Free Paper about the Impact of Religion and Culture on International Business

Published: 2022-09-06
Free Paper about the Impact of Religion and Culture on International Business
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Culture Religion International business
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 984 words
9 min read

Historically, religion and culture have made a considerable contribution to the dominant forces in human behavior. Religion and culture are the principal forces that dictate how people live because of the different belief and stereotypic systems cautioning their ability to make certain decisions. The philosophic perceptions on the components of national culture and traditional religious practices play a significant in international trade habits because of the superstitions of the use or prohibition of certain products (Batz, 2015). This paper will explore the impact of religion and culture on international business making a considerable evaluation on the contribution of different religious or ethnicities in making business-related decisions in the international market commodification of certain products or services. The paper will show the empirical relationship between religious and cultural beliefs on the effect the trends of the market popularity of certain goods and services in the global market front.

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Religious institutions make a direct and considerable contribution to human behavior which has long-term, and short-term impact on international trade. Economic transactions in international trade expectations have positive and negative religious effects on the strengths of religious affiliation conduct. Cultural and religious diversification has over the years made significant impaction the understanding of certain human participation in different investment and other trade-related practices to show morality or sound reasoning dictating the trends of people of different cultures engaging in those particular international business practices. For instances, some religious or cultural habits prohibit certain people in engaging in business activities that compromise their beliefs and ethnicity causing them to defect from their international business practices. Again, certain religious and cultural beliefs prohibit the followers from the utilization of certain products or services that may be regarded to compromise their beliefs, such practices and beliefs will have a direct impact on the commodification of those products in the international market changing on their use in the customer outreach base affecting the business trend in those products. Consequently, certain products or services emphasized for use during certain religious and cultural functions increase their demand level on the supply and demand curve which makes both direct and indirect impacts on international trade of the particular goods and services.

The shared believes, rituals and values attributed to religion and cultural contribution of business systems in the global market change the assumptions regarding the right, good, and importance of commodities in the international market. Religious denomination ad believes like Christianity, Hinduism, and Islamic religions have different effects on people from different cultural ethnicity in their conduct and preference on participation in trade and business ventures (Blum & Leonard, 2001). For instance, religious affiliation like Islam that prohibits women to form engaging in a vigorous business transaction and competitive trade field reduces the gender orientation in international business in the contribution of this marginalized members of the community. It is worth noting that the connection between different cultural and ethical systems in international regions between multinational relations affect the code of conduct among its people especially on the attribution of principles which include loyalty, honesty, and obligatory reciprocal which build on the trustworthy relationships among business partnerships and employment principles of diverse human resources. (Foltin & Standish, 2004) These beliefs and practices emanating from religious and cultural reasoning help build or break the business relationship in the international arena in the dominant shape of social behavior and sound reasoning.

Religious and cultural affiliation dictates the discriminatory and nondiscriminatory networks among international business platforms. The nature of exclusive networks divert the trade trends as well as create new trade habits in the chared believers and non-believers potential to elaborate their mutual benefits in a religious and nonreligious institution as well as the diversification of cultural orientation of the people (Noland, 2003). Trade expansion on the diverse religious and cultural networks directly affect the commerce and business transactions because of the unpredictable influence of customs laws, governance and social diversification of communities to derive the ambiguous framework on the effects of religious and cultural networks effect on international trade.

The impact of religion and cultural orientation of global people affect the international business organization in the expansion multinational companies dictating to bridge the gap between business different cultural to establish acquisition of business mergers and cultural territories. Conclusively, religion and culture have made a considerable contribution to the dominant forces in human behavior. The principle in business relation helps the culture and religion because of the different belief and stereotypic systems cautioning their ability to make certain decisions. Cultural and religious diversification in the understanding of certain human participation in different investment and other trade-related practices to show morality or sound reasoning dictating the trends of people of different cultures and religious or cultural habits prohibit certain people in engaging in business activities that compromise their beliefs and ethnicity causing them to defect from their international business practices (Rauch, 2001). Certain products or services emphasized for use during certain religious and cultural functions increase their demand level on the supply and demand curve which makes both direct and indirect impacts on international trade of the particular goods and services regarding the right, good, and importance of commodities in the international market. Religious denomination ad believes like Christianity, Hinduism, and Islamic religions have different effects on people from different cultural ethnicity in their conduct and preference on participation in trade and business ventures. The shared believes, rituals, and values attributed to religion and cultural contribution of business systems in the global market.


Batz, Annegret (2015). The Influence of Religion, Ethics, and Culture on International Business, Munich, GRIN Verlag,

Blum, Ulrich & Leonard, Dudley (2001), Religion and Economic growth: Was Weber Right? Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 11: 207-230.

Foltin, Richard T. & Standish, James D. (2004). "Reconciling Faith and Livelihood". Human Rights Magazine (Summer 2004).

Noland, M. (2003), Religion, Culture and Economic Performance, Institute for international economic working paper, January.

Rauch, James, (2001), Business and Social Networks, Journal of Economic Literature, 39: 1177-1203.

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