Statistical Analysis and Data Interpretation - Free Essay Sample

Published: 2023-10-28
Statistical Analysis and Data Interpretation - Free Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Data analysis Statistics
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 814 words
7 min read


The data being recorded needs statistical interpretation to understand data probabilities clearly. The elaboration of the data helps make decisions and futuristic. The numerical data recall data record in the tabulated and variables being critical analyses and parametron sets give credible information about the data. The probabilities distribution, elimination of outliers. Hence easy calculation of distribution.

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A normal distribution is the probability function describing how variables and values are distributed. It is a crucial distribution probability due to its benefits of many natural phenomenons with measurements. In this scenario, it is a normal distribution due to is parameters of calculation of mean, median, upper limit, and lower limit, summing up to the 5-number summary and having an average skewness.

No outlier is the data that significantly differ from other recordings observation. The outlier turns up due to the variability measurement indication experimental error. It is necessary to eliminate outliers in the data due to analyses diversion and minimize the mistakes (Imoto et al., 2017). In this particular distribution, there is no outlier since the mean is 72.65, and the July records are not far away from the mean hence no outliers.


The predictive information in the analysis of prediction of the information in the universal intelligence to give the futuristic report hence need probability. Have a consistent record of the first 20 days. It is elaborative to have the information in the analysis of speculation in the investigation.

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They are having that the binomial distribution being the simply and probabilities in outcome experience on the survey on the repetitive times. Analytic, the binormal type, has two possible distribution outcomes. Frequently the binomial distributions having two potential issues the success and the fail. In this scenario, it fit to have the binomial distribution of the analysis and probability functions due to the bisection of analysis (Beltrán-Beltrán & O’Reilly, 2016). The parameters of measurements s of the performance have the store customers visit, and the customers' online visit and shopping. Once it can efficiently bee analyses in the binomial distribution of the customers' preference of online goods and purchase on the physical store.

Original Example

The Apple Company has been facing the challenges of the competition and the scandal of piracy and copyright competition with Samsung company. The scandal in the management and the specification design being revealed to other sections in the application of the management in the considerable employees struggle for the high seat.

The company could use the probabilities in the speculative dynamic change in the market, with the scenarios of having a statistical kind of uncertain formation in the futuristic consideration of having the information in the statistical analysis the review of the futuristic information production probability with the essential information in the futuristic life. The employees can turnover into consideration of details of the competition and if not possible, to have the information in the life of humans (Imoto et al., 2017). Without the information in the life of the expansion of the company to extensive geographical consideration.

Being a data analyst, I can credibly have consideration of improving the company and hedging the competitive knock out of company consideration improvement. It is essential to have the parameter of measurement of improvement company (Beltrán-Beltrán & O’Reilly, 2016). The sale management, the stock, and design improvements on the apps were collecting data. Data in binomial distribution and the analytic part of scanning the market. The data on the company having an improvement in sales. Partly the standard probability in the life of human consideration. Poison distribution is necessary for having the considerable improvement in the variable calculation of experience.


The probability calculations in “what percentage of people will have access to smart form apple life and goods” the chance in probability calculation that the company loses with considerable having totality in listed question (Kim & Jun, 2016). The probability of accessing the new probability ascertaining the needs to have a credible projection.
The speculative calculation in the necessary speculative computation in ensuring that apple products are sold to complete area coverage (Kim & Jun, 2016. The explanation in the considerable information of the health section and discussion of the company competition hedging.


Beltrán-Beltrán, J. I., & O’Reilly, F. J. (2016). On goodness of fit tests for the Poisson, negative binomial and binomial distributions. Statistical Papers, 60(1), 1-18.

Imoto, T., Ng, C. M., Ong, S. H., & Chakraborty, S. (2017). undefined. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 46(24), 12210-12225.

Kim, J., & Jun, S. (2016). Zero-inflated Poisson and negative binomial regressions for technology analysis. International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications, 10(12), 431-448.

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