuses to employees is as compensation, motivation, and incentive for the excellent performance of employees. Giving stock bonuses is a right approved by a corporation to its staff or management to obtain shares in the business, but then again, these shares are non-outright. They remain locked to prevent corporation insiders from gaining a prejudicial transaction advantage.


Liu, H., Wang, Y., Zhang, C., Chen, A. S., & Fu, G. (2018). Assessing real options in urban surface-water flood risk management under climate change. Natural Hazards, 94(1), 1-18.

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Report on Financial Insights: Exploring Stock Options, Capital Budgeting, and Corporate Strategies. (2023, Dec 23). Retrieved from

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