Sports Essay Example: Structural and Functional Constraints

Published: 2019-10-22
Sports Essay Example: Structural and Functional Constraints
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Sport Anatomy
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1597 words
14 min read

The loco motor skill of study is watching Jackson dribble the ball while running on the pitch. The observation of the activity is that the person exudes the capability to dribble and run at high speeds of about 100 meters in 1 minute and 30 seconds. He makes turns in quick motion even though are difficult establishing whether the person experiences challenges in undertaking the task. In line with the hypothesized development scheme on page 82, I enlisted the progress of Jackson as follows.

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a). Leg component

i. His movement suggests that he takes much time lifting the front limbs from the ground because of having a flat foot. However, the structural components pose a minimal impact on the movement of the character when dribbling the ball on the ground. He was in step 2 and had already hit the ball with both the right and the left foot.

b). Arm action

i. He was on the third level and signs of his shoulder affecting movement were already evident. His lower shoulder appeared to force him to lean back while running with the ball in a straight line.

The ballistic skill I studied was throwing the ball in the air using his hands, and I looked at page 101 in evaluating the performance of the person in throwing a ball in an open ground.

Trunk action

In his third step, he had raised the hand above the head. The performance differed from the expectation of I had since he threw the ball far away.

Backswing, humerus, and forearm action (overarm throw)

In backswing, he rushed in releasing the ball before adjusting the leg position to enhance stability in the process.


The humerus synergized with her back movement suggesting the ability to flex the shoulder beyond the ordinary movement.

Foot action

In his second step, he had already moved to the position of throwing the javelin. The act contradicted the expectation in which people make the movement on the third step.

The manipulative skill I monitored is juggling the ball in the air while trying to establish the feet balance. I released a ball on motion to him to begin juggling while eon air to establish a rhythmic motion. From a distance of about 5 meters, I evaluated the rhythmic actions of the feet on the ball using the guideline of our learning activity manual.

Arm action in liaison with leg movement

He was in step three with the arm action in stiff position as he placed the ball to the chest before releasing it to the foot to hit it back in the air.

Hand action

In the same step, the hand action was much in sync with the arm action even though the motion of the hands was evident. The direction of the fingers suggested that he could anticipate where the ball will fall.

Body action

He curled his feet outward allowing the body to adjust for stability. He was in step three as the hands were free in the air anticipating making movement that helps the body maintain some sense of stability.

Structural constraints

loco motor

Jackson has grown taller and added some weight a development that is typical of teenagers in their adolescent years. He appears comfortable dribbling the ball, but his structure lacks the flexibility he exuded years ago. The trend could suggest strengthening of the body structure. Unlike before, it seems challenging for him lifting both feet off the ground simultaneously. He reported experiencing fatigue on the forehead after hitting the ball with the head. His turning is also affected due to the increase in body girth.

The air was calm on the day of the activity even though the intensity of the sun was high. It was easier to observe Jackson sweating profusely and struggling to cover his vision from the brightness of the afternoon sun. His body appeared stable despite the resistance of the muscles for quicker turns.

He had a scar in the upper section of his limbs but from the communication the condition had nothing to do with Jacksons performance. He talked about experiencing insignificant pain from the impact on the ball brushing on the healing scar.


Jackson has added some weight in the past few years besides increasing in height. He was much taller in comparison to the situation a year ago. On the negative, the bodys action was not rhythmically with the movement of the ball suggesting that Jackson had slowed in juggling the ball aerially.


He juggled the ball with much difficulty leading to the suggestion that the physical body changes had affected his accuracy and flexibility. Although his size did not bear a direct significance, his repeat miss of the ball implied that he exuded less energy unlike in the past. As noted on page 322, a correlation exists amid the ability to strain the body and increase in physical stature. Through the observation of the actions of Jackson, one learns that rotation with the ball is simpler to a person in motion, unlike the case where one is station on the ground.

Functional constraints

Loco motor

He exuded passion in dribbling the ball in the presence of peer unlike when undertaking the practice alone. He showed signs of comfort playing with a lighter ball but lacked interest in running up and down the pitch when the instructor is within the vicinity. He disliked heading the ball in the air on claims that the weather did not suit the activity. Furthermore, he reiterated that the action could lead to head injuries.

The students perform the activity thrice a week, but such has not made Jackson bored with playing football. He is only bored with warm up exercises recommended by the trainer before every session. He also dislikes running that they partake each week as part of class fitness activity.

The parents rarely support Jacksons participation in footballing activity, yet the coursework highlights a connection amid commitments and influence of parents in involvement in the activity. He dislikes the attitude and going by the trend he might reduce the practice since the functional constraints have an impact on a students linking for sports.


We attempted long range hitting at the ball and realized Jackson prefers hitting the ball at short distances to gain much control.


When the audiences cheer and interfere with the ball, Jacksons approach shifts and he slows to enhance comfort in control of the ball.

Closer observation suggests that people concentrating in seeing the performance affects the reaction of Jackson and such affirms that esteem of the character affects the undertaking.

6. Task constraints

a. Loco motor

i. He desires to take part in competitive sporting activities at the local level.

b. Ballistic

i. He does not set strict goal, but his actions express the desire to improve after each session


Changing the size of the ball affected confidence. For instance, a bigger ball seemed easier balancing, unlike a smaller ball.

7. Environmental constraint

a. locomotor

i. The sun seemed to affect light intensity besides contributing to increasing rates of exhaustion from the exercise.

b. Ballistic

i. The expectation is that football is an occupation for those unable to pursue a career in academic sphere is the undoing for Jackson. People consider it a leisure sport even for those intending to pursue it professionally.

c. Manipulative

i. The terrain affected the motion of Jackson because the evenness of the pitch inspired quicker movement.

d. Gender appropriateness

i. Jackson took part in a session likened as a men sport making it less stereotypical. On the negative, the assumption was that it could affect class performance as highlighted in page 278

8 Ten years from now

i. Boys no longer experience growth in height

ii. Body weight might increase, and the flexibility of the bones reduce

iii. Chances of suffering injuries will increase at the age of 22


i. Des footballing as a passion but appears to take the game seriously

ii. Peers will influence the characters more than parents regarding choices for sporting engagement

iii. Pursuance of a career in academic might affect his participation in sporting activities mainly playing football.

iv. It is hard quantifying the esteem and the ego of Jackson in the next 5 to ten years since the environment as well as individual choice influence the attribute immensely yet on numerous occasions the facts that contribute to the changes sift a lot. On that note, it is impractical making an assertion based on the observation of the behavior of males in similar age group.


v. The preference of the 22-year-old might shift since people in that age engage more in passive pastime activities as opposed to engaging in outdoor sporting activities. There is the possibility of the person disliking some of his preferences.

vi. Another expectation is that Jackson's body will have stiffened enough to enable him to take part in more than one strenuous activity simultaneously. An example is juggling the ball while running around the pitch.


Jackson will still be encountering people persuading him to take interest in the sport since the reasoning of many is that footballing is a masculine sport that can serve as a tremendous career in adulthood.


A myriad of factors contributes to the decision of a person when it comes to engaging in footballing activities. As a trainer, the tone one employs when instructing a teen affects the response of the person which in turn influences the liking for the sporting activity (271). Aside from the attitude, the physique of a person affects the manner in which he reacts. The health is of critical importance as it affects the sociocultural connotation that people equate to participation in different sporting activities. The change in the physique of Jackson will increase his endurance rates in sporting activities but contribute to sensitiveness about his image (273).

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