Free Essay on The Contributions of Edwin Chadwick and Lemuel Shattuck

Published: 2023-11-14
Free Essay on The Contributions of Edwin Chadwick and Lemuel Shattuck
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  World Healthcare policy Historical & political figures
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 882 words
8 min read

In the course of history, various central figures have played different essential roles in their countries. From championing for human rights to making of astounding political reforms, these iconic figures represent are instrumental in impacting revolutionary change in their nations. Some renowned data in the field of history include; Martin Luther King Jnr. Who fought for equal rights for all American people irrespective of race or any other cultural differences (Finer, 2016). Edwin Chadwick and Lemuel Shattuck are two figures who made significant contributions to their respective countries.

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Edwin Chadwick was an English social reformist who played an essential role in the formation and improvement of other social reforms in the medical health sector. The key areas in which Edwin Chadwick focused his attention on included changes in urban sanitation and public health. The pharmaceutical industry in England was suffering a managerial crisis which required the implementation of better reforms that could facilitate the delivery of better services across the country. Chadwick’s report “The Sanitary Condition of the Laboring Population of Great Britain (Willcox, 1940)” led to the formation of the Public Health Act of 1848 in which the British government took responsibility for the healthy well-being of its citizens.

Lemuel Shattuck was a Boston-based politician who also made significant contributions to the field of healthcare. Lemuel Shattuck played an essential role in the area of public health and also helped in the further advancement of tropical medicine and general hygiene. Due t his contributions in the healthcare sector, he was honoured by naming the Lemuel Shattuck Hospital in Boston after him. His ability to make the above reforms mostly contributed to his political career in which he was able to use his following to come up with the most effective campaigns. Lemuel Shattuck also played an essential role in the design and implementation of the Boston census of 1845 which earned him a position in the consultation team for the 1850 National United States Census. Through the model he had initially developed, in the American Statistical Association, Lemuel was a crucial contributor to the introduction of quantitative statistical research in the field of medicine. With such immense contributions, to the American medical health sector and other areas of public administration, Lemuel Shattuck was another instrumental figure in the United States history who managed to make significant contributions in the healthcare and public administration sector.

Summarize the critical functions of the World Health Organization

With the onset of globalization, the world has taken a more collaborative approach in addressing matters and issues of international concern. Some of these issues include healthcare and the delivery of health administrative services. This has resulted in the formation of foreign bodies that operate around the world to facilitate the delivery of such essential services. The World Health Organization (WHO) is an international body that works worldwide to promote health, keep the world safe, and serve the vulnerable. The body’s goal is to ensure that a billion more people have universal health coverage, to protect a billion more people from health emergencies, and provide a further billion people with better health and wellbeing.

The WHO has four main objectives i.e.

Provision of health services emergencies- under this provision, the WHO ensures that there is the provision of timely responses in the event of a health crisis challenge thereby putting measures in place to mitigate the further spread of disease outbreaks. The WHO is also charged with the detection of and response to health emergencies. The body aims at ensuring that there is the delivery of effective health services where service delivery is made to the people in a timely as well as reliable way.

Promotion of people’s healthy wellbeing- here, the critical function of the WHO is aimed at ensuring that there are the development and implementation of health policies that will help all the people access quality services. By ensuring that policies promoting health service delivery are implemented, the WHO can deliver quality services to the people at a global scale, thus facilitating the realization of the set-out objectives.

Implementation of programs aimed at the maintenance of healthy wellness- the primary function under this objective is aimed at the development of socially oriented services. Through service delivery to the less vulnerable members of the society, the WHO can meet its primary function as a leading health service provider on the global scale ("What we do", 2020). Among the services that the body offers under this category include; promotion of mental health wellness, monitoring climate change concerning population health, and prevention of non-communicable diseases, among other vital roles.


The WHO is a body that plays a central role in the management of health service delivery across the world. For instance, during the Coronavirus pandemic outbreak, the World Health Organization has played an essential role in ensuring that a systematic approach is followed in addressing the pandemic. Similarly, the WHO has ensured that there is the provision of the required aid to third-world countries during the epidemic.


Finer, S. E. (2016). The life and times of Sir Edwin Chadwick. Routledge.

Willcox, W. P. (1940). Lemuel Shattuck, Statist, Founder of the American Statistical Association. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 35(209b), 224-235.

What we do. Who. int. (2020). Retrieved 19 August 2020, from

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