The Clinical Problem or Issue Faced by the Rehab/Nursing Home - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-05-14
The Clinical Problem or Issue Faced by the Rehab/Nursing Home - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Nursing care
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 573 words
5 min read


Long shifts are one of the problems that nurses face in the nursing home. Nurses are frequently required to work more long hours due to hospital management cutting costs or short-staffed. It is discriminately when nurses work for long hours than they are supposed to since it can affect the delivery of quality of care and also put their health in danger (Rheaume & Mullen, 2018). When nurses work for long hours, they can suffer from long-lasting back, leg pain, and shoulder. Most of the nurses develop medical situations that are long-term, for instance, cardiovascular and diabetes issues. Nurses can suffer from fatigue, daytime sleepiness, and impaired mental function if not well-rested (Dall' Ora et al., 2019). It can, therefore, affect the nurses' ability to make proper verdicts which can compromise the safety of the patient

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Four Implications of Nursing

Nurses may examine and create new strategies to compensate for cognitive impairment and maintain and improve cognitive function. The new procedures are in the works. Computer gaming, which is one of the strategies to develop cognitive function, represents a new region for exploration (Flood & Coyne, 2019). The training paradigms, for instance, those that do not need a specialized trainer, are required to enable cognitive functioning treatment.

Nurses introduce simple methods that aid the patients to compensate for cognitive decline. These methods can be implemented and combined on an individualized basis is to make them friendly to the user and more accessible for older patients. The techniques can also aid the elderly adults to compensate for reasoning losses that are related to age, which may improve quality of life.

Nurse researchers and nurses detect, educate, intervene, and create new tactics for individuals who are in danger of developing cognitive impairment. Nurses may talk to patients, communities, and members of the family on means to promote productive cognitive aging. Nurses should encourage the elderly to use several cognitive strategies. Some of the recommended preventive health tactics include exercising, avoiding the use of the substance, and eating well.

Older nurses often see adults who are aged in their primary care. They need to evaluate patients for the reasoning decline during the visit to refer and detect a patient who is at danger for cognitive impairment (Figueiredo et al., 2016). Nurses can aid initial referrals to psychiatrists, psychologists, and neurologists since they inquire about the sigh of decline.


Long working hours are one of the issues that the nurses in the nursing home face. The long working also results in more nurse's burnout, which shows a higher intention to leave their positions and reduced patient satisfaction even though they express appreciation with their schedules. Nurses should encourage adults who are older to use several cognitive tactics but not relying on the same type of stimulation.


Dall'Ora, C., Ball, J., Redfern, O., RecioSaucedo, A., Maruotti, A., Meredith, P., & Griffiths, P. (2019). Are long nursing shifts on hospital wards associated with sickness absence? A longitudinal retrospective observational study. Journal of nursing management, 27(1), 19-26.

Figueiredo, S. V., de Sousa, A. C. C., & Gomes, I. L. V. (2016). Children with special health needs and family: implications for Nursing. Revista brasileira de enfermagem, 69(1), 79-85.

Flood, C., & Coyne, I. (2019). A literature review of the psychological status of asylum-seeking children: implications for nursing practice. British journal of nursing, 28(7), 461-466.

Rheaume, A., & Mullen, J. (2018). The impact of long work hours and shift work on cognitive errors in nurses. Journal of nursing management, 26(1), 26-32.

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The Clinical Problem or Issue Faced by the Rehab/Nursing Home - Essay Sample. (2023, May 14). Retrieved from

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