Essay Sample on The Decision to Organize

Published: 2023-08-14
Essay Sample on The Decision to Organize
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Human resources Job Organizational behavior
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 482 words
5 min read

There are diverse reasons that may lead employees of an organization to unionize. Some of the outstanding reasons why employees may decide to organize a union include job security- many employees will always want to know whether their future jobs are protected against arbitrary treatment (Felgate, 2020). Such concerns have been brought about majorly by increasing technological advancement that worries most employees for future job opportunities as most firms adopt automation methods of production. Moreover, employees often join unions or form unions because of the need for recognition. Since most organizational structures do not offer such recognition to their employees, employees are always likely to join unions that offer them such opportunities.

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Besides, unreasonable benefits and the pay offered by the company can sometimes compel employees to organize unions or join existing unions to push for a pay increase and reasonable work benefits (Hertel-Fernandez & Porter, 2018). Finally when employees' welfare is not fully addressed by the organization's management team, and other reasons such as compulsion by employment contract to do so, and social pressure to join the unions, employees are most likely to join or organize their union and fight against the organization and for their perceived rights.

A manager can use different strategies that can be employed to minimize the likelihood of union formation by the organization’s employees or their chances of joining existing unions. The manager should always ensure consistent policies and fair practices for all employees in their working environment (, 2020). Moreover, managers should also establish organizational structures that encourage trust, convenient and effective communication, and recognition of employees’ exemplary performance. Besides, creating open-door management policies is also a significant consideration that managers should take into account as it promotes transparency and openness with the organization's management team and their employees.

Managers, therefore, should also ensure that the company’s compensation packages are proportionate with that of their rival organizations because employees frequently compare their compensation packages and salary to that of their organization’s competitor (, 2020). Additionally, managers should ensure a philosophy that enables flexibility within the organizations to adjust and adapt to contemporary market conditions. As a manager, I would also ensure that I am consistent in pay and benefits packages administration, this way I shall have minimized the chances of my employees organizing a union. Organizations that address employee problems and encourage good associations between management teams and employees, instead of threatening employees, laying off, transferring, terminating employees' contracts, and spying on unions, are less likely to be faced with union formations and representation by their employees (Felgate, 2020).


Felgate, Y. (2020). Human resource management moral competencies. SA Journal Of Human Resource Management, 18.

Hertel-Fernandez, A., & Porter, E. (2018). Bread and Butter or Bread and Roses? Experimental Evidence on Why Public Sector Employees Support Unions. SSRN Electronic Journal. (2020). What can management do during a union campaign?. SHRM. Retrieved 25 May 2020, from

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