Paper Sample. Technology Issues in Organizations

Published: 2023-04-19
Paper Sample. Technology Issues in Organizations
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Information technologies Business management
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1480 words
13 min read

In the current society, organizations tend to adopt new technologies to have a competitive advantage over their competitors. For the organizations to remain relevant in the market, they need to adapt to the ever-changing environment, thus meeting their clients' needs. The changes in technology can be beneficial to the organization but can also lead to issues that require to be managed for a positive outcome. The technology issues are experienced in organizations due to improper management and training of workers. Technology in organizations leads to communication improvement, fosters innovations, and reduces costs. Also, since organizations are moving to telecommute, technology increases the involvement and participation with the remote workers. The changes in the economic landscape have led alterations in the business environment, thus requiring specific actions that can help in meeting the client's expectations. Therefore, due to increased tasks and competition in organizations, this paper will focus on technology challenges as issues that deal with management.

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Technology Challenges Experienced by the Modern Organizations

Businesses are unable to choose the appropriate technology that is based on the organization's needs. Investing in modern technology feels overwhelming for most organizations. Fear of failed implementation and selecting the wrong technological tool makes organizations hesitate when acquiring advanced technologies. For organizations to remain competitive in the world market, they have to incorporate the new technology into their system (Babaei & Beikzad, 2013). The organization's management has to determine the organization's strengths before choosing a new technology tool. Also, understanding the skills possessed by employees can help the organization to decide the type of technology tool to incorporate in the business. Therefore, before choosing any technology to use in the organization, the management must determine their needs and what technology can solve.

Consequently, integrating the new technology applications with the older systems is among the significant challenges experienced by organizations. Also, the integrated systems act in isolation as they cannot integrate with other systems, thus becoming an issue in businesses (Srinivas, Reddy & Qyser, 2012). Integrating applications tend to help in comparing organizational performance and also promotes business management procedures (Ejiaku, 2014). Therefore, since the information technology facilities are developed efficiently and respond to the clients' expectations, the management needs to integrate the new technologies they need to leverage.

Cybersecurity challenges are among the significant issues experienced by most organizations. The cyber-attacks arise from across the world, thus causing businesses and organizations to develop strategies that secure their territories. For example, the advanced persistent threats tend to penetrate servers and systems, thus staying for a longer time without being detected. The advanced threats mine the sensitive information from the organizations that fail to protect their data. Also, data can be affected by malware, where it begins to encrypt on the stored files. The internet of things threats affect the transmission of data since it is a system of interrelated digital, computing, and mechanical devices (Ejiaku, 2014). The Internet of Things devices also identifies other devices through unique codes. Therefore, through the IoT, whenever an individual accesses a single device, they tend to access all the tools, thus leading to an increased risk of gaps and attacks in securities.

Additionally, organizations are not willing to use cloud security in the storage of data unless it matches the online security standards. Most organizations tend to have their data centers where they can take full control. Cloud utilizes multiple services, thus making the cloud-based products to share one's information with the third-party whenever they are used in transferring or processing people's data (Babaei & Beikzad, 2013). Whenever one is using the cloud services, they entrust their data to the third-party for security and storage. Cloud computing presents challenges in checking for data errors, security, privacy, and defending against the security breaches. Therefore, sharing people's information with the advertisers make consumers lose trust with the organization.

How Applying the Management Concepts can be used in Mitigating the Technology Issues

Classical Management Theory

The classical management theory is among the oldest concepts that focus on operations and development of standards that increase the production outcomes. In this theory, compensation is termed as the motivation factor for employees. Managers who practice classical management are focused on increasing the output and rewarding the performing employees through bonuses and wages. For example, the introduction of technology in organizations aims at improving productivity and promoting the security of consumers' information. Technology in organizations is under the scientific management theory as it minimizes the production time. The scientific approach provides all the activities which organization conduct. The use of technology in the organization improve communication between the employees and worker hence promoting faster delivery of services (Ejiaku, 2014). Employees in an organization are taught how to use various technology platforms, thus reducing the risk of low productivity. Therefore, utilization of the classical management theory allows the managers to minimize the technology challenges, thus improving the organizations' output.

Behavioral Concepts

The behavioral theory aims at involving the people-oriented approaches, thus satisfying the interpersonal needs of workers. Managers who tend to practice behavioral management concepts motivate their employees by creating a collaborative environment in the organization. As employees operate various technology tools, they come up with decisions on how they can improve the organizations' output. The challenges experienced by organizations such as cloud security can be mitigated by advising the employees to use encryption security as it protects one's data (Babaei & Beikzad, 2013). Also, the use of human relation theories allows organizations to motivate their employees, thus enabling them to deal with technology issues. Therefore, conflicts that result in organizations can be solved by ensuring the managers become sociable, thus determining the problems that face clients and consumers.

The modern management concepts navigate the exponential complexities, which might hinder service delivery through technology platforms. For example, technology is among the elements which bring change in organizations. Through modern management concepts, managers tend to use statistics for encouraging cross-operational cooperation and measuring performance. For example, the qualitative theory, which is a category of the modern management theory, allows the managers to use the system experts in solving various technical issues (Ejiaku, 2014). Also, the system theories categorize the organization as departments that deal with multiple technology systems to promote efficiency. Therefore, the interrelated departments in organizations or businesses work as a team, thus improving the achievement of the set goals and objectives.

How to Select the Management Theory to Solve the Technology Challenges

Management concepts provide various insights that act as managerial requirements. For example, organizations combine classical management, modern management concepts, and behavioral concepts to promote management success. Some of the technical issues, such as cyber-security, integration of the technology application, are dealt with through the development of the new management systems. The combination of these concepts has led to the establishment of the new organizational models that possess less or no structured stages. Managers tend to considers multiple factors whenever they are deciding on the concepts to use when mitigating technology issues. Therefore, through the use of technology businesses, the management requires less but skilled staff who can deliver quality services.


The increased tasks and competition in organizations have led to technology use, thus facing challenges as issues that affect management. Technology issues are experienced in organizations due to improper management and training of workers. Technology in organizations leads to communication improvement, fosters innovations, and reduces costs. Businesses are unable to choose the appropriate technology that is based on the organization's needs. For organizations to remain competitive in the world market, they have to incorporate the new technology into their system. Also, cyber-attacks arise from across the world, thus causing businesses and organizations to develop strategies that secure their territories. The advanced threats mine the sensitive information from organizations that fail to protect their data. Also, the willingness to use cloud security in the storage of data unless it matches the online security standards. Organizations use various management concepts to deal with multiple technical issues. For example, behavioral theory aims at involving people-oriented approaches, thus satisfying the interpersonal needs of workers. The challenges experienced by organizations such as cloud security can be mitigated by advising employees to use encryption security as it protects one's data. The modern management concepts navigate the exponential complexities, which might hinder service delivery through technology platforms. Therefore, technology issues hinder service delivery; thus, management concepts are used in solving these problems.


Babaei, M., & Beikzad, J. (2013). Management information system, challenges, and solutions. European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences: Proceedings, 2(3 (s)), pp-374. Retrieved from

Ejiaku, S. A. (2014). Technology adoption: Issues and Challenges in information technology adoption in emerging economies. Journal of International Technology and Information Management, 23(2), 5. Retrieved from

Srinivas, J., Reddy, K. V. S., & Qyser, A. M. (2012). Cloud computing basics. International journal of advanced research in computer and communication engineering, 1(5), 343-347. Retrieved from

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