Report on Rethinking Schooling: Balancing Year-Round Education and Personal Exploration for Student Growth

Published: 2023-12-22
Report on Rethinking Schooling: Balancing Year-Round Education and Personal Exploration for Student Growth
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education Students School
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 436 words
4 min read

What is your current thesis?

My current thesis, which is driven by knowledge acquired from the workshop, states; that there is the necessity to develop a comprehensive schooling calendar that will allow students to engage in their learning activities while allowing students to have personal time for self-discovery and exploration of other non-educational related interests constructively.

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Did your thesis change after participating in the workshop?

After participating in the workshop, my thesis statement has slightly changed as the workshop helped me realize that as much as constant schooling may be a good idea; there are some downsides attributed to this approach. Among the critical challenges associated with year-round education, especially for K-12 students, the process is likely to deny the students the essential extracurricular time necessary to develop other essential skills.

If so, what changes did you make and why?

It is essential to acknowledge that the thesis statement's change does not indicate a lack of belief in the former thesis statement. Year-round schooling has been identified to have numerous advantages. For instance, schools located in fast-growing areas tend to transition to schedules involving year-round to ease overcrowding (Brusseau et al., 2019). The students get placed on multi-tracks, tracking in and out of school, which is a process that keeps the buildings in constant use (Finnie et al., 2019). This, therefore, goes to show some of the advantages of year-round schooling cannot be overlooked. Taking this into consideration based on the knowledge gained from the workshop, I was able to develop the new working thesis.

How does your thesis align with, support, and satisfy the project’s objectives? [MO4.3]

The change in my thesis statement was motivated by the fact that we're living in an era where there have never been such vast opportunities before. As a result, there is a necessity to allow learners to explore different avenues, which will help them make an informed life decision thus aligning with, supporting, and satisfying the project’s objectives.


Brusseau, T. A., Burns, R. D., Fu, Y., & Weaver, R. G. (2019). Impact of year-round and traditional school schedules on summer weight gain and fitness loss. Childhood Obesity, 15(8), 541-547.

Finnie, R. K., Peng, Y., Hahn, R. A., Johnson, R. L., Fielding, J. E., Truman, B. I., ... & Community Preventive Services Task Force. (2019). Examining the effectiveness of year-round school calendars on improving educational attainment outcomes within the advancement of health equity: a community guide systematic review. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 25(6), 590-594.

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Report on Rethinking Schooling: Balancing Year-Round Education and Personal Exploration for Student Growth. (2023, Dec 22). Retrieved from

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