Paper Example: System Requirement Checklist

Published: 2023-03-27
Paper Example: System Requirement Checklist
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Planning Data analysis Analysis Organizational behavior
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 572 words
5 min read

For an information system to meet business usability and requirement, it includes the modeling that is made up of the systems checklist. The systems requirement checklist falls into five categories of the system, which include output, input, process, performance, and control.

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  • This encompasses the result produced by a system after it has gone through a modeled process. The checklist for output includes the generation of reports:
  • Daily activity reports such as all sales transactions. For example, the Bumblebee program produces a report for one local daily activity.
  • Monthly report of member sales. For example, the Bumblebee program also produces three reports prepared at the headquarters
  • Exception reports showing inactive members and late payers
  • Quarterly profit and loss report


  • Manually entering the cash sales into the system
  • Manually entering mailed-in payments- It allows the creation of an online portal so that members can directly apply for payments to their accounts.
  • Selection of history and activities by the members
  • Emailing suggestions and messages of the members
  • Activity usage fees selected by the members
  • Members selecting their membership type


  • Transmitting of the accounts receivable summary to headquarters by the manager
  • Reports review for online payments by the members
  • Checking membership if it is limited or full first before employees enter cash sales
  • Following the procedure when obtaining email messages and suggestions from the members
  • Redesigning the process for scanning of credit cards or ID cards
  • Obtaining information on profitability at a more frequent rate
  • Managing staff and instructors that work part-time


  • The performance of the system to be able to differentiate full and limited members as well as the prompt employees
  • The operational system is only during the hours of opening
  • Communication with members through email
  • Managing the information on staff working part-time
  • Designed analytical features


  • The ability of the employees to change their member accounts
  • Adding or editing of member accounts by the employees
  • The human resources department can only delete the member accounts
  • The company uses a standard coding system
  • Creating better audit trails
  • Better reconciliation of data

The Problem of Incorrect Interpretation

Experiencing incorrect interpretation is normal, especially in the course of implementing the system. During this process, there is always a change in the requirement that significantly affect the project that is under research. Some of the important teams, such as those in charge of research and development, are left out in the correspondence occurring between the business and the customer (Rosenblatt, 2014). There is a need to evaluate the network currently operated by the customer. The information needed should be analyzed and implemented, and this should include what the user finds as valuable from the previous network. For customers, they expect that the project is implemented within a timeframe that is not considered reasonable. Issues must rise as the system requirement development project is presented in three platforms.

Iterations of Requirements

Iterations of requirements can solve the incorrect interpretation. A successful launch can be achieved by developing a product that is not misconstrued for the client. Frequent discussions with the customers are good to ensure that the product is successful. The discussions would help to determine what would be feasible for use (Whitten, Bentley, & Dittman, 2012). All the options that the clients provide may not be possible to be implemented; thus, the client should be allowed to utilize a test product. The clients can provide feedback for areas of improvement through a test product.


Rosenblatt, H. J. (2014). Systems Analysis and Design (10th Ed.). Boston, MA: Course Technology, Cengage Learning.

Whitten, J. L., Bentley, L. D., & Dittman, K. C. (2012). Systems Analysis and Design Methods 5e. McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

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