Thinking on Ethical Issues - Free Essay Sample

Published: 2023-11-07
Thinking on Ethical Issues - Free Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education Ethics
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 667 words
6 min read


My thinking on ethical issues has been challenged. I found out that it is not all about choosing a right or wrong between two alternatives. Ethical issues entail a lot of thinking and planning to determine unethical conduct. It is crucial that people stop giving attention only to the headline-making ethical issues like discrimination and sexual harassment. Workers suffer because no one addresses what they go through almost daily. Ethical lapses have permeated employee practices and have been normalized. Today, an action like picking a phone call while on duty is considered okay, yet it goes against any organization's ethical standards. It is vital to think about issues happening around me since people do not realize that their behaviors are unethical. As a society, there are ethical violations that are ignored because no one finds such actions to be severe. The fact remains that it is wrong. I have changed my thinking and will give equal attention to all ethical violations, even though the issues do not make it to the headlines.

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An Occasion in Life When I Saw Myself Using the Faulty System

I was once forced to tell a lie because it was for the right course. I did not want to hurt a close friend's feelings and make her feel bad about herself. Jane had been blinded because of the burns she received in a house fire. I visited her in the hospital, and she was most concerned about how disfigured she might look. She asked if she looked awful and to what extent. Her state was devasting I did not wish to make her feel worse. I told her that the effects were not as adverse as she thought. Utilitarianism determines actions as either right or wrong based on their actions. Although I lied, I made my friend happy amid all the pain.

Issues in Applied Ethics That Would Have Been Covered in Class

One issue in applied ethics I wish would have been covered is whether life can be immoral yet meaningful. Moral people find beautiful meanings in beautiful occasions and things. Therefore, deciding to be immoral is closing the doors of happiness. Can life be meaningful in such a state? Everyone is free to choose a life they want, whether immoral or moral. Furthermore, each person has his/her reasons for adopting a particular way of life. The other applied ethical issues that would have been discussed is if it makes sense to forgive someone for wronging someone else. If someone harms a child, the parent also gets hurt. The role of a parent as a protector is usually challenged in such instances. Some people believe that only the victim should forgive and no one else. In my thinking, parents may forgive, but it does not mean children have forgiven. They may develop the urge to get back to the people who hurt them.

The Two Things I Would Change About the Class

One thing I would immediately change is the reading materials that I sometimes find difficult to comprehend. The importance of reading is to gain knowledge and understanding. I would choose equally important materials that offer an easier time to read and grasp content. The other thing I would immediately change is the lack of self-evaluation among students. It is one of the best ways students can assess their progress. Effective self-evaluation serves as a wakeup call in identifying gaps in areas that need improvement.


The first thing I would not change is the assignments. They have proved to be beneficial to the entire learning process. Furthermore, the assignments have created an opportunity to think and learn about ethical issues. Searching for answers gives room to find out more than I had imagined. I shall use the knowledge in the future. The second thing I would not change is that the class was detailed with subject matters relevant to contemporary issues. It was a reminder that ethical behaviors should be upheld in all areas of our lives.

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Thinking on Ethical Issues - Free Essay Sample. (2023, Nov 07). Retrieved from

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