The Change Cycle: Key to Implementing Effective Change - Esay Sample

Published: 2023-11-12
The Change Cycle: Key to Implementing Effective Change - Esay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Management Business
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1031 words
9 min read


Organizations use the change cycle in their management to deal with change effectively, efficiently, and practically. Organizations utilize the six predictable change stages to respond and to adjust to change (which is unpredictable). The stages of change identify employees' cognitive processes and behaviors correlated with change (Atkins, 2019). Organizations, therefore, use the change cycle to develop a framework through which change is effectively managed.

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The Importance of Implementing Change in Dr. Young's Organization

Implementing organizational change is of great importance. It creates more efficient and effective organizational shifts within organizations (Karaxha, 2019a). Young's organization would have better performance outcomes. Change implementation prepares staff to work and drive away skill gaps while projects within the organization become more successful. The application of change reduces both anxiety and stress of employees. Scholars claimed that change affects employees' morale and productivity in addition to loyalty. Through the change implementation, Young's organization has its workers, partners, and customers retained since change aligns organizational values with its operations.

What Happens after Dr. Young's Unsuccessful Change Implementation?

Upon unsuccessful change implementation by Dr. Young's organization, Outcomes different from those of a successful change implementation get produced. Skill gaps will be created; workers will be kept unprepared for future works, and thus, productivity decrease while goal achievement and organization excel, fail to be reached (Karaxha, 2019b). The values of Young's organization fail to align with operations creating shifts within the company. In turn, it may lose its employees, partners, or clients/ customers. The staff gets subjected to a series of anxiety and stress, which increases resistance to the organization. Researchers provided that a failure in the implementation and management of organizational change creates a situation where workers have little understanding of the desired outcomes, fail to cooperate fully to achieve goals, and take little collaboration with organizations. This dramatically impacts organizations' processes and activities, creates operation complexities, and eventually increases operation and productivity costs.

Managing and Overcoming Resistance from Management Professionals

Managing and overcoming resistance to change in the context of skilled and semi-autonomous professionals can be achieved if effective change management is actualized. In the initial steps of change implementation, making workers capture and leverage passion and all emotions that are positive about the change help to avoid resistance (Donald, 2018). It is essential to engage senior leaders who visibly and actively sponsor change to proactively address any related issues and their root causes before change gets implemented. Additionally, the management needs to be recruited for change support while they act as advocates. The need for change should be communicated earlier while making an explanation of both the impacts and benefits to employees

The Three Lens Framework on Processes of Organizations

Organizations observe, analyze, and make designs of their projects with the framework of the three lenses. The strategic, political, and cultural lenses have each particular providing an insight that is invaluable to the different relationships and the organizational processes' elements. The three lenses form the basement for recommendations by organizations, providing for adjustments. Additionally, they ensure that all operations of projects within organizations are successful, leading to goal attainment and, eventually, organizational excellence. The formal structure, alignment, and linking in addition to environmental processes identify the Strategic Design Len. When organizations exhibit a lack of environmental fit and internal alignment, a change is driven.

Organizations have their stakeholders contesting for power and autonomy. They, therefore, experience processes of conflict and negotiation in addition to the building of coalitions. Stakeholders' shift in power becomes essential in driving change under the Political Len. Finally, the Cultural Len views organizations as mental maps that are shared and identical. Leaders are cultural symbols that shape organizational culture. The critical processes involved here are attributions, norms, and cognition, in addition to finding meaning and interpretation. Interpretations that are new and primary assumption challenges drive organizations to seek change.

Impacts of the Three Lenses to Organization, Workers, Leadership and Customers

The three lenses, when applied to bring change, have both direct and indirect impacts on Young's organization, leadership, workers, and customers. The organization gets to align its structures and resources against its goals and objectives and eventually, excellence (Salerno, 2008). Workers' morale is impacted positively due to minimal power dominancy and conflicts amongst the staff. The costs of operations and production decline, while more services are produced. Services and goods are offered to customers at relatively low prices. Leaders are knowledgeable of the meaning of culture and interpretation. Shaping cultures of the organization determine workers' turnover and morale, which impacts on productivity. Culture shaping creates an integrative environment that suits business operations.


In conclusion, an effective change implementation is essential for organizational increased productivity and excellence. It reduces employees' stress, anxiety, doubt, and discomfort. A sense of unity, integration, and employees' morale get improved. Companies incur low production and operation costs due to negligible resistance to change by management professionals. Since unsuccessful change implementation impacts negatively on organizations' outcomes, overcoming them require effective implementation of change characterized by little resistance. Prosci in his model (ADKAR) provided that identifying employees' barrier points helps to know the root causes of resistance that are eventually addressed. With the change cycle's help, organizations should embrace positive change, which leads to excellence in achieving organizational goals and objectives.


Atkins, S., (2019). Trust-based mentoring towards a new based knowledge state as a change cycle: Exploring key interpersonal interactions. Retrieved on: 14/8/2020.

Donald, L.C., (2018). Managing workplace resistance to change. Retrieved on: 14/8/2020.

Karaxha, H., (2019). The importance of implementing changes in organizations. Retrieved on: 14/8/2010.

Salerno, A., (2008). The change cycle: How can people survive and thrive in organizational change. Retrieved on: 14/8/2020.

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The Change Cycle: Key to Implementing Effective Change - Esay Sample. (2023, Nov 12). Retrieved from

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