Essay Sample on The Language Barrier

Published: 2023-12-27
Essay Sample on The Language Barrier
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education Communication Languages
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 464 words
4 min read


This will make it challenging to communicate with fellow students, instructors, and administrators. For instance, lack of English proficiency could be a barrier for successful participation in the host community, whereby students will not understand instructors. It could be extremely shy and uncomfortable speaking in English due to the accent, which will prevent me from completing many of my daily accomplishments. It becomes challenging to make friends, comprehend lectures, and participate in the classrooms where the cultural dynamic is very different. Asking for help does not come easily because there are difficulties in expressing my needs clearly.

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Cultural Differences

There will also be difficulties in culture because of interactions with different people from diverse cultures, challenging to integrate. This can be difficult, especially when living with roommates, whose behavior may seem strange and wrong, but these behaviors are quite normal in your new home. This could be observed in terms of dressing code and types of food eaten. Cultural diversity will force one to accept and deal with different value systems, signs, and symbols of social contact, communication patterns, and interpersonal relationship patterns to avoid misunderstanding and uneasiness.

Isolation and Loneliness

When surrounded by people whose appearance, fashion, and language are different, one will feel uncomfortable or disconnected. The loneliness could be due to missing the culture and linguistic setting, due to loss of contact with those who share one’s concerns or view of the world. It may also result from finding yourself in cross-cultural relationships but at a lower level of empathy than the same culture relationships. One might be afraid to celebrate some festivals due to the fear of miscommunication, which can lead to isolation by developing an intense dislike of the environment or merely the locals opposing views. Another cause is relocation, which may involve separation, not just from intimate relationships but most of a person's social networks and support systems, resulting to isolation due to either their limited understanding of the host culture or respect they have for their own culture

Discrimination and Prejudice

Students from the host institution might develop a negative attitude towards international students because they worry that they pose threats to their economic, education, beliefs, values, and social status. A negative stereotype concerning the behavior of newcomers is created when interacting with people from different cultures. Most educators make assumptions about students, considering them to be irresponsible, drug addicts, violent. some teachers do not reach out to international students because they believe these students won’t have a bright future due to language barriers, their appearance, or cultural differences

Contributions in the Interaction

I want to share my background information such as culture, language, and ethnicity to create a friendly environment with my colleagues to feel free and willing to share theirs.

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Essay Sample on The Language Barrier. (2023, Dec 27). Retrieved from

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