The Effect of Lack of Vocabulary on Saudi Students. Free Essay

Published: 2023-08-29
The Effect of Lack of Vocabulary on Saudi Students. Free Essay
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Learning Students Languages Essays by pagecount
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 695 words
6 min read

Knowledge in vocabulary is important among students. Over the past years, research on vocabulary testing and learning has increased. Learning vocabulary is necessary because it enables a person to learn a foreign language easily. For instance, students who come to America for further studies have a challenging time learning English vocabulary. Instructors, as well, have a challenging time teaching English as a foreign language (EFL) to Saudi students to enhance their vocabulary. The purpose of this study is to explore the lack of vocabulary that Saudi EFL students face when learning to be proficient in the English language. The research aims to answer the question of how Saudi EFL learners can develop proficiency in English.

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Research Issue

Speaking in a foreign language is, without a doubt, the most challenging part of learning. English is an international language that many people use in crucial sectors such as business and education. In the process of learning the English language, Saudi students have a challenging time learning vocabulary. Khan et al. (2018) indicated that vocabulary is important because it enhances oral communication. Additionally, when learning vocabulary, students face challenges such as memorization, pronunciation, and using words correctly (Afzal, 2019). Furthermore, Al-Masrai and Milton (2012) suggested that vocabulary knowledge is needed to speak a foreign language without experiencing difficulty. Without a doubt, there is an urgency of delving into research to understand the challenges that Saudi EFL students face when learning English.

Key Terminology: English as Foreign Language (EFL), English proficiency, vocabulary


Among EFL students, the desire to speak a foreign language is existent. However, there are challenges to being proficient in English as a first-time learner. For example, Kha et al. (2018) stated that many Saudi EFL students complain that they tend to forget the vocabulary they learned in lectures quickly. Also, Hassan (2015) indicated that instructors have a challenging time teaching EFL Saudi students vocabulary speaking skills. The justification of this research is seen in other studies. Yaacob et al. (2019) affirmed that vocabulary learning strategies enable students to advance in society and culture, as well as the interaction between individuals. Such examples of research justify the need for this current study to get more insights into the challenges that Saudi EFL students face when learning the English language and what they can do to overcome those challenges.

Research Question

How can Saudi EFL learners develop English proficiency through vocabulary strategies?

Methods and Participants

The method that will be incorporated in the research will be a qualitative design. The research attempts to find out how Saudi students can be good English speakers by using vocabulary. Open-ended questionnaires will be used and distributed among the participants. Thirty-five participants will be included in the study. The criteria for selecting the participants will be Saudi students who have been in America for the past 6 months.

Validity and Reliability

A comparison of other qualitative studies on the lack of vocabulary knowledge in Saudi students will be used to establish the validity and reliability of this research.


The research will seek approval from the University’s ethics board. Also, all participants in the study will provide informed consent. Additionally, after the end of the study, the participant’s views will remain anonymous.


Afzal, N. (2019). A Study on vocabulary-learning problems encountered by BA English

majors at the university level of education. Arab World English Journal, 10(3), pp.81-98. doi:

Al-Masrai, A., & Milton, J. (2012). The vocabulary knowledge of university students in Saudi

Arabia. TESOL Arabia Perspectives, 19(3).

Hassan, N. A. A. (2015). Saudi EFL University instructors’ barriers to teaching the speaking

skills: causes and solutions. college of languages and translation, Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University. (Master Thesis). Retrieved from Arab World English Journal (ID Number: 222. February 2019,1-53. DOI:

Khan, R. M.I., Radzuan, N. R. M., Shahbaz,M., Ibrahim, A.H., & Mustafa, G. (2018). The role

of vocabulary knowledge in speaking development of Saudi EFL learners. Arab World English Journal, 9(1). doi: 10.24093/awej/vol9no1.28

Yaacob, A., Shapii, A., Saad Alobaisy, A., Al-Rahmi, W. M., Al-Dheleai, Y. M., Yahaya, N., &Alamri, M. M. (2019). Vocabulary learning strategies through secondary students at Saudi School in Malaysia. SAGE Open. doi: 10.1177/2158244019835935

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The Effect of Lack of Vocabulary on Saudi Students. Free Essay. (2023, Aug 29). Retrieved from

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